The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 319 The second place is a bit slow...


The smooth orange-hued Ferrari tilted and slid sideways, gliding perfectly through the curve and heading forward.

At the same moment, the rocks on the edge of the cliff were completely loosened, and a pile of small stones fell down, creating a crack of about ten centimeters.

If you don't control it well and go through a curve at high speed, just this small crack is enough for someone to fall off the cliff and die.

"Is this... so powerful?"

"Six six six, this sideslip is simply textbook level!"

"A well-behaved underage girl can be so powerful. It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance."

A group of dudes seemed to have forgotten that they were participating in the competition and started talking among themselves.


Chu Muye brushed his pink-orange hair with his hand, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

He has always wanted to form a racing team, but has struggled with the lack of good candidates.

The current situation is simply that someone will hand you a pillow when you feel sleepy!

He must find a way to get this woman into the motorcade.

"Silly Que."

Chu Muye glanced at the crowd and without giving them any hint, he lightly stepped on the accelerator and drove around the bend.



The Ferrari was racing on the winding mountain road, the wind was howling, and it stung slightly on the skin.


Li Nanxun's hair was messy, his body was tense, and his breathing was imperceptibly rapid.

It’s been a long time since I played such an exciting project, I really miss it!


Mu Changying looked forward firmly, with determination to win in her eyes.

Accelerate the speed quickly, extremely, desperately, and enjoy the thrill of running with the wind.

The distance on the track is shortened, the finish line is getting closer and closer, and victory is in sight.

People standing at the finish line saw a racing car approaching quickly, and they craned their necks to watch.

"Who, who is the first one?!"

"I think it should be Ye Ge. Ye Ge was the undefeated car king in the previous competition."

"I agree with this point of view. After all, Brother Ye has trained with a professional team for a year. If not for the later..."

"Shut up, this is what Brother Ye least wants to hear, don't let him hear it!"

Several people who were talking about it heard the sound of the supercar's air waves and raised their eyes.

Everyone looked dull when they saw the orange Ferrari, which was quite surprising.

People make mistakes and horses make mistakes, but Brother Ye is not number one? !

The first person was not one of them, which was a bit embarrassing. They craned their necks and continued to wait.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After a full minute, the second place car was nowhere to be seen!


The car door opened and a girl in a bunny suit stepped out.

Mu Changying leaned on the car and looked at the silent group of people with raised eyebrows.

She lowered her head and played with her fingernails carelessly, "Second place is a bit slow~"

The driving skills of these children are really not that good, and the fun is not enjoyable at all.


Everyone was hit by an arrow, and the huge hole was filled with bright red blood.


Li Nanxun got out of the car, picked up the mineral water, twisted it and poured it into his mouth.

Because he drank too quickly, some water droplets spilled from the mouth of the bottle and slid over his chin, wetting his chest.

The shirt was wet and stuck to her body, vaguely revealing the outline of her chest muscles.


Oh my god, this is so charming!

A group of girls stared at him closely, wanting to rush up and take off his clothes.

Li Nanxun drank the water, screwed the cap on the bottle and threw the empty bottle into the car.


When he bent over, his baggy sunglasses slipped and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

[Tomorrow’s update will be at 23.10pm]

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