As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a death gaze falling on him.

The man in shorts touched his nose awkwardly, "Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to look down on you..."

However, this figure and appearance are too disturbing.

If an underage girl gets into an accident while playing car racing, how will they explain it to her family?

Moreover, one look at this limited-edition sports car shows that she comes from a wealthy family, and she is probably the daughter of some family who has just returned from abroad.

"Little sister, if you don't want to go home, you can also cheer for them as a cheerleader."

"Sister, are you an adult? Although this kind of game is exciting, it is also very dangerous. A weak girl like you should not try it easily."

Everyone was talking to each other, and the noise made Li Nanxun's ears hurt.

Anger rose in his heart, his brows furrowed, and he scratched the hair on his forehead irritably.

The other hand was in his pocket, and his thumb and index finger were rubbing the fabric of his trouser pocket.

"Who are you calling sister? She is my sister, not yours. Don't keep having random relationships."

"Also, since you don't mean to look down on us, let us participate."

Don't think that he doesn't know what these people are thinking in their heads. They are just doubting Yiyi's strength.


Li Nanxun's mocking words based on his strength were sharp and harsh, and several people present had their foreheads twitching.

This kid is as good as 285,000 yuan, and what he said is a bit arrogant and deserves a beating. Has he never experienced the darkness of society and the sinister nature of people's hearts?

"Third brother, don't be angry. Otherwise, you won't be able to find a girlfriend if you become ugly."

Mu Changying glanced at the people present, stretched out her little hand to tuck her wind-blown hair behind her ears, and folded her legs casually.

It doesn't matter if she really looks down on her, she will blind their titanium alloy dogs in a while.

"What is a girlfriend?"

That kind of thing not only takes time to maintain the relationship but also wastes money on gifts.

Can a girlfriend have a sweet and soft sister? What do you want that thing for? !

Everyone: Damn, you deserve to be single!

Mu Changying: "..."

I hold my forehead speechlessly, and thousands of words are gathered into silence.

Looking at the two people, the man leaning on a Lamborghini took a deep breath from the cigarette in his hand, and a thin layer of smoke filled all around him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, stubbed out the cigarette that was about to reach its end, took a breath of mist, and said, "Let them participate."

The driving skills of the girl who just entered the scene will definitely kill the people present on the ninth floor and above. Instead of worrying about her, they should worry about themselves.

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother, isn't it good to let her compete together? Isn't this bullying?"

"Yes, and what if something bad happens to her? Where can we find an older girl to compensate her parents?"

Upon hearing this, the other dudes instantly became unhappy and retorted one by one.

Chu Muye stepped on the cigarette butt with his foot and glanced at them coldly, "Shut up, it's decided."

Seeing his displeased expression, everyone had no choice but to shrug their shoulders and choose to shut up and compromise.

Forget it, let this girl participate, just take it as if she is here to go through the motions.

In addition, call an ambulance to avoid being unprepared in the event of an accident and causing a fresh life to disappear in front of your eyes.


Is this man with pink-orange hair their boss?

Tsk, his ability is not bad, he told these arrogant teenagers to give up in a few seconds.

Mu Changying's pupils shone with a strange dark light, and her delicate lips opened slightly, " should be careful next time~"

Once on the field, she will not show mercy~

[Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo,, , uh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... there's 10,000 updates on the 30th, I'll try my best to save the manuscript first.]

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