"Third brother, sit tight."

"Yiyi's driving skills are still as good as ever."

A strong wind blew across her face, and her black hair was flying in the air. The girl changed her usual obedient attitude, and her porcelain-white face was filled with excitement.

It was as if a steam engine was installed in his chest, boiling and making loud noises.

The orange Ferrari bypassed the crowded streets and rushed towards a sparsely populated road with unstoppable momentum.

Winding Mountain Highway is located to the west of Mingdu City, which is a famous holy land for drag racing.


The roar of the car was getting louder and louder, which made people feel as if they had been pumped. The whole person was extremely excited.

The winding mountain roads are winding and rugged, and the track has many sharp turns, which extremely tests the mental quality and operational level of the racers.

Entering the winding mountain track, you will see a group of fashionably dressed men and women in front of you.

There was a truck parked next to it, and the door was wide open, revealing a small mobile bar inside.

The sound of heavy metal music echoed throughout the area, making the atmosphere even more exciting.

There is no doubt that a racing game is taking place here.


An orange Ferrari was parked at the entrance. This new model car immediately attracted everyone's curious and puzzled eyes.

Damn it, a limited edition Ferrari? Whose baby is this? !

Several people's eyes met, and they all saw in each other's eyes that this was not the racing driver they invited.


In the car, Mu Changying looked at the battle outside, stroking the steering wheel with her little hands and raising the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Third brother, there is a competition here~"

"Looking at this posture, it seems that a group of rich young men and rich daughters are looking for excitement."

Yeah, she just got a new car and ran into a game. It seems that she is very destined to this game.

"Yiyi, if you like it, go and participate. My brother will accompany you."

The girl's excited tone made the corners of Li Nanxun's mouth slightly raise.

He leaned lazily on the passenger seat, stretched out his index finger and pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

No matter which time and space she is in, my sister is still passionate about racing, and her original intention has never changed.

Mu Changying's brows warmed up, and a clear laugh escaped from his throat, "Third brother, I will show you what victory feels like in a moment."

Is this family? He won't stop her from doing things she likes on his own initiative, but is willing to go crazy with her.

Well...it's such a wonderful feeling to be pampered by your brother~

Hearing this, Li Nanxun raised his hand and rubbed her little head, "Yiyi, third brother believes that victory will be yours."

"Third brother, do you have so much confidence in me?"

"Of course, because you are my sister."

He didn't know how skilled the people present were, but he knew that his sister's status in the Blue Star racing world was at the top.

The two smiled at each other tacitly, then pushed the cart out the door.



As soon as they came out, everyone who craned their necks to wait could clearly see the girl wearing a bunny suit getting out of the driver's seat.

Her little face is white and tender, as delicate and soft as a minor.

Looking at the tall and slender man behind her, everyone was speechless for a moment.

Is this a mistake? This man should be sitting in the driver's seat!

After the scene was silent for a few seconds, a young man wearing large colorful pants and a pair of slippers pushed away the hot girl in his arms.

"Ahem, cough...what... Although everyone can participate in the competition we are holding today, little sister, you should go home..."

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