Mu Changying put away her anger and picked up a piece of ice-blue herbal medicine.

A strong medicinal fragrance hit him, and the unhappiness in his heart suddenly disappeared completely.

Just a few minutes passed, and the gap between the two became wider and wider.

The small basket behind Mu Changying contained a lot of herbs, but there were only a few herbs behind Gu Qingyun.

There seemed to be no suspense about the outcome. Everyone's eyes fell on Mu Changying, and the admiration in their eyes became stronger and stronger.

"She's really fast."

"It seems that Mrs. Rong is indeed the miracle doctor of Changning."

"Didn't Miss Gu Er say that she is the apprentice of the miracle doctor Chang Ning? Why is she so slow?"

"You also said that you are an apprentice. Since you are an apprentice, it may not be long since you became a disciple. If you haven't mastered your skills yet, you won't be very powerful. On the contrary, I think Mrs. Rong is suspected of bullying others."

After hearing this comment, Mr. Xu shook his head, with helplessness in his eyes.

The gap between the two of them is already so obvious, why are there still idiots trying to whitewash the little girl from the Gu family?

He looked at Mu Changying, who was moving extremely fast, and his eyes that had gone through many vicissitudes of life suddenly became bright and clear.

This little girl is really talented in medicine. He must find a way to get her into the National Medical Administration to contribute to more people and benefit the people.


Glancing at the stark contrast between the two men.

Jin Xieye's hands naturally hanging on his thighs were clenched into fists.

No, we can't let Mu Changying go on like this, otherwise Yun'er will definitely lose this game.

He loosened his clenched fists and turned around to get a glass of champagne from the attendant next to him.

Jin Xieye held the champagne and walked in the direction of Mu Changying.

The moment he got closer, he flipped his hand and splashed the water in the cup towards her.

! ! !

The sudden change made everyone's hearts jump to their throats.

Si Xian and others frowned, breathing rapidly, and their eyes were filled with anger.

Damn it, my uncle, this guy is simply in debt.


At the critical moment, Rong Liyuan rushed towards Mu Changying with lightning speed, using his body to block the oncoming champagne for her.


All the champagne was poured on him, and his black suit was wet and sticky.

"Tick tock...tick tock..."

There was deathly silence in the hall, except for drops of water falling on the cold floor.

"A Yuan!!"

Mu Changying turned around, the kindness on her face was gone, and her brows were furrowed into a small hill.

The clothes were wet and stuck tightly to the skin, vaguely revealing the outline of the chest muscles.

Indifference, evil spirit, ascetic attraction.

He was extremely charming and alluring, but not a single celebrity in the banquet hall dared to cast a peeping eye on him.

Although handsome men are attractive, life is more important. As long as you have a little life, where in the world is there not a handsome man?

"Yingbao, I'm fine."

Rong Liyuan raised his big palm and placed it on her head to rub it.

He stared at the man in front of him, and the violent energy in his eyes burst out.

"You're fine."

"Very brave."

If he hadn't rushed over just now, this glass of champagne would have been poured on Ying Bao.

"Yingying, I...I didn't mean it, just now..."

The endless sense of oppression rolled in, and Jin Xieye was unable to escape or escape.

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