The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 446 Mr. Rong’s jealousy tank overturned again

Li Nanfeng pushed up the frame on the bridge of his nose, with the same kind smile on his face.

"Master Gu, because you hit my client's car several times. Therefore, we have the right to suspect that you committed murder intentionally."

He maintained a gentle smile, but he spoke cold words, and the coldness in his bones made people feel afraid.

After Li Nanfeng finished speaking, he opened his briefcase and took out a paper letter from it, "This is a letter from the prosecution lawyer. I hope Master Gu can appear in court on time."


Mu Changying looked at the lawyer's letter and couldn't help but chuckle, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

If I remember correctly, the Gu family has been involved in several lawsuits, right?

She played with her white fingernails and said, "Young Master Gu, please keep your eyes open when choosing a lawyer~"

After all, not everyone can litigate in the same court as Big Brother.


Gu Xichen looked at the lawyer's letter handed over, and the coldness in his eyes gradually deepened.

He had a hunch that there was no suspense in this lawsuit and he would definitely lose miserably.

After dealing with this little scumbag, Rong Yanyuan's swishing eyes fell on Chu Mu, "Yingbao, don't go out with people you don't know casually in the future."

Huh... taking his baby out without permission? It ended up crashing?

The chill on his body spread quickly to the surroundings, and Bai Mo stayed behind and rubbed his arms silently.

Damn, this guy is so brave, he actually took his wife out.

Chu Mu knew he was wrong, "Second Master..."

"A Yuan, let's go home." Mu Changying took Rong Liyuan's arm and smiled sweetly.

This big jealous man is obviously jealous again, so he is still not allowed to stay here and cause harm to others.

As she turned to leave, she turned back to Chu Mu and said, "By the way, we'll make an appointment tomorrow as you mentioned."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Mu clearly noticed that Master Rong's eyes looked at him even colder.


Mu Changying was carried into the car.

Bai Mo sat in the driver's seat and put down the fender with a wink.

Rong Liyuan hugged her slender and boneless waist and lifted her to sit astride his lap.

The girl was wearing a bright brocade school uniform. When she sat down, her blue short skirt slid to the top of her thighs, revealing a large area of ​​white flowers.

"Yingbao, you are not good."

Rong Moyuan held her waist with one hand and lightly moved his other hand on her thigh.

The girl's skin is as delicate and smooth as a freshly peeled egg.

She was so beautiful, but apart from the dangerous dark glow in his eyes, there really wasn't a trace of distracting thoughts.

Mu Changying pursed her lips, "Ayuan...well, don't be angry."

The man's hands were cold and her skin was warm. Goosebumps all over her body rose at this touch.

Moreover, there was a layer of rough calluses on the pads of his fingers.

With this touch, her body instantly became soft and turned into a pool of spring water.

"He and I are just friends. Ayuan, you've upset your jealousy again."

Mu Changying had no choice but to raise her head and stare at him.

She had just been teased, her face was slightly red, and there was a thin mist in her eyes.

This appearance is not intimidating at all, but instead resembles the intimacy between lovers.

There was helplessness in Rong Liyuan's eyes, and he murmured in a low voice, "Yingbao, I know..."

Of course he knew that Yingbao could not have any relationship with other men.

But despite this, he still couldn't help but not want her to be with someone else, and besides, that person hadn't taken good care of his tassel!

Rong Liyuan withdrew his hand and buried his head in the crook of her neck, "Don't worry Yingbao, I won't do anything to him."

Since he was her friend, why would he attack Chu Mu?

However, I hope the other party knows how to keep a distance. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind doing it himself...

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