The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 380 How much is my daughter’s life worth?

The corners of Tan Wan'an's mouth twitched, and his face looked extremely foul, "Mrs. Rong, don't worry."

What a mistake, I didn't expect this little bitch to actually have two brushes.

She has no choice but to give it. If it is destroyed in public, her credibility will be greatly reduced, and she will have a difficult time in the circle of ladies in the future.

"..." (Mom, why should I give it to you? You can't give it to me!)

Ten million is not much, but it is also a careless amount.

Lu Qingyun couldn't speak. Although she was sick to death, she didn't dare to show it on her face for fear of being caught and making a fuss.

"Mrs. Rong, I will definitely give you the money. Now look at Yun'er and see what's going on?"

Even though he lost 10 million, he still put a smile on his face.

Tan Wanan's eyes were full of hatred, and his heart was burning with anger.

As the saying goes, reach out to avoid hitting the smiling face, but this trick was of no use in front of Mu Changying.

What's more, these two people did so many inhumane things to her in her first life.

She covered up the dark light in her eyes and nodded her head, "Of course you can see a doctor."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Gu immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"But... you can't let me see a doctor in vain. Treating Yun'er requires a lot of energy on my part."

Hearing this, Tan Wan'an's heart, which had just fallen, became high again.

Seeing the girl's money-obsessed look, Li Nanfeng's smile deepened, "Since it's a medical appointment, of course you don't need to be prepared."

Is it possible that his sister is working in vain?

Li Zhiyi put one hand in his pocket and glanced at the mother and daughter opposite him casually, "Of course you need to pay."


I have just received 10 million, and now I still want money. It is simply greedy in the extreme.

Looking at this group of people who looked like bandits, Jin Xieye looked displeased and said, "You are taking advantage of the situation!"

After saying that, his eyes fell on Gu Qingyun.

Seeing that she couldn't speak and had an aura of loneliness lingering around her, his eyes filled with pity.

"This statement is incorrect. How can charging fees for medical treatment be taking advantage of someone else's situation?"

Seeing the pity in Jin Xieye's eyes, Mu Changying raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a look of ridicule in his eyes.

It turns out that he has been attracted to Chunhua for a long time. No wonder they were able to hook up in their previous life.

She shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands helplessly, "Hey...since you think I'm robbing you, you'd better go to the hospital to see a doctor."

The implication is: It doesn’t matter whether you like her or not. If you don’t like her, go away and don’t be an eyesore in front of her.

Tan Wan'an refused without thinking, "No!"

Yun'er's illness was caused by this little bitch. If she went to the hospital, medical skills might not be able to do anything.

When the time comes, I still have to look for her after going round and round, and she will definitely sit down and raise the price.

Tan Wan'an was thinking a lot, "Look, of course we need to see a doctor. How much does it cost?"

Yun'er must not become mute, otherwise her life will be ruined.

Mu Changying held her chin with one hand, tilted her head and thought for a while, then opened her delicate red lips.

"You get what you pay for. I'll take care of her medicine until she is cured. As for the medical expenses, it depends on how much Yun'er is worth in your heart."

There was no sky-high asking price as expected, and the issue of consultation fee was kicked back into Tan Wan'an's hands.


Lu Qingyun knew that this was a plan to sow discord, but he still couldn't help but feel nervous.

How much is her life worth in her mother's eyes? She also wants to know the answer.


Tan Wan'an hesitated and couldn't make up his mind.

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