She couldn't speak.

Gu Qingyun's eyes were full of panic, and her pupils were dark with no light.

Mu Changying was extremely satisfied and nodded her head gently, "You know, you look so well-behaved now."

Like a weak ant, it can be crushed to death with just one foot.

She withdrew her gaze and continued to check on Mr. Si's illness.

After taking the pulse, he leaned over and opened the old man's eyelids to check the situation inside the eyeballs.

The whites of the old man's eyes were stained with a few strands of black silk.

Seeing this, her face became stern.

This expression fell into the eyes of everyone, and they felt extremely puzzled.

When Tan Wanan saw his daughter like this, he frowned and stepped forward on a pair of high heels.

Passing through a group of bodyguards, he came to Mu Changying, pointed at her and said.

"Mrs. Rong, what did you do to my daughter? Why can't Yun'er speak?"

This woman is a complete lunatic, and she commits murder in full view of the public.

Tan Wan'an looked serious and had a tough attitude, "Although your Rong family has a great career, my Gu family is not easy to bully.

If you don't cure my daughter's illness, today's matter will never end! "

Yun'er was transferred to the countryside for many years and suffered countless hardships. Now she finally got her back. She held it in her heart and couldn't bear to beat her. She couldn't bear to scold her. She wished she could give her daughter the best things in the world. How could she endure the loss of her own child? Is my daughter being bullied like this?


After the younger one was dealt with, the older one came up again. Mu Changying was so upset by the noise that she could almost pinch a fly to death with her brows furrowed.

The girl's annoyance fell into Rong Liyuan's eyes, and the hostility around him became more intense.

"Mrs. Gu, I don't think you want your mouth to be sewn shut."

His expression was cold and his voice was cold, as if he had walked out of the Asura Hell.

Threat, this is a naked threat.

But no one present dared to refute his words, because they knew clearly that he did have this ability.

"Mrs. Gu."

Li Nanfeng looked at Tan Wanan.

He stretched out his bony fingers and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"If you continue to make noise, I have the right to suspect that you are deliberately preventing my sister from treating patients.

If there is something wrong with Mr. Si, then your role in it is that of a murderer. I think you don’t want to be involved in a life-threatening lawsuit. "

He was obviously smiling, but his smile was so distant and cold that his heart couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"I...I...I'm just too worried about my daughter."

In just a few words, Tan Wanan was stunned for a moment.

Mom, stop talking!

Lu Qingyun shook her head and stretched out her hand in a panic to tug her arm.

"I...I'm just too anxious. Mrs. Rong continues to see the doctor. Don't pay attention to me."

Si Xian put one hand in his pocket and glared at the two people opposite him ferociously, "Hey, what kind of rubbish is this?"

Mrs. Gu, one of the four major families, was all surrounded, and others present finally did not dare to continue to challenge the pressure of these big bosses.

After all, these people can make famous cities tremble with just a tap of their feet.

They stayed in place obediently, watching Mu Changying's movements without blinking, for fear of missing the wonderful scene.

However, after waiting for a while, they still didn't see her come to the rescue, and a feeling of irritation gradually rose in their hearts.

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