
Seeing Mu Changying walk into the classroom, Zhang Minyi picked up the phone and smashed it again angrily.

Gu Qingyun stepped forward worriedly, stretched out her hand to hold her wrist, and comforted her softly, "Ming Yi, don't be angry, too much anger is bad for your health. The college entrance examination is coming soon, go back to the classroom to review."

The gentle and watery voice fell on everyone's ears, and everyone lamented the good relationship between the two of them.

The protagonists are all gone, the show is over, everyone shrugged and went back to their respective classes.


Back in the class, I lay down on the table again, feeling weak and lazy.

She held a ballpoint pen in her hand and twirled it gently with her fingertips.

During a review class, during the break, the sound of the phone vibrating kept ringing.

Taking out his phone, it was no surprise that he saw his name on the trending search.

#Madden, the dignified Mrs. Rong refused to support her mother!

Netizens were surprised and puzzled.

[This... isn't it? biological? I don't think they look alike at all. 】

[Her mother is so old, she refuses to support her, she is really heartless! anger.jpg]

[Standing upstairs and talking doesn't bother your back? Mu Changying was only a high school student, how could she have the ability to support the elderly? 】

[Even if she doesn't support her mother, her attitude towards her mother is too bad, right? Not like a mother and daughter, it's like the envy of enemies when they meet each other! 】

[If I have such a heartless daughter, I might as well strangle her to death. roll your eyes.jpg]


Mu Changying read through the comments with great interest.

There was no trace of anger in his eyes, they were as calm as water.

Taking out the laptop from his schoolbag, he quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands, leaving afterimages of his fingers.

In just one minute, it was easy to break through the school's security system.

Invade the school surveillance and find the scene when Huang Lian received the check in the corridor yesterday.

Hold, exit, erase traces.

Cut the video and log in to Weibo.

Mu Changying V: [Sorry, my mother-daughter relationship with this lady was severed yesterday. video】

After the Weibo was posted, a group of black fans flooded into the comment area in an instant.

They don't even watch the video, no matter whether Sanqi is twenty-one or not, they just squirt violently when they resist the keyboard.

After spraying and venting the unhappiness in my heart, I started the video slowly.

After watching the video, the comment section was silent, and the faces of netizens were as swollen as a pig's head.

【I... I was wrong, I shouldn't have commented without knowing the truth of the matter. 】

[Heh, I scolded people very happily when I was cursing, but now I am wagging my tail and apologizing. Could you please clarify the situation next time? 】

[Sister Mu, I'm a fan of brother Xun, I will always believe in you. cute.jpg]

[So... that old woman in the video is really Mu Changying's mother? Surprised.jpg]

The reversal came too fast.

Most of the black fans shut down, and some even have a conscience to choose to apologize.

The popularity of this Weibo kept rising, and it quickly climbed to the top five.

And it was still in the fifth position just now#When the popular actress Hua Shiying derailed, the Weibo was removed in vain.


In the classroom, Mu Changying pressed her tongue against her chin, "So... are you pulling me out to block the gun?"

She raised her eyebrows, took a sip of the mineral water on the table, and smiled inexplicably.

He picked up the computer and hacked Weibo unceremoniously.

Easily destroy the other party's firewall, and browse unimpeded, just like visiting your own back garden.

Get the chat history of Huashiying's agent contacting Weibo.

Using special means, this chat record was distributed to all private channels on Weibo.

Mu Changying puffed up her cheeks, "Hmm...I'm a bit annoyed that the idea was on me."

He held his chin in one hand, thought for a while, and then clicked the mouse with his little hand.

The file was sent out, and this chat record was hung at the top of Weibo.

The secret transaction is in front of everyone.

Netizens were amazed, they actually witnessed a shady transaction?

Fans were upset and turned fans to black one after another, and passers-by had the mentality of watching a movie.

Everyone poured into Huashiying's Weibo together, and hurled insults at each other.

When the person in charge of Weibo saw that the incident had become a big issue, he was anxious and angry, and hurriedly called for technical personnel to remove these messages.

All the technicians were dispatched, but they couldn't remove the message.

This familiar operation... Everyone thought for a while, and soon thought of hacker K.

Facing such a top boss, they were helpless, so they quit with self-knowledge.

Things on the Internet have attracted the attention of people in the 319 hacker concentration camp.

The best among them dispatched, but failed to remove the news.

He was both surprised and happy, [Boss, hacker K is online, and he has done a lot of trouble. 】

In the entire 319 hacker concentration camp, only Y has the strength to fight against hacker K.

【Boss, do you want to take this opportunity to recruit hacker K into your ranks? Such talents cannot be lost. 】

They started poaching people when hacker K was rising in the hacker forum, but after so long, things didn't make any progress.

Hacker K also gradually calmed down, but he didn't expect to come out again today.

Dingmao Group.

The meeting room was silent, a group of elites were scolded bloody, staring at the report in their hands, silent, like a lucky little wife.


The phone vibrated.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at each other.

Which life-or-death guy doesn't turn off his phone during a meeting? Poor guy, I'm afraid the year-end bonus will be for naught.

Rong Liyuan picked up the phone and swipe the screen.


The people in the meeting room were dumbfounded. Wide-eyed and small-eyed, they all saw in the other's eyes that they couldn't believe it.

After reading the message, 【No need to solicit, hacker K is already mine. 】

Drop an explosive message, exit the chat page, and switch to Weibo.

Seeing the chat history hanging above Weibo, little smiles floated in Rong Liyuan's deep eyes.

But when he saw the scandal about Mu Changying on the trending search, the hostility in his eyes instantly overflowed.

Putting down the phone, he said to Li Li next to him, "Let the PR department handle it."

"Yes." She glanced at the screen, got up and left the conference room.

other people:"???"

The topic jumps too much. What did the president ask the PR department to handle?

Rong Liyuan glanced coldly at everyone, "The meeting continues."

Stop being curious about gossip, and concentrate one by one, for fear of being distracted and not listening clearly, encountering tragic things such as bonus deductions and salary cuts.


Hanzhou Law Firm.

After finishing a trial, Li Nanfeng sat in his office, rubbing the space between his brows.

The push notification sounded on Weibo, sweeping away his fatigue, he picked up his phone to check.

Even Li Nanxun didn't pay attention to his Weibo, the only one who paid attention was Yiyi.


After browsing the trending searches and the comments in the comment area, Li Nanfeng took off his glasses, and his elegant eyes were stained with a deep coldness.

Han Zhou Law Firm V: [Han Zhou will treat everyone who slanders or deliberately damages Mu Changying's reputation. attached picture.jpg]

A lawyer's letter is issued.

Some netizens burst out laughing, what they said was really wonderful.

Anyone who slanders Mu Changying will receive equal treatment and receive the same lawyer's letter.

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