The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 383 Believe that she is a miracle doctor

Except for those who knew the truth and were not surprised, everyone else dropped their hats to the ground.

"Holy crap, what does this mean? She is the miracle doctor of Changning? Did I hear it wrong?"

"Hiss...that's incredible. Am I stupid or is she stupid?"

"I really never expected that the miracle doctor Changning would be her."

Everyone lost their usual dignity and dignity and became market aunts one by one.

They looked at Mu Changying in disbelief, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

After being surprised, everyone's eyes were filled with fire.

The rich and powerful cherish life and are extremely afraid of death. Having a good doctor can bring them endless benefits.

Hua Qiqi blinked her eyelashes, stretched out her hand and pulled Yu Linye's sleeve hard.

"Did you hear it? Did you hear it?! Sister Ying turned out to be the miracle doctor of Changning. Oh my god, this surprises me so much."

"Not only does she have developed motor cells, but she is also proficient in medical skills. She is truly my idol!"

"I just want to ask, what else can Sister Ying not do?"

Her face turned red, and she was so excited that she was incoherent, just like the star-chasing girl.

Yu Linye lowered his head and looked at her, with endless endearment in his eyes.


I don't know whether it was because the fabric of the clothes was not very good, or because Hua Qiqi pulled too hard, but there was a slight sound from the sleeves and shoulders.

It's broken, it's broken, Yu Linye's sleeves are torn!


Seeing this scene, she was completely dumbfounded, her excitement disappeared without a trace, and she stood there awkwardly.

Hua Qiqi raised her hand and scratched her hair, looking at a loss, "Then...ahem... I'll give you a new one as compensation."

Yu Linye approached her, raised his hand and rubbed her head gently, "It doesn't matter, you don't need to buy it."

It's just a small piece of clothing, so why does she need to compensate?


The voices of everyone talking fell on Gu Qingyun's ears, and she stood stiffly as if struck by lightning.

The facial expression twitched, turned blue and purple, like a color palette, it was truly wonderful.

She raised a finger and pointed at Mu Changying tremblingly, " are talking nonsense. How can you be the miracle doctor of Changning?"

How can it be?

How could she be the miracle doctor of Changning?

If Mu Changying is really the miracle doctor of Changning, wouldn't she have been watching her performance coldly without criticizing her performance? This is too vicious!

Seeing the twisted look on Gu Qingyun's face, Mu Changying raised a slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Why is it impossible? Compared with you being the apprentice of Changning Divine Doctor, it is more convincing that I am Changning Divine Doctor, isn't it?"

After all, she just said she wanted to see a doctor for the old man, but Gu Qingyun couldn't diagnose anything, but she directly cured the old man.

Mr. Si put his hand on Si Xian's hand, with a weak look on his face, but his eyes were bright, "I believe she is indeed the miracle doctor of Changning."

People are biased. Mrs. Rong is his grandson's good friend and cured him, so of course he will believe her unconditionally.

Si Xian supported the old man, "I believe in Sister Ying too!"

He looked at Mu Changying, and the first meeting between the two came to his mind.

When they met at the Dingyue International Center, Sister Ying reminded him that the prescription was wrong. Later, she asked about the prescription and Grandpa's physical condition. Therefore, Sister Ying must have medical skills and she is the miracle doctor of Changning.

Someone took the lead, and the rest also stepped forward.

"I believe Mrs. Rong."

"I believe her too."

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