He must guard her, no one can steal her from him.

The treasure can only be his! ——

"Sister Ying is so kind. She actually reminded Gu Qingyun to pay attention to the time."

Bah, why did Sister Ying remind me so kindly of this little white lotus, instead of looking in the mirror to see what I am?

Seeing Gu Qingyun immersed in identifying herbs, Hua Qiqi's eyes flashed with deep sarcasm, and the evil factor in her heart was ready to stir up.

The light in her eyes became brighter and brighter, and she suddenly snapped her fingers, let go of Yu Linye's arm and walked towards Tan Wanan's direction.

"Yeah, there are some people here who move slowly, but they have the nerve to say that they are the disciples of Chang Ning's miracle doctor, and they don't even make drafts when they lie."

Hua Qiqi's voice did not decrease, but instead deliberately amplified it.

Everyone's eyes fell on her, and there was no fear at all on her face.

Being so ridiculed, Tan Wan'an's face turned ugly and he glared at her viciously.

"Little girl from the Hua family, stop making insinuations. You really have no education at all."

Hua Qiqi folded her hands in front of her chest and shrank her neck in a pretentious manner, "Oh, I'm so scared."

This exaggerated performance made Tan Wan'an's heart burn with rage, and veins on his forehead popped out.

She raised her hand to rub her swollen forehead and looked at him sharply, "You...have you given back all your etiquette training to the teacher?!"

Hearing this, Mu Changying wrote down the name of the herbal medicine and raised her head to focus on Tan Wan'an.

"Mrs. Gu, my friend is really kind and carefree. He doesn't know how to mince words, and his words are inevitably a bit fierce. I hope you won't take it to heart."

This is still Rong Gongguan's territory. He wants to bully her friend. Have you asked her for her opinion?

The smile on the corner of Mu Changying's mouth had no warmth at all, it was as cold as a walking air conditioner.


The anger in my heart could not be vented, and it was extremely uncomfortable to hold it in my heart.

Tan Wanan looked at the girl opposite and saw that her eyes were cold, like a pool of stagnant water, and her heart suddenly stopped for a few seconds.

Within a few seconds of looking at each other, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

This girl... looks a bit familiar...

Bullying Yingbao?

Rong Liyuan's eyes fell on Tan Wan'an, "Steward Lin, give Mrs. Gu a glass of water and let her calm down."

If drinking water can't calm her down, then he doesn't mind letting her go outside to cool down in the swimming pool late at night.

The warm-colored lights in the hall shrouded his body, but the hostility lingering in his body did not resolve at all.


There were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back. Being stared at with their cold eyes, Tan Wan'an swallowed, and his sense of wandering in space immediately returned.

She took a sip of the water handed over by Butler Lin and stood aside silently.

Mu Changying glanced at her and shook her little head slightly, "Tsk, tsk, tsk... bully the weak and avoid the strong."

Regardless of past life or this life, this aspect of Tan Wan'an left a deep impression on her.

Her voice was not low, and Gu Qingyun next to her happened to hear it and stiffened for a moment.

After a pause, she continued to identify the herbs as if nothing had happened, without looking at Tan Wan'an.

This mother is usually very smart, but what happened today? Her IQ ran away from home again and again.


Mu Changying caught Gu Qingyun's subtle movements from the corner of his eyes, and the ridicule in his heart became more and more amplified.

Mrs. Gu, have you seen this? This is the good daughter you have been protecting~

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