Tan Wan'an is usually very smart, but at this time, he is distracted and his IQ is below the line.

It was as if a big stone was pressed on her chest. She felt extremely uncomfortable and couldn't breathe.

Putting aside his head, he did not dare to look at his daughter who could not speak, "This..."

If Mu Changying offered a sky-high price, she could still retort confidently.

But the opponent kicked the ball into her hand and asked her to make her own decision, but she was not sure.

If the consultation fee is too low, it will be on the news headlines tomorrow.

#Breaking news, Mrs. Gu, one of the four major families in Mingdu City, actually bought her daughter’s life at a low price!

As soon as the news comes out, Gu's Jewelry's stock will definitely be severely affected.

After waiting for a long time, the other party still didn't speak.

Rong Moyuan looked at her coldly, "Time waits for no one."

Yingbao's energy is limited, so don't waste her time if you don't want to treat her illness.

The man's voice was cold and cold.


Tan Wan'an swallowed, as if someone had poured cold water on him. From beginning to end, his body was cold and his sanity quickly returned.


This little bitch deliberately set up a trap on herself.

She was responsible for the incident. Even if she offered a low price, Mu Changying would definitely treat Yun'er.

"Twenty million."

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows and narrowed her beautiful eyes into thin slits, "It turns out that in Mrs. Gu's eyes, your daughter's life is just the price of a set of jewelry."

Not bad, not bad, my sanity came back at the critical moment, and there was no stupid exorbitant dismissal fee.

Although the price is a bit low, it is precisely this that makes their mother-daughter relationship look fragile.



Lu Qingyun couldn't speak, her mouth was wide open, the peace in her heart was broken, and there was a trace of anger in her pupils.

"Mrs. Gu, this price..."

Seeing the sadness and loneliness on her face, Jin Xieye's heart felt as if it was grasped by a big hand, throbbing hard.

He just opened his mouth, but before he finished speaking, the rest of his words were swallowed into his stomach.

No, it's not time yet.

He couldn't stand up and speak blatantly for Yun'er, because he was not hers and had no position.


Thinking of this, Jin Xieye's eyes looking at Mu Changying became colder.

This gaze was cold, as if he wanted to peel off her skin and stretch her muscles.


Mu Changying ignored his gaze, lifted up her skirt and walked up to Gu Qingyun.

He stretched out his slender white fingers and lightly tapped the other person's acupuncture point.

After clicking there, Mu Changying quickly clicked on Gu Qingyun's pain point.


At this point, the muscles and veins in her body twitched, and she couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

Gu Qingyun raised her head, tears streaming down her face, "Changying... you... why did you do that to me just now? If you hadn't tapped my acupuncture points, how could I not be able to speak?"

Her body was swaying, as if she had suffered a huge blow, her face was pale, and her voice was filled with deep resentment.

This look is desolate and desolate, like a small white flower blown by the wind and rain.

"Yun'er, don't cry, Mom feels bad."

Hearing this faint voice, Tan Wan'an's heart throbbed, and there was a feeling of guilt in his heart.

Did you go too far just now? The consultation fee of 20 million is indeed too low.

She raised her hand to wipe away the large tears on Gu Qingyun's cheeks.

Hot tears burned her hands, and the guilt in her heart grew stronger.

Seeing these two people acting like a mother and a son in front of her, Mu Changying felt sick in her heart.

"Since you want to know, then I will make it clear to you."

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