Half an hour later, Mr. Xu appeared in Rong Mansion wearing a pair of slippers.

As soon as he heard that there was a new illness, he got up from his sleep and hurried over without washing his face.

"...High, really high! This kind of ligation can indeed stimulate nerve pain. Why didn't I think of that before?"

He followed Mu Changying's instructions and inserted the silver needles into the acupuncture points on Chu Yin's thighs one by one.

These silver needles sparkle with a faint luster under the warm light.

"Brother Chu, how do you feel?" She put on medical gloves and stared at the silver needles, her porcelain white face full of seriousness.

Chu Yin put his hands on the handles of the wheelchair, with unspeakable excitement on his warm face, "...it hurts, and there is a slight itching..."

After all these years, I have no feeling at all in my legs.

Now he felt a slight pain coming over him. There was a little mist in his eyes, and his voice was slightly choked.

Mu Changying nodded her head, "As long as you feel it."

She picked up a bottle of potion, unscrewed it and applied it to his thigh with a cotton swab.

The black potion has a strong herbal fragrance, and you will feel energetic after just one sip.

"...Girl, can you sell me a bottle of this?"

Mr. Xu rubbed his hands and stared at the exquisite-looking porcelain bottle in Mu Changying's hand, his eyes burning.

She pursed her lips, applying the medicine on her hands without slowing down, with a smile in her eyes, "Mr. Xu, I'll give you a bottle later."

Even if she got this bottle of potion, it would be useless. She used a rather special method when preparing it. Others would never be able to smell the medicinal ingredients inside.

Two minutes later, after applying the medicine, Mu Changying sat on the sofa, waiting for the medicine to take effect.

On Rong Moyuan's table was a plate of cut fruits that Butler Lin had just delivered.

He picked up the plastic fork, forked a piece of dragon fruit and handed it to her mouth, "Yingbao, eat some fruit."

After being busy for so long, she must be exhausted and needs to replenish her energy properly.

"Yeah, thank you Ayuan."

Mu Changying was about to take off his gloves and reach out to take it, but he insisted on feeding her himself, so she had no choice but to open her mouth obediently and take a bite of the dragon fruit slices.

The white dragon fruit tasted sweet, and the fragrance filled her mouth. Her soft and white face was filled with joy.

"Eat another strawberry." Seeing that she was eating happily, Rong Liyuan raised the corners of his mouth unconsciously, picked up a chubby strawberry with cream and handed it to her mouth.

She enjoyed his service and ate a lot of fruit until he refused to continue feeding her on the grounds that eating too much was not good for her body's digestion.

As time passed, the medicine took effect quickly, and Chu Yin's frown relaxed.

The tightness in my thighs disappeared, and an icy cold feeling emerged.

Mu Changying saw the horror in his eyes and nodded with satisfaction, "It seems the effect is pretty good."

All the muscles in his thighs were necrotic, and this was the only way to arouse a little feeling.

"This medicine just makes you feel a little bit. It does not cure the disease. To cure the disease, you need to mix other medicines."

"Now that the cause is understood, I believe you will be able to prepare a medicine soon."

After hearing the conversation between the two, Mr. Xu couldn't hold it in for a while.

He coughed lightly and interjected shamelessly, "Girl, can I be your assistant while you are mixing the medicine?"

Mu Changying hesitated slightly, "Wouldn't this be too unfair to Mr. Xu?"

Mr. Xu waved his hands repeatedly and shouted excitedly, "No, no!"

The miracle doctor Changning has excellent medical skills, and it is a great honor for him to be able to help her.

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