Things are going viral online and everyone knows about it.

When Mu Changying came to school, it was no surprise that she received the "attention gift" from everyone.

Holding her schoolbag in one hand, she slowly walked to the door of Class 17.

Just as she was about to go in, a voice interrupted her movements.

"Mom... I know I was wrong. Can you try to persuade Dad after you go back?"

Rong Shichu didn't take it seriously at first, but when he saw the news published in the newspaper, Liushenwuzhu panicked and didn't have the slightest bit of high-spiritedness in his body.

Seeing something happen to him, all the friends he used to play with also left him.

Mu Changying stopped and leaned against the door, "Classmate, please stop shouting. I don't remember having a son as old as you."

In the past, I was reluctant to shout, but now I can shout smoothly?


Rong Shichu's body stiffened slightly and he lowered his head as if he was admitting his mistake.

In full view of the public, the relationship that he had tried so hard to cover up was exposed by himself, only to be denied by Mu Changying.

My heart felt cold, as if someone had removed the last fig leaf.

"Don't yell, thank you for your cooperation."

Mu Changying tucked the loose hair on her forehead behind her ears, turned around and walked into the classroom.

The protagonist left, and other people in the corridor lost interest in watching the play.

"Harm, it seems that uncle and aunt can't take it seriously."

Seeing her coming in, Hua Qiqi stepped forward with a smile, raised her eyebrows, and said coquettishly.

"There is no chance for Rong Shichu to call me aunt. But sister Ying, you and the second master can work hard and make a little bun to call me aunt."

Mu Changying put down her schoolbag, put an advanced mathematics textbook on her fingers and turned it around carelessly.

She raised her head and glanced at the girl in front of her, "Xiao Qiqi, why are your thoughts so unhealthy early in the morning?"

Hua Qiqi blinked, picked up a chair and sat down, "Isn't this kind of thing normal? Why is my mind unhealthy?"

As she said that, she smiled mischievously, like a proper female hooligan.

Mu Changying put down the book in his hand and said, "Classmate Yu, please pull this classmate away."

As soon as these words came out, Hua Qiqi immediately shut up and rolled her big round eyes.

"Okay, Sister Ying."

Yu Linye pushed the frame of the mirror, stood up and walked over, gently holding Hua Qiqi's little hand.

"I...I can walk by myself..."

She struggled slightly with her hands, but the young man exerted a lot of strength and couldn't break free for a long time.


Looking at the backs of the two people, Mu Changying had a smile in her eyes and opened the textbook to review.

The knowledge in the book was too simple for her and not challenging at all.

After watching it for a few minutes, I felt bored. I raised my head and stretched out my hand to rub my eyes.

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he happened to see Si Xian sitting in front.

He was not sleeping. Instead of being irritable as before, he was sitting quietly reading a book.

The people sitting next to him looked sideways frequently, and some even rubbed their eyes exaggeratedly.

The little bully actually has a day of serious study? Does the sun rise from the west today?


After looking at it for a while, Si Xian was confused. He bit his pen and frowned, almost like pinching a fly to death.

Damn it, why is this question so difficult?

He took the book and turned around to ask at the back table, but most of the people in Class 17 were poor students, and they didn't understand even after asking several questions in a row.

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