Gu Qingyun and Tan Wan'an were so shameless that they left the table early without permission after telling Mrs. Rong.

Rong Liyuan looked at the direction where the Gu family mother and daughter were leaving, with a gloomy look on his face and a sexy Adam's apple rolling.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, tapped quickly on the screen with his long fingers, edited a text message and sent it to Li Li.

[Assistant Li Te, the new batch of Gu’s jewelry is about to be launched. 】

After sending it, I rubbed my phone for a while and then put it back in my pocket.

When Mu Changying came to Rong Liyuan's side, she immediately let go of Li Nanfeng's arm and took his, moving so quickly that no one had time to stop her.

Li Nanfeng felt it was extremely dazzling, and the smile at the corner of his mouth stiffened slightly.

He stretched out his hand to rub his forehead and turned away from looking at this heart-breaking scene.

Forget it... As long as Yiyi is happy, it's obviously impossible to separate them now that things have come to this.

Rong Liyuan lowered his eyes, his eyes full of anger, "Yingbao..."

Today's introduction party was disrupted.

Mu Changying's eyebrows were soft and her voice was soft, "A Yuan, it's okay, I don't care."

It was just an introduction party. If it was ruined, it would be ruined. She didn't make those people feel better anyway.

"It's too cheap for them."

How could it be so easy to escape unscathed after messing up Yingbao's introduction party?

Rong Moyuan raised his left hand and placed it on her cheek, stroking her delicate and smooth skin with his rough and calloused fingertips.

The anger lingering around the man was too strong, and it was obvious at a glance that he was in a state of rage.

Her husband is very evil and must be planning something secretly.

Mu Changying raised her little head and stared at him, "Ayuan, what did you do?"

Rong Liyuan's index finger slid along the side of her face to her delicate red lips, and his deep pupils glowed with a cold light, "Ying Bao, my dear, that kind of thing will stain your ears."

If the Gu family had wronged Yingbao, he would get it back elsewhere.

The two of them were making love to each other, when a voice broke the sweet atmosphere.

"Second Master, Mrs. Rong."

Mr. Xu walked up to the two of them, and when he looked at Mu Changying, his clear eyes were filled with fire, and the muscles on his face were trembling slightly.

If there wasn't a dangerous person like Rong Liyuan, he might have pounced on him desperately.

Mu Changying smiled, nodded and said, "Mr. Xu."

The girl's smile is gorgeous and charming.

Rong Liyuan's eyes were dark, and his finger bones creaked faintly. He glanced at Mr. Xu with a cold gaze, "Mr. Xu, do you have something to do with my wife?"

It was really uncomfortable to be stared at by those cold eyes, as if gusts of cold wind were blowing into my bones.

Mr. Xu shuddered, but when he thought about the plan, he was still a little bit flinched and immediately became more confident, and his confidence returned.

He rubbed his fingers, raised the corners of his mouth, and tried his best to smile as kindly as possible.


As everyone knows, this artificial smile looks very eye-catching, like a big bad wolf abducting a little rabbit who is ignorant of the world.

Realizing that Rong Liyuan's anger was rising, Mu Changying suppressed her smile and said seriously, "Mr. Xu, if you have anything to say, just say it."

If he kept laughing like this, she was really worried that something would happen to him.

"Cough cough cough..." Mr. Xu took a step back, stretched out his hand to pull his tie, and cleared his throat.

"Mrs. Rong, you are quite knowledgeable in medicine, have excellent medical skills and are kindhearted... I solemnly invite you. I hope you can join my Xu family and become the guest elder of Xu's medicine."

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