The male policeman held a form in his hand and placed it in front of the two people.

He looked cold and serious, "Fill out the ticket."

These two guys were driving faster than normal driving speed.

Chu Mu glared at Gu Xichen fiercely, "Sister Ying, I'll fill it in."

If it hadn't been for this guy, they wouldn't have had the misfortune of being fined by the police.

The male policeman looked at the few people and said coldly, "By the way, points will be deducted from your driver's license as well."

If not dealt with properly, these people will continue to ignore traffic rules in the future.

After filling out the ticket, the male policeman waved his hand and said, "By the way, you still have to go to the police station with me."

The speeding incident has been dealt with, but the traffic accident has not.


Inside the police station.

After the police asked basic questions, they began to educate them.

Mu Changying sat on the chair, her elbows propped on the table, her soft white face was calm, and she listened humbly to the instructions.

Seeing her like this, the male policeman nodded, "It's good to be willing to listen and teach."

If you know you've made a mistake, correct it. There is no greater good. It's not like some people who still act like uncles after being in trouble.

Thinking of this, the male policeman glanced at Gu Xichen ferociously, showing his stubbornness.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Mu Changying's mouth, "Yeah, I'll pay attention next time."

Her temperament is sweet and soft, and since she is not the owner of the car, she has suffered a disaster.

"Yeah." The male policeman nodded and looked at her with a slightly softer gaze.

"Knock knock——"

There was a knock on the door of the interrogation room, and a young policewoman opened the door and said, "Old Liang, someone is here to bail them out." And the people who came were of high status.

The policewoman looked at the customer who caused the accident, Xichen, with a trace of sympathy in her eyes.


Out of the interrogation room.

Mu Changying raised his head and saw three men standing in the corridor.

Rong Moyuan's eyebrows were deep, his aura was violent, and his ferocious aura made people avoid him.

Therefore, even if they were well-dressed and handsome, no woman dared to risk their lives to strike up a conversation.


When Rong Liyuan saw her coming out, he strode forward and took her into his arms, looking at her carefully.

After confirming that there were no wounds on her body, her violent mood stabilized.

Mu Changying pursed her lips and murmured in a low voice, "A Yuan..."

She snuggled into his arms, her soft voice creating ripples in his heart.

Rong Liyuan patted her back and said, "You have been wronged."

He raised his head with a gloomy look on his face, and his sharp eyes fell on Gu Xichen.

Just one look can be intimidating.


Chu Mu felt the coldness and consciously stepped aside not wanting to be affected.

Being stared at by this cold and quiet gaze, Gu Xichen's scalp felt numb and his heart tightened, "Second Master, what happened today is really a misunderstanding. I had no intention of hurting Madam Rong. This matter is completely a misunderstanding. It's better to turn it into a big deal and turn it into a trivial matter." .”

Even if he was given another courage, he would not dare to really attack Mu Changying.

Rong Liyuan lowered his eyes and looked at Mu Changying, then raised his head, the coldness on his face not dissipating at all.

"No need to rush to explain."

The damage has been done, and no more explanations will be of any use.

Yingbao must have felt aggrieved because of this guy entering the police station. This hurt cannot be healed by a few apology words.

"Lawyer Li."

Rong Moyuan's fingers were slightly bent, with distinct knuckles, and blue veins bulged on the back of his cold white hands.

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