The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 382 When did I accept my apprentice (dismounted)

Mu Changying's eyes were filled with dangerous glaze, surging, "Yun'er, you just said that you are the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning."

Lu Qingyun felt uncomfortable looking at her like this.

The body is gradually getting colder, every pore is clamoring, and the uneasiness in the bones is slowly amplifying.

She pursed her lips and said bravely, "Yes, I am indeed the disciple of the miracle doctor Changning. Do you have any questions?"

Why would this little bitch ask such a question? What does she know?

Lu Qingyun suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and tried to make the expression on her face look natural.


A string of crisp chuckles escaped from Mu Changying's throat, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she looked at the girl in front of her with interest.


The sudden laughter was delicate and soft, like the cry of a ghost, very beautiful.

But at this moment, no one was in the mood to listen to the laughter.

They blinked wildly, doubts clouding their minds.

Mu Changying stretched out her small hand and patted Gu Qingyun's shoulder gently, "I'll ask again, are you sure you are the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning?"

Her patting on the shoulder seemed light and harmless, but in fact it contained endless power.

After being slapped by her, Gu Qingyun felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.

The deliberate fake tears in her eyes turned into physical tears.

Lu Qingyun opened the distance between the two people. If they continued to slap each other like this, their bones would fall apart.

"Changying, what do you mean by this? Of course I am the disciple of the miracle doctor Changning."

"I don't know why you would ask such a question, but the reputation of a tutor cannot be slandered. I hope you can think carefully when you speak."

Her voice was soft and soft, but the expression on her face was ferocious, with obvious signs of anger.


Seeing this scene, everyone was extremely tired and completely confused.

Why did Mrs. Rong question Miss Gu? Did she know something?


Looking at the farce in the hall, a woman in a red dress in a dark corner leaned against the wall, her flaming red lips lightly parted, "Oh? The apprentice of Chang Ning's miracle doctor?"

The miraculous doctor Changning had treated grandpa several times, but he had never heard of her mentioning that she had an apprentice.

The conversation between these two people now... reveals a lot of information...

Mu Changying walked up to her ear and whispered softly, "Chunhua, you are such a liar."

After she finished speaking, she gently blew a breath of hot air.

It was obviously warm, but Gu Qingyun's body felt cold, as if she had accidentally fallen into an ice cellar.


What does this mean?

She knows after all!

The underlying uneasiness in Gu Qingyun's heart erupted directly, a gloomy aura enveloped her whole body, and her porcelain white face was stained with a strong haze.

"You...what kind of trick do you want to play?"

Mu Changying left her side.

She returned to Rong Liyuan's side again, and her eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling fell on Gu Qingyun.

"Chunhua, don't worry, you will soon know what game I am playing."

Under the warm-toned lighting, he exuded a powerful and confident aura.

Domineering, sharp, and in control of the overall situation... people can't help but want to kneel down and surrender.

"Miss Gu Er, you said you are the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning, but why don't I know when I accepted you as my apprentice?"

! ! ! !

Everyone looked dull.

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