This is the pressure of the superior.

The low, dead silence, and endless evil spirit make people almost breathless.

The back was covered with sweat, and the clothes were wet and stuck to the back, making them sticky.


The weird aura made people dare not make any loud noises for fear of making the man standing in the center angry.

Everyone was silent and stared at the scene in the hall without blinking.

Hearing Jin Xieye's words that were full of green tea flavor, Mu Changying's smile deepened, and her clear eyes seemed like clear spring water.

"Oh? You didn't mean it? But this...why does it sound so false? I don't really believe it~"

Her A Yuan's body was all wet, and he wanted to put this matter aside with a light apology?

Haha... nothing is so cheap in the world.

She smiled lightly, and there was a hint of evil between her eyebrows.

Jin Xieye had a deep apology on his face, "Yingying, I'm sorry for accidentally getting the second master's clothes wet. I'm willing to pay compensation, and I hope you can forgive me."

If Mr. Rong's clothes are wet, this little bitch's attention will be diverted.

In this way, she won't have time to take care of the competition for the time being, and Yun'er will work hard to equal or even overtake her.

Seeing this guy's eyes glancing at Gu Qingyun, she immediately saw through his little trick.

Mu Changying spoke calmly, "Since we are going to pay compensation, it must be something substantial."

It doesn't matter, even if Chunhua tries her best to identify the medicinal herbs, it's useless.

Jin Xieye calmed down and said, "Yingying, how do you want me to compensate you? As long as you tell me, I will do my best to compensate you!"

She was dark-colored and didn't answer. She walked up to him, with a glimmer of light in her clear eyes.

"Well... I think it's better to use your hand as compensation."

As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly grabbed his hand, her movements were extremely fast, leaving an afterimage.


Mu Changying grabbed Jin Xieye's wrist and then pushed it back hard.

A crisp sound came, which was particularly noticeable in the silent hall.

The sound of pig killing penetrated the eardrums.


"It hurts, it hurts..."

Jin Xieye's right hand was crippled, his handsome face was twisted, and he looked like a ferocious beast.


The goblet he was holding fell to the floor and shattered into pieces.

The glass shards exude a faint cold glow under the warm light.

This series of actions happened too fast and was completely unexpected.

Mu Changying shook off Jin Xieye's hand, "Well... you used this hand to hold the wine glass just now. Now, I've got the compensation back."

His wrist was dislocated and thrown out with great force. Jin Xueye's center of gravity was unstable and his steps staggered.

His feet stepped on the broken glass on the ground, and the sharp shards cut the soles of his shoes.

"Hiss... ow ow ow..."

The pain was already excruciating, and now it was even worse. He couldn't help but take a breath.

" are so stupid!" A snake-hearted, poisonous woman!

Jin Xieye didn't expect that she would play such cruel tricks in front of everyone. His face was ferocious, and he was so angry that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Mu Changying looked at his embarrassed appearance with no emotion in her eyes, "I remember it very clearly, you just asked for compensation yourself."

So...don't blame her for being cruel.

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