late at night.

The night shrouded the entire mansion, the bright moonlight was as white as frost, sprinkled on the ground, the night was quiet and serene, and there was a low panting sound in a certain room.

The day was interrupted twice, and at night, Rong Liyuan turned into a wolf.

"A Yuan... A Yuan, A Yuan..." Mu Changying grabbed the bed sheet and kept calling his name.

He obviously wanted to get his pity, but it caused the violence and desire in Rong Liyuan's eyes to become more intense.

Being asked again and again, her eyes were blurred, like foam floating on the sea, unable to find her way.


The next day, Qingjin High School.

Mu Changying was lying on the table, drowsy, and her slender waist was aching.

Seeing that she was still sleeping, Hua Qiqi was puzzled, did sister Ying not have a good rest last night?

She wanted to go forward to ask, but Yu Linye grabbed her wrist.

There was a look of understanding in his eyes under the frame, "Qiqi, don't bother Sister Ying, she might not have had a good rest last night."

Hua Qiqi:? ? ? ?

What are you going to do at the latest, why didn't you have a good rest? She didn't know why, and froze in place.

"Silly girl."

The tenderness in Yu Linye's eyes became more and more intense, almost overflowing and dripping out.

Hua Qiqi felt a little uncomfortable, "Ahem...don't get so close to me."

Every time he looked at her with such eyes, he would feel that this guy was plotting against her.

The number of people in the classroom gradually increased. But when everyone saw Mu Changying sleeping on the table, they all involuntarily lowered their voices.

The classroom was as quiet as a chicken, and a sharp howling suddenly interrupted the silence.

"Mu Changying, Changying, my son, come out!" Huang Lian was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, standing at the door of the class, howling at the top of her voice.


The piercing voice pierced the silence, and Mu Changying opened his sleepy eyes.

His tongue was on his jaw, and his bewildered eyes were suddenly cold and rustling.

He stood up and walked slowly towards the door of the classroom.

She looked at the woman in front of her, her soft face was as calm as water, "Didn't I say that it doesn't matter from now on?"

Huang Lian wiped away the tears that didn't exist in the corners of her eyes, and sat down on the ground, "Sinister, what are you talking about? You are my daughter, why can't I come to you?"

There was no class yet, and there were quite a few students in the corridor.

When everyone heard this sentence, their eyes showed surprise, and the flames of gossip were burning.

Oh my god, Mu Changying's mother turned out to be a vulgar old woman from the countryside?

The voices of discussions around were getting louder, and Gu Qingyun from the first classroom came out together with Zhang Minyi.

Seeing the farce in front of them, the eyes of the two coincidentally showed sarcasm.

Mu Changying's cold eyes fell on the woman on the ground, "Our mother and daughter are over."

Huang Lian didn't care about this, she sat on the ground, rolled around, and roared hysterically.

"I'm your mother, you can't ignore me, abandon your mother, and don't support the elderly, do you believe it or not, I will go to the reporter to expose you?"

With no money in hand, she can't go back to the countryside empty-handed, otherwise what will happen to her son's dowry money? She also wants her son to get married early so that she can have a grandson.

"It don't understand human speech." Mu Changying squatted down, raised her hand to straighten Huang Lian's messy hair.

The movements were gentle, but the coldness in his eyes was piercingly cold.

She leaned into Huang Lian's ear and whispered, "I think you made a mistake...I'm not your daughter."

! ! !

Huang Lian's back felt cold, and her hair stood on end, "You, you, you..."

how come? How does this dead girl know that she is not her own?

Mu Changying's vermilion lips parted slightly, "Because I'm not your own, so I won't feel guilty for treating me as a coolie since I was a child, but instead, I'll squeeze my value even harder."

"Now, you want to come to me for money again, you say... what should I do?"

The girl's voice was cold and whizzing, without a trace of emotion, Huang Lian felt a chill spread from her heart to her limbs.

Mu Changying rested her chin with one hand, "Oh, I almost forgot."

"What you care about most is your precious son, why don't you start with him?"

Achilles' heel is pinched.

The fear in Huang Lian's eyes grew more and more, "Daughter, you, you... can't, can't..."

Shaking his head like pounding garlic, his body kept retreating, his face was angry and frightened.

Seeing this, Gu Qingyun frowned slightly, "This... this is my mother, if it gets out, it will be bad for Changying's reputation."

After waking up the dreamer with a single word, Zhang Minyi, who was standing beside him, smiled, quickly took out his phone, and started recording a video.

A smile burst into Mu Changying's eyes, "Oh? Then get out. Come back next time, my temper may not be so good."

Huang Lian stared blankly at the girl in front of her.

Confident, powerful, beautiful.

It's not at all like the submissive and clumsy pig in the country.

changed, changed...

She gritted her teeth, "I...I...I'm going."

Her son is her destiny, but nothing should happen to her.

You cheap girl, who is so rich, actually searched for it.

"So cute~"

Mu Changying got up, glanced at Zhang Minyi, licked her lips with her tongue, "Hey, what are you taking pictures of?"

Gu Qingyun stood up and interrupted, "Changying... Are you doing this..."

She hesitated to speak, her face full of worry.

Taking advantage of the time, Zhang Minyi quickly posted the finished video on the Internet.

Mu Changying was in a displeased mood, "Chunhua, you really are a bit nosy."

Has she been too pleasant recently, so that all cats and dogs ran to her face and spoiled her.

He raised his hand and placed it on Lu Qingyun's shoulder.

Accumulated strength in the hand, pinched it hard, the pain hit, and the face quickly turned pale.

"Long... long tassel..." Gu Qingyun's forehead was sweating, and her voice was trembling.


Mu Changying let go of her hand, brushed past her, and walked towards Zhang Minyi, "It's a bit courageous for you to post the video without permission~"

Step by step, elegant and lazy.

The aura lingering around him is confident and flamboyant. The students in the corridor backed away winkingly, and automatically made way for them.

He snatched the mobile phone from Zhang Minyi's hand.

Mu Changying glanced at the video that had been posted on Weibo, but did not choose to delete it.

She raised her phone and looked at Zhang Minyi with a smile on her face, "Tsk, then I'll charge a little interest..."

As soon as the voice fell, he let go of his hand.

The phone then fell.

"Mu Changying!"

Zhang Minyi twisted his face angrily, and rushed forward to catch the phone.

The phone fell extremely fast, and it fell to the ground in just a second, leaving Zhang Minyi empty.


The phone made close contact with the floor, making a crisp sound, and the screen shattered instantly.

Mu Changying bowed her head and said seriously, "The quality doesn't seem to be very good."

Pursing her lips, she raised her foot and stepped on the phone without any hesitation.

After crushing it with my feet, the screen of the mobile phone was broken even more, and the ballast fell to the ground.

"Hey, your phone."

Looking at Zhang Minyi, whose face was contorted with anger, he kicked the phone away.

The mobile phone was kicked in front of him, looking at it torn apart, depression filled his heart.

She breathed heavily, "Who of you dare to break my phone?"

Mu Changying glanced at the people in the corridor.

Everyone: "..."

Unanimously bowed their heads, not daring to talk to her.

"Do you know how much my phone costs? Do you know how many important documents and messages are in it?"

Zhang Minyi roared again and again, but Mu Changying didn't pay attention, turned around and walked into the classroom without paying attention.

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