The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 376 The old lady is domineering and protects her shortcomings

Mu Changying looked at Mr. Si intently and already had a treatment method in mind.

The old man's condition is actually quite serious. If it is not treated in time, there will be endless troubles.

She gently turned the old man's body over, then picked up a silver needle and aimed it at his brain.

Then, she took out other silver needles in the medicine box and continued to prick the old man's head.

One silver needle after another was stuck on the head, which was densely covered with blood.

Those silver needles were emitting a faint cold light under the light, looking particularly terrifying.


Seeing Mr. Si's appearance, everyone in the hall swallowed their saliva, and even the timid ones were so frightened that their legs became weak.

Holy shit, is this really saving people? Aren't you kidding me?

His head is covered with silver needles, so densely packed. Can this person still be alive?

There are many doubts in everyone's mind, but no one can express the doubts in their hearts.

At this time, an extremely excited voice sounded in the silent living room.

"Oh my god, I...I'm not dazzled, right? This...this is the trembling needle that has been lost for a long time in our country.

In my lifetime, I... I am actually lucky enough to witness it. I really die without regrets! "

Hearing this voice, everyone turned their attention to him.

At this sight, everyone was completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, the person who spoke just now turned out to be a descendant of a Chinese family of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Mr. Xu has spoken. It seems that this girl does have two skills."

"Actually, if she didn't have two brushes, she would definitely not dare to go up and recruit for this job. Otherwise, if you think about it, if you don't cure Mr. Si because of your poor academic skills, then it will be more of a loss than a gain."

"What you say makes sense, what you say makes sense..."

"The second master really has a good eye, so I asked him how could he fall in love with an ordinary little girl. It turns out it's because this girl has such a superb ability despite being so secretive."

The grass on the wall fell in both directions in the wind, and this group of people just listened to the direction of the wind.

Talk about people when you see them, talk about ghosts when you see ghosts.

When the old lady heard the comments around her, she folded her hands in front of her chest and let out a cold snort.

Didn’t these people just look down on Nannan? Why did you slap yourself so quickly?

"My daughter is the best in both medical and other aspects."

"You can do as much work as you have the ability. If my daughter dares to recruit this job, then she has real materials."

The old lady glanced coldly at the people around her, and her intention to protect her shortcomings was obvious.


The old lady's protective words fell on Mu Changying's ears.

The speed of pricking needles in her hands increased, and waves of warmth surged in her heart. feels really good to be defended by so many people.

After half a day, the acupuncture was completed.

The vitality in the old man's body was successfully mobilized, and his pale face began to turn rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mu Changying breathed a sigh of relief, "Huh..."

She opened the medicine box and groped inside for a long time, and after a long time she found a small medicine bottle.

Opening the medicine bottle, a faint medicinal fragrance suddenly filled the hall.

When the physically exhausted people smelled this medicinal fragrance, the tiredness in their bodies instantly dissipated without a trace, and they all felt energetic.

"It's finally going to work~"

Mu Changying murmured in a low voice and gently placed the medicine bottle on the tip of Mr. Si's nose.

Smelling this faint fragrance, the old man's eyelashes trembled slightly.

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