"I declare that the winner of today's game is..."

In the banquet hall, everyone held their breath and kept silent, looking nervously at Mr. Xu standing in the center.

Tan Wan'an's hands clenched into fists subconsciously, his eyes full of hope.

Yun'er, today's winner must be her daughter.

Mr. Xu paused deliberately for a moment, his faint eyes looking back and forth between the two people.

After half a day, he looked at Mu Changying with a face filled with relief, "I declare that the final winner of today's competition is Mrs. Rong!"

Although he has entered old age, his voice is still rich and powerful, full of majesty, and so serious that people dare not ignore it.

Li Zhiyi put his tongue against the stem of the tooth, his rough eyebrows were stained with pride, and there was a hint of warmth in his eyes, "I knew it would be Yiyi..."

His sister is amazing and really lives up to her expectations!

“Sister Ying’s approval!”

His boss won the game, Si Xian smiled brightly and roared loudly, his proud fox tail almost raised to the sky.

Everyone has different expressions, including envy and jealousy.

No matter how everyone talked, Mu Changying's expression was always calm, and her water-clear eyes were as clear as day, as if she had already expected that victory would belong to her.

She calmly glanced at Tan Wan'an, who looked unhappy, and said, "Just perform normally."

As soon as these words came out, several low sneers suddenly sounded in the hall.

At the beginning of the competition, Mrs. Gu just let her daughter perform normally, but now the winner is Mrs. Rong. These original words are simply a slap in the face.

"Changying... Congratulations, I lost because my skills were inferior..."

Gu Qingyun's rosy little face suddenly lost all color, and turned as pale as a piece of white paper.

She staggered back several steps, as if a gust of wind could lift her away.

Her eyes were filled with tears, her chin was slightly raised, pretending to be strong, desolate, helpless, like a miserable little white lotus.

"No, it's impossible. My daughter is the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning. How could she lose to her?"

Tan Wan'an felt extremely distressed when he saw his daughter like this. He stepped forward and put her into his arms.

His big hand gently patted Gu Qingyun's back, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

The corners of Mu Changying's lips curled up slightly, and she tsked lightly, her eyes flashing, "It's obvious that she's not good at studying, so isn't it normal to lose the game?"

"Also, Mrs. Gu, when you say this, are you questioning the unfairness of this game and a conspiracy?"

This mother and daughter really have no self-awareness at all, and they will jump out and make people disgusting from time to time.

Mr. Xu frowned, put his hands behind his waist, and glanced sternly at the mother and daughter embracing each other.

"Mrs. Gu, are you suspecting that I am favoring and protecting Mrs. Rong? I have always been fair and just and never do such shameless things. Now you are throwing dirty water on me and ruining my reputation like this. You are really vicious. It’s damnable!”

He was very sharp-tongued, and in a few moments he nailed Lu Qingyun and her daughter to the shame of having bad moral character.

Mr. Xu is a descendant of a family of traditional Chinese medicine in China. The Xu family organizes disciples in the family to treat a large number of patients for free every year. The medicinal materials store under its umbrella is also affordable and not deceptive. It has a high reputation among both the upper class and the common people.

Everyone cherishes their lives, and no one would want to offend someone from a medical family. Tan Wan'an's move undoubtedly caused public outrage.

Everyone was angry and attacked, and all kinds of taunts were thrown at the mother and daughter.

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