The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 318 The correct way to open a racing car

No one took the girl's soft words to heart, everyone thought she was joking.

With the mentality of caring for children, a group of people looked at her with particularly amiable eyes.

Well, just think of it as your own child making trouble unreasonably.

As big brothers and sisters, they must be tolerant and not bully children at will.


After opening the car door and getting in, the two of them fastened their seat belts, and the loud heavy metal music sounded.

The young man who acted as the referee held a flag in his hand and waved it down hard, and the remaining cars rushed out.


The orange-hued Ferrari missed the opportunity and did not rush to the front. Instead, it was surrounded by several cars and blocked in the middle.

"Tsk... you are attacking me from both sides, are you trying to make me lose the game?"

"Yiyi, they think they can subdue you with this little trick. Ha, these kids are still too young in their tricks."

Mu Changying held the steering wheel with one hand and put her tongue on the stem of the tooth and licked it.

There was a look in her eyes, and her docile little face was stained with unruliness, "Brother, don't worry, aunt, I will teach them the correct way to open the racing car right away."

He raised his head and glanced at the curve ahead, stepped on the accelerator hard, and turned the steering wheel sharply.


Seeing the orange Ferrari suddenly pass a group of cars, far ahead, Chu Muye, who was sitting in a blue sports car, narrowed his eyes.

He squeezed the steering wheel in vain, "Fuck, is she crazy?

There is a sharp bend ahead, and even the most skilled racing drivers can only slow down in this situation.

But this girl's racing speed is increasing instead of slowing down. Is it possible that she is going crazy trying to win?


The speed of the car soared, the wind blew, and Li Nanxun's specially styled hair this morning was extremely messy.

The sunglasses he was wearing were a little unstable and almost fell off in the wind.

Mu Changying curled her lips, "Brother, don't be afraid, I won't let anything happen to you."

This is just a small game, nothing to worry about.

"Ahem, I... of course I believe Yiyi."

Li Nanxun grabbed the seat belt vigorously and looked ahead, pretending to be calm.


The curves were winding and extremely narrow, and the car's tires made a sharp sound as they rubbed against the ground.

When the orange Ferrari slid sideways into the corner, its rear wheels were only a few centimeters away from the cliff, and it was almost in the air.

As long as one center of gravity of the car is unstable, the car will be crashed and people will be killed.

The situation was critical, but there was still no trace of anxiety on Mu Changying's face.

She narrowed her narrow eyes and licked the corners of her lips, "Well... the blood all over my body is boiling."

As expected of a limited edition, this car is really easy to drive.


The rear wheels rolled over the edge of the cliff, and a few rocks fell loose and fell into the bottom of the unfathomable cliff.

When the people behind who slowed down saw this, their faces showed horror, and they all slowed down again.

"Holy crap, where's the ambulance? Is the ambulance here? If this continues, someone will die!"

"Professional racing drivers don't dare to play like this, and she is too brave."

"This is not playing with a sports car. This is clearly playing with human life, okay?"


Chu Muye cursed lowly, hammered the steering wheel hard, then took out a bottle of mineral water, opened it, wetted it with a towel and covered it.

Just as he covered his face, a hysterical roar came from his ears.

Damn, something happened? !

He quickly raised his head, and the scene in front of him made him open his mouth in disbelief, and the towel in his hand fell into the car.

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