Mu Changying twisted her schoolbag with one hand and walked briskly into the crowd.

At this moment, with all the attention and light shining on her, everyone took the initiative to make a way for her to walk together.

Everyone stood aside and looked at her excitedly, with more and more excitement in their eyes.

Everyone is gearing up, eager to see a big show of sex.

"You already said cheating yesterday. But...if I remember correctly, you were ordered to apologize at that time~"

Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes, which was bone-chilling.

With a smile on her lips, she approached Zhang Minyi step by step, and a strong sense of oppression hit her face.


These eyes were so cold and ruthless that the hairs all over her body stood up when she was stared at, and her pores were enlarged infinitely, as if she was being stared at by a wild beast.

"Huh? What are you?" Mu Changying's voice rose, and the light tone made people's hearts itch.

She put her little hand on Zhang Minyi's shoulder and patted her, "I apologized yesterday, but now you are throwing dirty water on me. Are you... you can't afford to lose?"

The joking eyes, with a hint of sarcasm in the tone, pierced people's hearts mercilessly.

"Minyi, have you seen the results...?" Lu Qingyun walked in and saw the scene in front of her. Her heart suddenly trembled, and her uneasy emotions surged out crazily.

"If you have something to say, let's talk about it. What's going on?"

She learned her lesson this time, and there is no one who doesn't get mad at anyone immediately.

Mu Changying retracted her little hand, shrugged, sighed indifferently, and slightly opened her red lips, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that Student Zhang can't afford to lose."

Wouldn't it be better to just carry out the bet obediently? Why do you want to risk your life and run out to embarrass yourself?


Are the results out?

Gu Qingyun frowned slightly and glanced at Hong Bang from the corner of her eye.

Looking from the bottom of the list to the front, I found my name at the eighth place in my grade. I breathed a sigh of relief, and my eyebrows were filled with a touch of joy.

I performed well this time and was able to get eighth place.

Along the way, Mu Changying's name was not found. The corners of Gu Qingyun's lips curled up slightly, and the joy in her heart became more intense.

"……how come……"

But when her eyes fell on the first and second places, her body was as stiff as a sculpture.

Mu Changying took in her expression and said, "Well, you seem to be surprised by this result."

Everyone: "..."

Before the results came out, who would have thought that you would be the first? It would be strange not to be surprised! Their eyes and chins almost fell to the ground.

Gu Qingyun answered the question, "Congratulations, Changying."

"Well, congratulations to you too. You did well in the exam." Mu Changying congratulated her with a smile and a crooked eyebrow.

Seeing Gu Qingyun's little face look ferocious for a few seconds, the smile in her eyes became even stronger.

The first place said that the eighth test was good, which is weird no matter how you hear it.

Gu Qingyun lowered her head and calmed down before raising it again, "Minyi, it doesn't matter if you didn't do well in the exam this time. Work hard next time."

The feuding drama turned into a commercial exchange, and everyone was bored and prepared to leave.

As soon as her comfort came to an end, Mu Changying refused to give up and said, "While it's still early, hurry up and execute the bet. We won't have time in class soon."

The content of the bet seems to be running around the playground and admitting that you are as stupid as a pig!

Holy shit, it’s so exciting!

Everyone had just taken a step, and when they heard this, they immediately took their feet back, eager to watch the show.

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