The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 335 The danger of the fork is not worth mentioning

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the living room had different expressions. Rong Shichu's face suddenly changed, and his face became twisted and ferocious for a moment.

"Grandma, actually... Mom's introduction party can be delayed a little longer."

"Wouldn't it be good if your recovery banquet was held together with the introduction banquet?"

It's okay for this little bitch to be hidden, but if she is introduced, the nature will be different.

When the time comes, he, the famous prince of the capital, will exist in name only and will become a laughing stock in the circle.

The old lady's eyes turned cold, "I've made up my mind, that's it."

This good grandson is not very good. Did she beat her hard enough?


When she saw Rong Shi, she wanted to say more, but a hint of sarcasm flashed in Mu Changying's eyes.

Hey... everything is written on your face, how dare you come out and embarrass yourself with this little ability?

"Son, you forgot again. Children should not interrupt when adults are talking."

After she finished eating the fruit, she didn't put down her fork immediately. Instead, she held it in her hand and played with it carelessly.

As it turned gently, the silver fork emitted a faint cold light, which was so cold that it made one's heart tremble.

Mu Changying looked at the ugly look on her son's face and silently opened her red lips.

Now, if you keep talking nonsense, I'll cut off your tongue...


Rong Shichu didn't understand lip reading, but he knew at a glance that the words were not pleasant.

He was depressed and angry, and the anger accumulated in his heart accumulated together, and he almost vented it.

Mu Changying looked confused and blinked her eyelashes, "Me? What's wrong with me?"

Her porcelain-white face was extremely innocent, but the movement of playing with the fork in her hand sped up a bit.

It seemed as if the fork would leave his hand in the next second and plunge directly into the target's eyeball.

Rong Shichu took a deep breath, still wanting to struggle, "This matter really can't be rushed..."

No, he must stop this banquet from being held, and he cannot let this little bitch succeed.

"You have no place to speak here, get out."

Rong Moyuan's right hand was placed on the armrest of the sofa, slightly bent, with clear bones and exposed veins.

His face was cold, and there was a faint aura of hostility lingering around him.

Seeing this, Butler Lin, who was behind him, stepped forward, stood upright and made a gesture of invitation.

"Master, please go upstairs and rest. I will call you after dinner is ready."

After a long silence, Rong Shichu finally answered, "...Okay..."

You did something wrong and still want to eat?

Rong Moyuan frowned slightly, raised his head and glanced at his cheap son who was about to leave, "Go back and face the wall to think about your mistakes. Don't eat today."


Rong Shichu's steps stopped, his whole body was cold, his limbs and bones were all cold.

He turned his back to everyone, his face filled with hatred, and a fierce smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

Ha... It seems that he no longer has a place in this family!

When the old lady saw this handling method, her coldness disappeared and was replaced by satisfied appreciation.

Yes, yes, the waiter still knows how to protect his wife.



As soon as the troublesome guy left, Rong Liyuan stood up and took a big step.

He came to Mu Changying, bent down and gently opened her fingers and took away the fork.

"Yingbao, the fork is sharp. If you don't pay attention, you will be cut."

This tool is so sharp, I’ll just use a plastic fork next time.

"All right……"

Looking at his empty little hand, and then at the fork that fell into his hand, Mu Changying sighed silently.

She has played with Mucang before, and the danger of this fork is really not worth mentioning...

Hey, that's all. Since A Yuan is worried, she should cooperate.

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