Seeing her delicate red lips opening and closing, the dark streamer in Rong Liyuan's eyes became more and more, and it seemed faintly like a huge hole in the abyss, as if it wanted to swallow people into it.

Mu Changying, "...A Yuan?"

Instinctively aware of the danger, a layer of doubt floated in her eyes, and she looked at him ignorantly.

This innocent appearance looked like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and instantly made the flame in his heart burn even more vigorously.

"Ying Bao Ying Bao, Ying Bao..."

He said her name over and over again, his voice was low and hoarse, dark and provocative.

Rong Liyuan moved his big hand back, clasped the back of her head, and stared at the alluring spring.


The sudden plunder made Mu Changying startled.

He was too domineering, attacking the city wantonly, she couldn't stand it, it was difficult to breathe, her porcelain white face was stained with a layer of blush.

The air in the room is gradually rising, and it is so hot that it seems to be able to melt people.

"Second Master, here is a document that needs your signature..."

Just when it was intense, the door of the office was pushed open, and Li Li walked in.

Seeing the two people entangled together, cracks appeared on Bingshan's paralyzed face.


After the entanglement stopped, Rong Liyuan scolded coldly, his dark eyes were stained with scarlet, "Li Tezhu, your work may be too light."

Li Li: "..."

He lowered his head, remained silent, and two lines of tears flowed from his heart.

Shit, what kind of bad luck is this today? How did you come across such a thing?

Mu Changying straightened her messy hair, said without blushing, "Li Tezhu, there's nothing else going on here, you can go out first."

If you hadn't witnessed this frank appearance with your own eyes, you would really think that nothing happened to them.

Li Li felt amnesty instantly, "Okay, ma'am."

She put down the documents in her hand, quickly exited the room, and closed the office door kindly.

Mu Changying raised her hand and smoothed his forehead, "Okay, Ah Yuan, don't be angry, go back and make it up to you."

Rong Liyuan held her little hand, "five times."

Her face darkened instantly, "No, only twice at most."

He leaned close to her ear, "Yingbao, you are questioning my ability."

Mu Changying was slightly uncomfortable, turned her head away, rubbed her ears, felt the incomparably hot heat, and her heart was pounding.

"Up to three times."

She gritted her teeth, her face was pained, and she touched her waist subconsciously.

"Okay." The trick succeeded, and the gloom in Rong Liyuan's eyes dissipated.

Seeing this, the corners of Mu Changying's mouth twitched, and she snorted softly.

Rong Liyuan's throat overflowed with laughter, coaxing her with a good temper.

A man and a woman chatted in the office, and the atmosphere was warm, and the warmth permeated the room.

When they got off work, the two left the company hand in hand.

Some employees in the company saw Rong Liyuan's tie, blinked their eyes in doubt, and thought seriously.

The president's tie today doesn't seem to be this one. Could it be that he remembered it wrong?

Moreover, this tie is baggy, not at all like the president's style.

His eyes fell on Mu Changying who was beside Rong Liyuan, he understood instantly, and smiled clearly, his eyes were full of gossip and ambiguity.


Go back to Rong Mansion.

Rong Liyuan hugged Mu Changying and walked towards the room.

Throwing her on the bed, he pulled the tie carefully for fear of breaking it.

Before he could do anything, the door of the room was pushed open again.

Bai Mo stood at the door, "Second Master, I have already..."

Rong Liyuan's hostility could not be restrained, "Get out!"

His brows were furrowed, and his handsome face was full of gloom.

Seeing the situation in the room clearly, Bai Mo was dumbfounded.

He felt bad, "...Yes, yes."

His legs were a little weak, and he quickly exited the room, his worried face turned pale.

Mu Changying was lying on the bed, propping her head with one hand, her eyes were full of teasing, "Ah Yuan, it seems that it is inappropriate to do this today."

A head of black and soft hair was scattered on the bed, and her innocent face was dyed with charm, like a demon concubine who brought disaster to the country and the people.


Rong Liyuan's clothes were disheveled, his breathing was short of breath, his body was filled with anger, he was interrupted twice, and he was extremely unhappy.

Mu Changying got up from the bed, stepped on a pair of slippers, and ran out, "A Yuan, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Rong Liyuan: "..."

Putting his tongue against his tooth socket, he smiled coldly, packed his clothes and walked out of the room.

Bai Mo and Li Li made an appointment today and wanted to destroy him?

Li Li, who was still working overtime in the company, suddenly sneezed, and her back felt cold.

Mu Changying ran downstairs, looked at Bai Mo who was sitting on the sofa in the hall, "Little Momo, what did Ah Yuan ask you to do?"

Seeing her going downstairs, Bai Mo had nothing to love. It's over, it's over, and now the second master will definitely make a serious note of him.

He lowered his head and said weakly, "Second Master asked his subordinates to find a way to instigate Huang Lianhua to drop the check in his hand."

When Rong Liyuan heard the words of the showdown, his pupils shrank, and his eyes were unconsciously tense.

"Yingbao..." Did she think he was dark and selfish?

He stood at the top of the stairs, not daring to move forward.

Feeling uneasy in my heart, like a high-altitude tightrope walker, and like a dead man gambling with his life.

"go on."

Mu Changying didn't notice his arrival, and sat on the sofa with a cartoon pillow in his arms.

This pillow is incompatible with the decoration style of the home, and it looks extremely abrupt.

Bai Mo spread his hands helplessly, "Ahem...Actually, I didn't do anything. The money in Huang Lian's hand is gone."

Lin Chunxiu revealed the news that Huang Lian came to the city for the purpose of making life difficult for his wife.

Later, Wang Fugui entered the police station and owed huge debts, so he turned his ideas on Huang Lian.

Not long after she left school, Lin Chunxiu had cheated her of a check of 10 million yuan.

After listening to Bai Mo's words, Mu Changying put down the pillow in her arms and curled her lips.

"Ma'am... If she..."

Before he could finish this sentence, Mu Changying raised his hand and interrupted, with a cold voice, "I said it when I gave the money, and it will be irrelevant in the future."

The money has already been given to Huang Lian, if you don't keep it, then don't even try to get any more money from her.

Rong Liyuan walked downstairs, "Ying Bao..."

His eyes were flickering with uneasiness and mania, and he took a deep breath on her body, as if only in this way could he get peace of mind.

"I asked Bai Mo to do what happened to Huang Lian." He confessed and leniently revealed his dark side in front of her.

Mu Changying wrapped his arms around his waist, "A Yuan...I know that A Yuan is venting his anger on my behalf, and I won't be angry."

There was no mother-daughter relationship between her and Huang Lian.

They were selfish and lazy, like vampires, trying to drain all the value from her, and they had already experienced this kind of thing in their previous lives.

"Yingbao..." Rong Liyuan's sexy Adam's apple squirmed, calling her name softly, tenderly and possessively.

Bai Mo: "..."

After looking at the two of them, he exited the living room with an extremely winking look. If he disturbed the second master again, he might be dismembered.

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