The old lady agreed with her face, nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you can't eat more, we have to eat soon."

She just got distracted and forgot that eating too much fruit was not good.

The waiter kept everything about Nannan in mind. It seemed that he really liked this girl to the core.

"Yeah, I won't eat more."

I'll have to eat the food cooked by the chef soon. If I eat too much, my little belly won't be able to hold all the delicious food.

Mu Changying held a fork in her little hand and chewed the cherry with her little mouth, her eyes shining brightly.


An ordinary apple tasted delicious to her.

Rong Shichu stared at the remaining apple pieces on the plate, with deep disgust in his eyes.

Hey, isn't it just a rotten apple? Make it look like you haven't eaten it for hundreds of years. A country bumpkin is a country bumpkin!


The young man's disgusted look was too unconcealed, so Mu Changying raised her head with a gentle smile on her face.

"Son, you seem to want to eat it. Do you want to try a piece?"

Her big eyes sparkled, her watery pupils were rippled, her concern did not seem to be fake, and she showed her loving motherly heart to the fullest.

"Yingbao, you can just eat it yourself." Rong Yanyuan glanced at his cheap son coolly, "His hands are not crippled. If he wants to eat it, he will peel it himself."

This was an apple he peeled specially for Yingbao, and this boy was not qualified to eat it.

The difference between the treatment before and after is too big, one is in the sky and the other is on the ground, there is no comparison.


Bai Mo shrugged his shoulders and silently sympathized with this guy for three seconds. Then he sneered mercilessly and walked out of the living room toward another building.

I’ve seen enough drama, and it’s time to get down to business. A bunch of people on the Internet are still waiting to be solved.

"Thank you for your concern, Mom, but Dad is right, I will cut it myself if I want to eat it."

Rong Shichu's face was stiff, and he could hardly hold on to the forced smile on his lips.

Dad really cares about this little bitch and is always protecting her.

Mu Changying chewed the apple and suddenly realized, "That's right, your hand is still intact."

There was a faint cold light in her eyes, looking at Rong Shichu's intact arm, she chewed the apple a little harder.

Hmm...this did remind her.

If this cheap son misbehaves next time, I might as well break his arm.

Hehe, this is really a good idea, thanks to A Yuan for reminding her.


The old lady watched her cheap grandson being attacked from both sides without any sympathy on her face. She picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Living under the shadow of a mistress, being ridiculed is a common occurrence.

If you can't bear this little setback, you should move out early.

After half a day, she put down the tea cup and gently wiped the water stains on her lips with an embroidered handkerchief, "Xiaoer, Nannan, Mom has an important matter to discuss with you."

Seeing her sitting upright with a solemn expression, Mu Changying's eyes flickered with doubts.


Something important is going to happen?

At this time, the old lady set her eyes on her, smiled slightly, took her little hand and patted it comfortingly.

"My body has almost recovered, and I plan to take this opportunity to hold a banquet at Rong Mansion, where I will invite relatives and celebrities to gather together.

Then I would introduce Nannan ceremoniously so that everyone can get to know the new mistress of our Rong family. "

Introduce Nannan, so that the position of the second waiter is settled, and he can sit firmly in the palace and stand firm.

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