The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 493 She turned out to be number one in her grade

After taking good care of the disease, Mu Changying wrote a prescription for Chu Yin.

After sending the person away, she collapsed on the sofa tiredly.

His legs were folded together on the coffee table, and his hands were placed on the armrests of the sofa.

Her breathing was a little short, her chest was slightly bruised, and her tired little face was flushed, like a ripe peach, tempting people to taste it.

Such beauty was right in front of him, but there was nothing charming about it in Rong Mengyuan's eyes.

He stood up and walked to her, bent down and picked her up with his long arms, "Yingbao, I'll take you to rest."

Mu Changying closed her eyes, smacked her lips and murmured, "Well..."

She put her arms around his neck and found a comfortable position in his arms.

The furry little head gently rubbed his chest, and a satisfied sigh escaped from his throat.


The next day, Qingjin High School.

As soon as she walked into the teaching building where the senior high school students were staying, Mu Changying clearly noticed the solemn atmosphere.

Most people's faces were ashen and they moved forward feebly.

Shake one step at a time, slowly and slowly, like a snail, which makes people with obsessive-compulsive disorder anxious.

On the wall below the teaching building is a red list of those in the top two hundred years of age.

At this time, there was a group of people surrounding the bottom of the list, and it was extremely crowded.

Everyone squeezed to the front to see the results. After seeing their own results, some were happy and some were sad.

There were cheers, there were also a lot of sighs, and there were also irritable ones. It can be said that all sentient beings have different expressions.

"Holy crap, am I dazzled? Mu Changying is the number one in age?"

Accompanied by a rough male voice, everyone present was stunned for a few seconds.

Everyone's eyes fell on the list invariably. When they saw the name at the top of the list, everyone suddenly felt that the world was mysterious.

"What the hell? Mu Changying? Could it be the one I thought? Is it the same name?"

"As far as I know, she seems to be the only one named Mu Changying in the entire senior year of high school..."

"You're beautiful, smart, and married well, but why can't you let others live? Hey, it's so irritating that people are so different from each other!"

"No, are you focusing on the wrong thing? Isn't it surprising that she can take the first place in the exam?"

The entire list of people immediately lost their composure, staring at the name on the list without blinking, wishing they could pluck it off and replace it with their own name.

"...How is it possible? How could she get first place in the exam?"

"How could a genius appear in a trash class? And she often hangs out with those who are ignorant and ignorant!"

Zhang Minyi stood in the crowd. Unlike everyone who was extremely excited, her little face was full of disbelief.

She shook her head, her voice was sharp and harsh, and the doubt in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Look, the second place is Yu Linye!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the list. When they saw the names on it, the expressions on their faces were extremely complicated.

None of them said anything, they were tangled and confused, and their expressions were truly wonderful.

The first and second are both in the rubbish class, which is too shocking... If this is the rubbish class, what class are they in?

Zhang Minyi couldn't help but twist her face when she thought about being called to the principal's office to deal with the matter.

"They cheated. Otherwise, how could they get such a good ranking?"

Although it is enough to draw the key points, how can it achieve 100% accuracy? The exam papers must have been leaked early!

As soon as these words came out, it instantly stirred up waves.

Just as everyone was swaying, a soft female voice sounded in their ears.

"Oh? Cheating? Don't say such things easily~"

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