Mu Changying let go of the hand that locked his throat, "I followed you all the way from school to here, tell me, who told you to come?"

Huang Gang got his breath, and his swollen face, which looked like a pig's liver, was finally relieved.

"Cough cough cough..."

With horror in his eyes, he stepped back again and again to a safe distance.

Clutching his chest in discomfort, coughing violently, his eyes dodged, "I... I just don't feel good seeing him..."

Seeing his evasive words, Mu Changying smiled lightly, and walked towards him, "It seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin."

Simply unhappy? But is she a fool?

"Moved my brother, did you ask me for my opinion?"

She pursed her lips and smiled, her steps were slack, she looked like a lazy and noble cat, but she had this pair of ferocious eyes.

Huang Gang pursed his lips uncomfortably, his back was sweating, his heart was tense, and he was about to jump out of his body, "I...I'm really upset to see him."

It can't be said, otherwise not only will the money be wasted, but he will also have a hard time.

"Since you don't say it, let me vent my anger anyway."

Mu Changying took the schoolbag from Li Zhiyi's hand.

He opened the schoolbag and took out the blood whip that had not been used for a long time.

White and slender five fingers caressed the whip, and dried blood still remained on it.

Huang Gang swallowed wildly, "You...what do you want to do?"

He regretted it and wanted to escape from this horrible place, but there were wolves in front and tigers in back, Li Zhiyi blocked the exit and stared at him coldly.


With a wave of Mu Changying's hand, the whip came through the air.

The whip slashed across Huang Gang's face, leaving a bloodstain, and the blood overflowed.

With a slight movement of the hand, the whip swept down from the face and slashed down from the neck fiercely.

"Bitch, bitch!!!"

The whip hit his body, his skin was ripped apart, and pain swept his whole body.

Mu Changying's eyes were cold, and he waved his whip, "Your mouth stinks!"

This whip has not drank blood for a long time.

One whip after another was whipped on the man's body, and the sound of the torrent piercing through the sky was terrifying.

The younger brothers who fell on the ground stood up, but were knocked down by Li Zhiyi again.

There was nothing they could do, they watched Huang Gang's clothes torn and his clothes stained red with blood.

The sound of whipping and howling sounded together, which was beautiful and pleasant.

"Tell the people behind you, if they set their minds on my brother again, I will depose him." Mu Changying withdrew his hand and held the whip.

Blood dripped from the whip, dripping to the ground.

"Brother, let's go." She wiped the whip clean and put it back in her schoolbag.


Li Zhiyi picked up the jacket on the ground, patted the dust, and took the schoolbag.

My heart is warm, sweet and greasy, as if I have eaten the best maltose.

Seeing the two evil gods leave the alley, a group of younger brothers got up.

"Boss, boss, are you okay?" Seeing the dense wounds on his body, he didn't dare to help him, for fear of hurting him.

"I seem to be fine? Get lost... hiss..."

Pulling the wound, the pain was so painful that the already ordinary face wrinkled together, making it even more ugly.

He waved away the people around him and took out his phone.

As soon as the call was dialed, it was quickly connected.

"God... brother Tian... what you asked me to do failed..."

Not only did they not cripple Li Zhiyi's hand, they were beaten up instead.

"The money will be cut in half, and I will call your card later."

After the man opposite finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone without giving Huang Gang a chance to refute.

Looking at the phone that was hung up, he cursed fiercely, "Fuck, send the beggar?"

Half the price, this is only enough for the medical expenses of their brothers!

On the other side, the training room.

The man with a soft face knocked on the table with one hand, the dark light in his eyes seemed to flicker.

After thinking about it for a while, I got acquainted, flipped the screen of the phone, and landed my finger on the one marked "Brother Dao".

Brother Dao's thugs are well-known in famous capitals. They should be able to complete the task easily.


After returning to the Rong mansion, Mu Changying immediately cleaned up the murder weapon. This whip was the most convenient weapon for her.

There was the sound of water flowing in the bathroom, Rong Liyuan came home from get off work and saw the movement, so he opened the door and entered.

Mu Changying stopped what she was doing, "A're back?"

The water from the faucet kept flowing, and the whip was washed, staining the water red with blood.

Rong Liyuan frowned, held her little hand, and said in a cold tone, "Ying Bao, whose blood is this?"

Mu Changying puffed up her cheeks, "He's just an insignificant person."

He let go of her hand, picked up the veil, and wiped her hands clean.

"I'll do this kind of work."

Ying Bao's hands are so clean, how could they be stained with such dirty blood casually?


"Go out quickly."

Mu Changying had no choice but to exit the bathroom.

As soon as she went out, Rong Liyuan stopped, took out her mobile phone and edited a text message to Bai Mo, 【Go and find out, what happened to Ying Bao today. 】

[Madam just taught a few punks a lesson. 】

After reading the reply, he continued to clean the whip.

After washing, I looked at my hands, frowning, took the alcohol, and washed my hands.

After rubbing it over and over again, his hands turned red and almost broke his skin. He stopped after confirming that there was no dirty smell.

At dinner, Rong Liyuan put a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs in Mu Changying's bowl.

She put down her chopsticks, grabbed his hand, and without a word, pulled him upstairs.

Rong Liyuan remained silent, followed her steps, put away his cold and cruel outside, and behaved like a domestic cat.


It's really hard to see the second master's appearance. It's a pity that I didn't take a photo, otherwise I can share it with the old lady to enjoy it.


Without a word all the way, he dragged the person to the bedroom and took out the medicine from the medicine box.

Mu Changying's movements were a little rough, but Rong Liyuan's face remained unchanged.

Her heart softened suddenly, she sighed helplessly, and gently handled his hand for him.

Handle well.

Mu Changying looked down at him condescendingly, "A Yuan, if you do this again next time, you can go to the study and sleep by yourself."

It was his hand that hurt, but she would also feel sorry for him.


Rong Liyuan stood up, wrapped his hands around her waist, and buried his head between her neck from behind.

"Not next time."

He was just worried that such dirty blood would stain his tassel.

Mu Changying turned around and hugged him back, "You idiot."

She wasn't afraid when she whipped someone, so how could she dislike him for having blood on his hands?

Rong Liyuan was satisfied, with a little smile in his eyes, "Ying Bao."

Even if you are a fool, just be your fool.


Five days later.

The office building was quickly renovated and renamed "Shuhua Training"

Taken from the belly, there is a poetic and bookish atmosphere, and when the scholarly atmosphere is combined with etiquette, it is the top lady.

Knowing that Mu Changying and Mrs. Witt's wife, Julian, jointly opened the business, the wives of Mingdu City had various mentalities and asked their children and relatives to sign up for the first training session.

Up to 30 years old, down to 8 years old, classes for adults and children.

The training class opened, and Rong Liyuan personally supported it.

Except for Li Zhiyi, the three brothers of the Li family who participated in the first competition today, Li Nanxun and Li Nanfeng all put down their work and came.

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