Dingmao Group V: [Madam, Dingmao has always been your strongest backing. 】

The group's official Weibo posted a message, and all the employees of the company cheered in the comment area.

The blatant maintenance is undisguised.

The lineup is easy to play, you don't need to spend money, and you can easily occupy the hot searches.

Li Nanxun V: [Sorry, I really don't know, my sister has this kind of mother? Confused face.jpg]

In addition to Dingmao and Hanzhou, Master Canghui, Mr. Xu, Mr. Si and many other big bosses also stood up to defend Mu Changying unswervingly.

[Mu Mu, is this a group favorite script? I also want to have so many big guys to maintain. tooth acid.jpg]

[Upstairs you are wrong, Mu Changying is also a big boss, and those who can be big bosses never bother to be favored by others. 】

[Brother Xun said he didn't know, is there something hidden in it? Weird relationship, so complicated. 】

[Second Master is so protective of his wife, Mu Changying stands up and protects her when someone slanders her. Envy.jpg]


With so many bigwigs standing up to protect the calf, the person in charge of the Weibo official sweated and severely reprimanded the foolish people under his command.

For a little money, Hua Shiying's hot search was removed, and Mu Changying's top pot was replaced. Could it be that this person's head has been flooded?


training room.

Li Zhiyi saw the black material on the Internet, stood up, picked up his coat and put it on his body.

Qin Chuan was full of doubts, "Brother Yi, where are you going?"

They have just re-formed a new team, and the game has to start from zero, and there is not much time before the game starts.

Without DW, this year's favorite team to lead the championship is the QY team.

They have fought against this one before, and they are weak and treacherous.

Every minute and every second is extremely important now, if you don't hurry up to practice, you still have to go out?

Li Zhiyi kept walking, and said calmly, "Pick up my sister from school."

There are always a group of monsters and goblins around Yiyi, and he has to protect her well.

Qin Chuan:? ? ? ?

other people:? ? ?

If I remember correctly, Brother Yi's younger sister is not a child, and she still needs to be picked up?

Li Zhiyi walked out of Xiaopo Company.

The guard at the gate looked at his back, quickly took out his mobile phone, and made a call, "Yes, yes, he has already gone out..."


Qingjin High School.

When the school bell rang, Mu Changying walked out of the school gate, glanced at the firecrackers and saw Li Zhiyi who was waiting at the gate.

He was wearing a simple short sleeve, slacks, black sneakers, a thin coat in his hand, and a bottle of strawberry-flavored milk that didn't match his temperament.

Standing in the crowd, it seems to be a natural luminous body, attracting the attention of countless people.

"Second brother." Mu Changying stepped forward and stood in front of him, smiling sweetly.


Li Zhiyi's rough face was stained with tenderness, he unscrewed the cap of the milk bottle in his hand, and handed it to her, "After a day of class, you are tired, hurry up and add some nutrition."


Mu Changying took the milk and glanced at its ingredients. It was pure milk without any additives.

With a smile in his eyes, he drank it all under his gaze, not a single drop was left.

Hua Qiqi who was standing beside Mu Changying: "..."

Attend class? tiring? Well, the third year of high school is indeed quite tiring, but should we be so exaggerated?

Sensing her gaze, Yu Linye silently walked to the vending machine aside.

Bought a bottle of milk, unscrewed it, "Here, drink it."

Hua Qiqi blinked her eyelashes, and took the milk sheepishly. Originally, I wanted to drink it in a few sips, but inexplicably slowed down and drank it in small sips, looking like a model lady.

Si Xian: "..."

It's too much, they all have someone to care about, but he is a poor little guy who no one cares about.

Li Zhiyi took the schoolbag from Mu Changying's hand, "Yiyi, Second Brother will take you home."

He weighed the weight and frowned slightly. Are there so many books for the third year of high school? The schoolbag is quite heavy, Yiyi must be very tired carrying it.

Mu Changying smiled and said goodbye to the others, "Okay, thank you, Second Brother."

Although it was said to be a delivery, in fact Li Zhiyi didn't come by car.

He has always lived in the team and rarely goes home, and the coach is responsible for his usual travels.

The two walked on the street, handsome and handsome, their good looks frequently attracted people's attention.

As he walked, Mu Changying stopped in vain, and a stern look appeared in those gentle eyes.

"Yiyi, what's wrong?" Li Zhiyi asked worriedly, "Are you tired, the second brother will carry you."

Because he walked such a long distance without thinking carefully, my sister's feet must be sore.

A gleam flashed in Mu Changying's eyes, and she pointed to the alley next to her, "Second brother, I'm not tired, let's take this road, it's closer."

This road did not lead to Rong's mansion, Li Zhiyi sensed something was wrong and did not expose it.

Through the window next to him, he saw a few men standing behind them. They were wearing hats and their faces could not be seen clearly.

Tongue pressed against the tooth socket, and the hand holding the schoolbag was clenched, "Okay."

The siblings looked at each other and walked into the dark alley.

When the men behind saw this, joy flashed in their eyes, and they quickly followed.

This is because even God is helping them. It is best to start with this kind of alley.

Mu Changying leaned against the wall, her legs crossed casually.

Seeing the person coming, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened, and he shook his head regretfully, "Tsk..."

The shortest guy among several men felt uneasy, "Boss..."

How can this little girl still laugh?

He looked behind him, ready to back off.

"Where are you going?" Li Zhiyi blocked the exit, threw the coat in his hand on the ground, and twisted his schoolbag with one hand.

The leading gangster kicked the wall, "You guys already knew?"

"What do you say?"

Mu Changying moved his wrist, clenched a fist with one hand, and quickly ran towards the target like lightning.

The fist struck, pierced the air, stirred up a torrent, and carried the momentum of thousands of troops.

The local ruffian smiled maliciously, "Yo, the little girl seems to have some tricks."

Although it looked menacing, but how capable a yellow-haired girl could be, at most it was embroidered fists and legs.

The leading man tried to crouch, avoiding his fists.

Mu Changying's fist was on the face away from him, and he quickly changed the target of the attack, hitting his stomach hard.

"I...can do more than just a few strokes." She bent her knees and hit his stomach hard, and clasped his neck with the other hand.

Use force with your hands, press the person against the wall, and press against the wall.

"Cough cough cough..."

In just one minute, Huang Gang had no time to react, and had already been reduced to fish on the chopping board.



"Stinky bitch, you fucking let our boss go, or I'll make you look good."

Seeing that he was caught, the rest of the gangsters rushed forward to help.

"court death."

Li Zhiyi was twisting his schoolbag with one hand, and his figure was as fast as a ghost, shuttling through the crowd.

Every attack is full of strength, ferocious and ruthless.

He was full of hostility, like a cheetah preying on the prairie, "Who gave you the courage to scold my sister?"

With red blood in his eyes, his already rough face looked even more ferocious and savage.

"I... I was wrong, brother, I dare not..."

"Aww...don't hit, don't hit, we know we're wrong..."

The sound of loose bones and screams like slaughtering pigs sounded in the alley.

A few punks are completely vulnerable, this is simply a one-sided abuse.

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