The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 371 Apprentice of Changning Miracle Doctor?

Chapter 371 The Apprentice of Changning Miracle Doctor

The eldest brother will give you shares in the company, and the second brother will give you a bunch of real estate certificates. Will a third brother show up?

Mr. Si touched his beardless chin, "You can't tell, this little girl is hiding something deep."

Hearing his grandfather's praise, Si Xian's fox tail almost went up to the sky.

He raised his chin, cleared his throat and said, "That's right, Grandpa, you don't even know whose boss this is."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received a slap on the head.

The force of this palm was not light, and Si Xian covered his head and let out a low cry.

Seeing his useless look, Mr. Si snorted coldly, "Grandson Gui, it's not you I'm praising. What do you have to be proud of?"

He was scolding vigorously and his face turned red. He didn't know if it was because of anger.

Suddenly, Mr. Si's face twitched and he staggered back several steps.

"Uh... uh..."

His throat seemed to be pinched by a big hand, his breathing was difficult, and his face was rosy and gradually turned livid.

He couldn't utter a complete sentence, rolled his eyes and fell straight down.

The situation was so urgent that there was no prelude at all.


Si Xian screamed, and rushed forward with lightning speed to support Mr. Si's body to prevent him from falling on the cold floor and hitting his head.

! ! !

The young man's voice was so sharp that the roof of the house was almost torn off.

Mu Changying turned around and saw Mr. Si fainting. She lifted up her skirt and strode towards his direction.

"Give me a moment, give me a moment, give me a moment..."

Before she could reach the old man's side, Gu Qingyun squatted down before her.

Si Xian's forehead jumped sharply, and he slapped her little hand away, "What are you doing?"

In anger, his eyes were red, with a dangerous aura in his eyes, like a wild beast guarding its food.


A slap hit the back of the girl's hand, and the delicate skin immediately turned red.

Lu Qingyun moved her wrist, but there was no anger on her face.

She squatted beside the old man and put her little hand on his pulse to auscultate.

"I am the disciple of the miracle doctor Chang Ning. I can cure Mr. Si's disease."

Changning miracle doctor? !

This name is very popular in the upper class society.

The people in the banquet hall put away their disdain, let out a sound of admiration, and quickly came forward to watch.

The apprentice of Changning's miraculous doctor personally rescued people. This was a once-in-a-lifetime scene.

"Oh? Apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning?"

As soon as Mu Changying arrived, the people around him automatically moved out of the way.

She walked inside and looked at Gu Qingyun squatting next to Mr. Si, with sarcasm in her clear eyes.

Tsk, Chunhua has become a habit of stealing other people's identities, right?

But...why does it always belong to her?

"Changying, do you have any questions? If so, I will get back to you later. Now please let me treat the patient first."

Looking at the stern look on Gu Qingyun's face, she really seemed to be trying to save lives and heal the wounded.

When the people around heard this, they looked at Mu Changying with vaguely evil eyes.

Why does Mrs. Rong have no sense of propriety?

What are you doing to interrupt the doctor at this time?

If something happens to Mr. Si, who can bear the responsibility?

Mu Changying ignored the unkind eyes of the people around her and laughed.

She crossed her arms across her chest and opened her red lips casually, "I just heard that the miracle doctor Chang Ning has excellent medical skills, so I am a little curious about the apprentice she has accepted. Yun'er, you can go see a doctor, I won't disturb you."

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