The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 435: Want to pamper her in a coquettish and willful way

The next day, the morning light was dim.

Mu Changying was awakened by a bombardment of news.

Text messages, WeChat messages, Baidu push news...all kinds of serial bombardments.

"Um...what happened again?"

She murmured sleepily, then scratched her hair with her little hands, yawned, picked up her phone and opened Weibo to check.

#Explosion, Second Master Rong announced in the newspaper that he had terminated his father-son relationship with Rong Shichu, and the wealthy prince suddenly became a commoner!

After seeing this hotly searched news, Mu Changying suddenly fell asleep and became energetic.

When the little hand clicked in, he saw an enlarged newspaper with Rong Liyuan's statement on it.

The entire Internet was shocked by this news, and the Internet was extremely lively and excited early in the morning.

My sister’s legs are not legs: [What...what is going on? What outrageous mistake did you make? It was reported in the newspaper that the relationship was terminated. 】

The rich woman looked at me: [Mrs. Rong has just announced that the "Prince" will be kicked out of the house today. The drama of wealthy families fighting for family property has begun so quickly? 】

Punch the scumbag: [The talk upstairs is really unpleasant. What is the drama of fighting over family property? He was not his biological son in the first place, but an adopted one. After being the "Prince" for so many years, he should be satisfied. 】

After Mu Changying read the news, she immediately got out of bed, ignoring the harsh comments.

"A Yuan, A Yuan..."

She held her mobile phone in her hand and ran down the corridor with fluffy slippers on her feet.

"Yingbao, slow down."

Rong Liyuan pushed open the study door and saw her swift figure, with an imperceptible tenderness in his eyes.


Mu Changying threw herself into his arms, raised the phone in her hand, stood up on tiptoes and kissed the side of his face, "Hey, hey, this is your reward."

Her Qingqin husband does things very quickly and resolutely.

"However, people outside are now accusing me of being cruel and scheming. I won your heart so quickly and made you obsessed with me."

Hearing this, the ink in Rong Liyuan's pupils became a little richer.

He raised his hands to pick her up like a child, and Mu Changying's legs were clamped on his strong waist.

"Yingbao has a pure and kind character in my heart."

"What if I'm vicious and selfish?"

"It doesn't matter, no matter what you become, you will always be my treasure."

Rong Liyuan carried Mu Changying to the bathroom, picked up the handkerchief, filled it with water, wetted the towel, and wiped her face.

"Be good, close your eyes."


She closed her eyes obediently, feeling the warmth on the veil, and felt warm in her heart.

Nothing A Yuan said was false.

In her previous life, even though she was as stupid as a pig and ugly, A Yuan still regarded her as a treasure.

After washing her little face, he opened the bottles on the sink, applied a layer of moisturizer on his index finger, and applied it carefully on her little face, with gentle movements as if he were treating a fragile treasure.

He restrained all his cruelty and cruelty, and gave all the remaining tenderness to her.

"A Yuan, Yingying likes you."

Mu Changying stared at the man in front of her, feeling unprecedentedly satisfied.

"It's my honor to be liked by Yingbao."

Rong Moyuan's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, covering them with a layer of shadow, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and the movements of his hands were incredibly soft.

After wiping his face, he picked up the ointment next to him and squeezed it onto his toothbrush, "Yingbao, open your mouth."

Yes, that's it.

He tried his best to pamper her in a way that would make her incapable of leaving him.

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