"This this……"

Facing everyone's cynicism, Tan Wan'an's face turned blue and white.

She stopped slapping Gu Qingyun's back, her breathing became rapid, and the veins on her forehead popped.

This little bitch is really good at diverting misfortune with just a few words.

When had she, the matron of the Gu family, a member of one of the four major families, ever felt so aggrieved?

Mu Changying didn't take Tan Wanan's cannibalistic look to heart.

She pursed her lips slightly, raised her eyebrows, and looked at Mr. Xu who was in a rage.

"Mr. Xu, my eldest brother is a lawyer. If you need anything, you can contact him."

In fact, this point of sowing discord is too simple, and the old man can definitely see it.

But he was still willing to take the bait, not without the intention of extending an olive branch to her face.

Mu Changying blinked her eyelashes, "Well...if you file a lawsuit, I can ask my elder brother to give you a 30% discount~"

Mr. Xu's serious face changed in a second, and he shook his head helplessly, with a joke in his eyes, "It's only 30% off, it's still too expensive."

The fees of ace lawyers are not low. Even with a 30% discount, they are still expensive.

This little girl is slippery, and she is not a master who will suffer losses.

Hearing the discussion between the two, Li Nanfeng's Adam's apple squirmed, he chuckled, and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his long, white and well-jointed fingers.

"Mrs. Gu's words have constituted a crime of defamation of Mr. Xu's reputation. If Mr. Xu needs to sue, I can appear in court as your lawyer for free."

As they sang in harmony, Tan Wan'an's face became more and more ugly, and his lips turned pale.

His lips were slightly open, and they trembled for a while, but not a single word came out.


Lu Qingyun was almost furious. Why did her mother keep losing her temper again and again today?

She took a deep breath to stabilize her mood, pretended to push back the tears in her eyes, and sniffed pitifully.

"Chang Ying... You did win today's match. I am convinced that I lost without any dissatisfaction.

My mother just loves her daughter very much and cares too much about me, so she talks incoherently in a panic.

You are so kind, and the Prime Minister can hold the boat in his belly, how about letting this matter go? "

This apology sounded sincere, but in fact it stabbed Mu Changying's heart at every turn.

Love your daughter?

Care too much about Gu Qingyun?

Tan Wan'an's biological daughter is Mu Changying.

If you risk yourself so much for your fake daughter, where will you put her?

Gu Qingyun's eyes were vaguely provocative, but Mu Changying didn't care at all.

Her expression was as calm as ever, no trace of sadness. She lowered her head to straighten the wrinkles on her skirt, and then smiled lightly.

"Yun'er, you apologized to the wrong person. Mrs. Gu suspected Mr. Xu, what's the use of apologizing to me?"

"In addition, according to the agreement of the competition. Since I won, it proves my identity. From now on, please don't say that you are the apprentice of Changning Miracle Doctor. I don't remember when I accepted someone with such poor qualifications. disciple."

Not just anyone can be her apprentice.


The words that were so crooked were pulled back onto the right track again. Tan Wanan was not beaten, but he felt that his face was swollen and he was filled with shame and anger.

Gu Qingyun, who had withdrawn from Tan Wan'an's arms, also had a distorted face, but with her superb endurance skills, she regained her composure in just a few seconds.

Tears in her eyes streaked down her cheeks, "Mr. Xu, I apologize to you on behalf of my mother. I hope you don't take her unintentional words to heart."

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