The little girl cried, the pear blossoms were covered with rain, and she was so pitiful.

If it were a young boy, he would feel pity in his heart.

However, Mr. Xu is already old and has always been strict with his disciples. He despises such a cute baby who cries at every turn.

He frowned, with unconcealed displeasure on his wrinkled old face, and waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, okay, today is Mrs. Rong's introduction banquet, are you crying to spoil the host's interest? "

Although Mr. Xu's words were unpleasant to hear, he had no intention of pursuing the matter further. Gu Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

She raised her hand to wipe the tears from her cheeks and kept bowing to thank her.

His expression returned and he was filled with joy. Seeing her look like this, the smile on Mu Changying's lips became stronger, and there was a hint of evil in his dark eyes.

"Mr. Xu is kind-hearted, generous and doesn't care about anything. The story of Mrs. Gu's dirty laundry ended with him.

But...Yun'er, the matter of you pretending to be my apprentice without authorization has not been resolved~"

One wave after another, as soon as these words came out, Gu Qingyun's smile froze on her lips, and her expression was a little dull.

Heaven fell to hell in just a few seconds.

She stood there, lowering her head, not daring to let anyone see the hatred that could not be concealed in her eyes.

Mu Changying sighed, with a tangled look on her fair and tender face, looking extremely embarrassed.

" do you want to handle this matter? It really troubles me~"

She looked directly at Tan Wan'an, as sharp as if she wanted to see through the essence of the soul.

Being stared at like this, Tan Wan'an's body stiffened, and his feet seemed to be stuck to the floor, unable to move or move away.

Mu Changying curled her lips and said, "Impersonating someone else's identity already constitutes a crime."

Li Nanfeng's eyes shone with light under his lenses.

He moved his wrist and walked up to Tan Wan'an. The aura around him was distant and indifferent, "Mrs. Gu, then let's meet in court."

Do you want to change things with just a mere apology? Is the eldest lady of their Li family so easy to bully?

When Mu Changying passed by Gu Qingyun, she paused and reached out to pat her shoulder as a kind reminder.

"By the way, remember to find a better lawyer. After all, an ordinary lawyer has no chance of winning against my elder brother."

After saying that, she took Li Nanfeng's arm and left the area.

There was no way around it. Wherever You Yun'er was, the air was filled with a strong smell of white lotus. She couldn't stand it.

As soon as they left, Tan Wan'an relaxed a lot, and his tense face softened.

But when he saw the depressed-looking Gu Qingyun next to him, his heart was high again.

"Yun'er, what's going on? Tell your mother quickly!"

At first, she really thought that her daughter was the apprentice of the miracle doctor Changning, so she was full of confidence.

Who would have known that this identity was fake and ended up being so embarrassing that he became a joke at the banquet.

Gu Qingyun rubbed her swollen forehead and sighed weakly, "Mom... I'm a little tired. I'll explain this to you when I get back, okay?"

Those mocking eyes fell on her, as if they were staring at a hole in her body. This feeling was so uncomfortable.

"That's fine... there are many people at the banquet, so let's go back and talk."

Tan Wan'an was furious, but after all, this girl was his daughter who had been wrongly carried for many years. He wanted to scold but couldn't bear to scold her, so he had to hold back his anger.

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