The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 393 The winner of the competition is...

Rong Mansion, pool.

The two bodyguards carried Jin Xieye to the pool, looked at each other and threw him into the water.


Along with a huge sound, the calm water surface rippled layer by layer.

After being thrown into the water, he didn't have time to close his mouth tightly and took a sip of the pool water off guard.

The cool and refreshing water was in his mouth, he swallowed subconsciously, and flowed down his throat.

Realizing what stupid thing he had done, Jin Xieye's face wrinkled into a chrysanthemum.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

While flopping in the pool, he coughed and tried to spit out the water he had swallowed.

It's a pity that it's useless to work for a long time, it's all in vain.

The water was up to my neck, my shoulders were soaked in the water, and my arms were cool and shaded.

The moon hanging in the sky shed bright moonlight, and the outline of his face was vaguely visible.

The mansion was brightly lit, but he was in the pool, shivering from the cold.

Jin Xieye swam to the shore and wanted to climb up.

But the pool was high and slippery. His right hand was injured and he couldn't climb up even after struggling for a long time.

Repeating this over and over again only made him more and more embarrassed.

Jin Xieye's face turned pale, "Some people don't, some people don't, I fell into the water, please come and pull me up..."

He howled at the top of his lungs for a long time, but there was no one nearby, and there was no hope of help. My body was cold, and a gust of night wind blew, and I couldn't help but sneeze.


Time passed by minute by second, and the thirty minutes were quickly over.

Mr. Xu pressed the timer in his hand and made a stop motion, "The time has come."

The two men in the match stopped.

Mu Changying glanced at the identified herbs behind the other party. There was a small pile full of them, similar to hers.


Gu Qingyun raised her head, with a soft smile on her lips, but her little hands subconsciously grabbed the hem of her skirt and kneaded it.

Seeing this, Mu Changying's face was stained with a trace of teasing, and she opened her lips lightly to comfort her.

"Yun'er, don't worry."

"'s useless no matter how uneasy it is now."

The delicate voice was like a sharp knife, mercilessly inserted into the human body. The wound was dripping with blood and turned a sad red...

"Let's see who of you two has the highest accuracy rate."

Mr. Xu walked behind the two of them and picked up the note with the name of the medicine written by them.

His face was serious and solemn, and the faces of everyone present were also nervous.

Rong Liyuan changed his clothes and went downstairs. He stood in the crowd and stared at her with trust in his eyes.


Victory will be hers.

Mu Changying raised her head, met his gaze, and smiled.

The already beautiful little face was gleaming with this smile, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Realizing that everyone was looking at her with fire in their eyes, the smile on Li Nanfeng's lips became colder.

Yiyi is so dazzling that there are always people who want to take advantage of their Li family's cabbage.

However, if those who covet the little girl are of this level, then it is not too difficult to deal with it.

But it happened that Erye Rong had already tied Yiyi onto the pirate ship and the ticket had been paid. It was too difficult to pull him off the ship now.


After Mr. Xu read Gu Qingyun's list, his face showed no change, but when he saw Mu Changying's, the joy in his eyes burst out uncontrollably.

The muscles on his face trembled, and he almost praised her out loud.

Yes, yes, this little girl’s abilities are really impressive!

Mr. Xu put down the order in his hand and looked at everyone, "I declare that the winner of today's game is..."

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