self boasting.

Rong Liyuan, who was following behind, heard this, his sexy Adam's apple squirmed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He looked at Mu Changying with a hint of doting in his eyes, but when his eyes fell on Gu Qingyun, the doting was gone.

He knew very well who the miracle doctor of Changning was. Gu Er was very courageous in assuming Ying Bao's identity.

"Butler, go get the medicine box."

Since we want to save people, how can we do it without medical tools?

Butler Lin nodded, "Yes, Second Master."

"Nanny, what's going on?"

The old lady's face darkened, and she walked up to Mu Changying's side, with a sharp look in her eyes that had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

If Gu Er was really Nannan's apprentice, it would be absolutely impossible for her to talk to her master like this.

There is 100% something evil here!

It's hard to tell that the second young lady of the Gu family has a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, patted the back of the old lady's hand gently, and said in a comforting tone, "Mom, it's just a farce, nothing serious."

He's just a clown.

She wanted to see how Chunhua planned to save Mr. Si.

You can pretend to be other identities, but if you pretend to be a disciple of a miracle doctor without any professional knowledge, has your head been caught in the door?

"Okay, just be sure. Mom believes in you."

Seeing that she was calm and calm, the old lady's uneasiness gradually calmed down.


The conversation between the two was somewhat incomprehensible, and Tan Wanan was confused.

But she didn't think deeply about it, and was soon praised by several ladies.

"Mrs. Gu, it turns out that your daughter is the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning."

"I have admired the miracle doctor for a long time, and I hope Yun'er can help recommend him more."

"You can worship the miracle doctor Chang Ning at a young age, and your future will be limitless."

The corners of Tan Wan'an's mouth raised crazily, and with a look of satisfaction in his eyes, he walked among the ladies and talked.

Once he was so proud, he didn't even have time to cover up the joy in his eyes.

The sarcasm in Mu Changying's eyes deepened, and she frowned slightly, "Someone, please clean up the scene."

There are too many people gathered here and the air flow is not smooth, which is not good for Mr. Si.

The girl has a soft voice, but the majesty on her face is undeniable.

The bodyguard standing nearby stepped forward and began to disperse the crowd with an indifferent expression.

Those who are sensible do not need to rush, they have already consciously left this area.

Tan Wan'an was just happy to be complimented when he was pushed by the bodyguard, and the little flame in his heart started to rise.

"Mrs. Rong, what do you mean? My daughter is still here treating patients, but you asked the bodyguard to drive me away. Isn't this unethical?"

As soon as these words came out, the lady who had just made friends with her immediately distanced herself, almost saying that she didn't know this guy on her face.

Originally, my IQ was still online, but why did I become so confused after being praised a few times?

Mu Changying raised her slender white fingers and rubbed her forehead, "Mrs. Gu, your daughter is the apprentice of a miracle doctor. Please ask her carefully about this basic knowledge."

Rong Liyuan glanced at the bodyguard who was stunned on the spot, and the sinister look on his eyebrows became more and more intense, "Why don't you quickly ask Mrs. Gu to have a good rest?"

The efficiency of what they do is really getting lower and lower.

It seems that we need to find a time to give them special training.

Tan Wan'an didn't know why, "Yun'er?"

Gu Qingyun's mouth was stiff and she said without raising her head: "Mom, go and have a good rest."

What's going on? You slipped up at the critical moment?

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