Yingbao doesn't need to spend energy worrying about this kind of person's situation, she only needs to focus on him.

"Yes, yes..." Mu Changying smiled and nodded helplessly.

From the corner of her eye, she glanced at Chu Yin's legs, and the smile in her watery eyes was a little more sincere.

"Brother Chu, sit down first. I'm going to get the medical kit to show you how injured your legs are."

He has already revealed so much useful information, and as a partner, she must also do her best.

This guy is a real old fox, he definitely has a lot of tricks in his heart, and there is definitely a lot of news about Tianyin Sect that he has not revealed yet.

"Then it will be troublesome for Chang Ying." Chu Yin looked at his legs that could not move and had no feeling. The emotions flowing in his eyes were easily detectable.

"It's really troublesome."

Seeing a doctor consumes too much energy, and it will be very hard for Yingbao.

Rong Moyuan's hand holding the tea cup tightened in vain, and the water in the cup rippled.

"Pfft..." Mu Changying put down the cartoon pillow in her arms and shook her shoulders.

No, laughing here would be too damaging to the self-esteem of the partners.

She suppressed her smile, quickly stood up and strode towards the door.

It wasn't until she came to the corridor and made sure there was no one around that she smiled openly.

"A Yuan is really disrespectful~"

After laughing for a long time, with tears welling up in her eyes, Mu Changying rubbed her belly, calmed down and went to get the medical kit.


Soon, she returned to the study.

Open the exquisitely crafted medical kit, and the various tools inside are small and convenient.

She took out a sterilized silver needle and stabbed it into Chu Yin's thigh.

"Wait." Before the silver needle penetrated into it, Rong Liyuan stood up with a dark face.

Chu Yin's pants were rolled up to the top of her thighs, leaving her legs exposed.

Perhaps because he couldn't walk all year round, the skin on his legs had an unhealthy cold white color.

"A Yuan, what's wrong?" Is there something wrong with the silver needle she used?

Mu Changying held the silver needle in her little hand and looked at it carefully for a long time but found nothing strange. She was puzzled.

"Ying Bao, Mr. Xu must be very interested in this difficult disease. I asked Bai Mo to call him. Just leave the acupuncture to him, and you can direct it from the side."

"Yeah, I'm an elder after all." She patted her little head and remembered that she had joined Xu's Medicine and became a guest elder.

You can't just occupy a name and don't contribute anything. Otherwise, what's the difference between occupying a manhole and not taking a shit?


After Mu Changying was fooled, the displeasure on Rong Liyuan's face disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Seeing his rapid change of expression, Chu Yin sighed imperceptibly and closed his eyes, not wanting to continue looking.

It’s too uncomfortable to live eating dog food all the time, and they don’t know how the people around them endure it.

Mu Changying put the silver needle back to its original place, held her chin with one hand, and Nunu's delicate red lips murmured in a low voice, "...I always feel that something is not right."

His eyes fell on Chu Yin's thigh and he looked back and forth. After a few careful glances, he suddenly realized.

The other places where the acupuncture was inserted were fine, but the root of the thigh was really awkward. She only had to lower her head slightly when the acupuncture was inserted, and the target position was self-evident.

Although there is no distinction between men and women in front of doctors, it is obvious that A Yuan's jealousy has been overturned again.

Mu Changying looked at Rong Liyuan with a half-smile, "Then let Mr. Xu do it."

Mr. Xu can just take a look at this disease and teach it to the students of Xu's medicine after he returns, so that it can be easily solved if they encounter it in the future.

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