The man's voice was like a boulder thrown into a lake, causing ripples to appear on the surface.

Looking up, the man approaching was wearing casual clothes, which was obviously incompatible with the banquet, but the wild aura exuding around him suppressed the strangeness.

Today, he rarely wore a mask, and his wild and untamable face was exposed to everyone's eyes.

Seeing the visitor, everyone in the banquet hall was surprised. They did not expect that Mrs. Rong's second brother would be him.

Li Zhiyi, the jungler of the DW team, was the best rookie last season!

The big guys in the lawyer circle and the e-sports circle are all her brothers, which is too unpopular.

"Yiyi." Li Zhiyi walked up to Mu Changying and took out several small notebooks from his pocket, "My brother gave these to you."

Seeing these documents, Mu Changying didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

She shook her little head and said, "Second brother, just keep these documents to yourself."

Rong Liyuan glanced at the real estate certificate in Li Zhiyi's hand and said, "Yingbao, all the properties in my name belong to you."

While they were still on his territory, these two wanted to compete with him for the treasure.

There was a strong sinister expression on his face, and the force of his fingers increased.

The water in the Vinegar River was flooding again. In order to prevent the flood from breaking down the dam, Mu Changying quickly said, "Yeah, yeah, I know A Yuan is the best to me."

The girl's soft words caused the deathly aura around Rong Liyuan to dissipate.


There was a hint of displeasure on Li Zhiyi's rough face.

Ha, is this a show of affection with his sister in front of his second uncle?

It was not easy to find my sister, but before I could develop a relationship properly, I found that the big pig's hooves had already hit their cabbage.

"Yiyi, it is your name that is registered. Of course these documents are yours."

As he spoke, he opened the real estate certificate. Mu Changying's name was all on it.

This wave of operations is really too cool.

Mu Changying sighed softly, and the helplessness in his eyes became more intense, "Second brother, I will keep it for now, and I will re-transfer it to you someday."

"It's you!"

When Jin Xieye saw the person coming, his pupils shrank violently, and his handsome face was filled with surprise.

He couldn't remember wrongly, this man was the one he met when the car had an accident last time.

That time, he secretly recorded the video, hoping to provoke a relationship between Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan.

After calculating for a long time, she didn't expect that this man turned out to be her second brother.

Therefore, everything he did before was a waste of water, and he made a huge joke by overestimating his own abilities.

Li Zhiyi glanced at Jin Xieye and put one hand in his pocket, "Who are you?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Changying clearly saw his face darken at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Her brows were frivolous, and a crisp smile escaped from her throat.

After laughing lightly for a while, he pursed his lips and slowly stretched out his hand to take Li Zhiyi's arm.

"Second brother, although I don't know him, it's a bit hurtful to tell the truth."

Looking at the man opposite, Li Zhiyi's eyebrows were filled with a hint of gloom, "You don't want people to tell the truth these days?"

You can tell at a glance that this guy is full of bad stuff.


Seeing these two people standing intimately together, everyone in the hall went numb.

The rumor that Mu Changying was an orphan just now went too far. If there are such powerful brothers who are orphans, then what are they?

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