The ribbon-cutting ceremony had just begun, and the gifts from the leaders of all parties arrived one after another.

"Fuck, what is that? It looks like a pair of emeralds that attract wealth and treasure!" With an exclamation, everyone looked towards the entrance.

The old lady was wearing a black hand-embroidered cheongsam, with fine lines and exquisite patterns, and the black fabric base was even more elegant.

Obviously approaching old age, but the temperament that is integrated into the bones of the whole body is

"Sister-in-law, happy opening, business performance continues to rise, booming."

She raised her hand, and the people behind her moved this valuable jade onto the stage.

Mu Changying smiled, "Thank you Mom."

This kind of jadeite is very rare, and the old lady must have spent a lot of energy on it.

A low-key Maybach stopped at the door, "Here comes, someone comes again!"

The driver got out of the car and opened the door. The door opened, and an old man in a Tang suit stepped out.

Immediately afterwards, Si Xian restrained his usual arrogance, holding the gift in both hands, and walked step by step through the carpet on the floor.

The master of ceremonies held the microphone, his expression slightly excited, and the hand holding the microphone tightened subconsciously, "The old man of the Si family sent a golden tripod dragon pot!"

Through the microphone, the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

"Jinding Dragon Pot!"

In the crowd, Gu Zhan couldn't control his facial expression in surprise, his pupils shrank violently, and his breathing was subconsciously rapid.

"Father... is this Jinding Dragon Pot from the Royal Court Auction House?"

"Yes, that's the one!"

Hearing Gu Zhan's unwavering voice, Gu Qingyun's face was slightly ugly, and deep jealousy floated in her eyes.

Mu Changying and Rong Liyuan stepped forward hand in hand, "Si Lao is too polite, but there is no need to be so."

The Golden Tripod Dragon Pot, this item has recently set off a hurricane in the upper class.

This is a teapot for making tea. It is not only named because it looks like a dragon, but also because it is used by the emperor.

But with the collapse of the desert dynasty, the golden tripod dragon pot was also buried in the mausoleum along with the emperor of the desert, and disappeared from the sight of the world.

Throughout the ages, many people peeped at the tomb of Emperor Damo, but none of the tomb robbers who went down to the tomb survived.

Over time, the mausoleum of the desert emperor became one of the ten most dangerous places.

But a few days ago, someone sold a batch of items from the tomb of the desert emperor, among which the Golden Tripod Dragon Pot is the most valuable for collection.

As soon as the news of the auction came out, it immediately attracted countless celebrities. On the day of the auction, a mysterious person actually bought the Golden Tripod Dragon Pot at a sky-high price of 300 million yuan.

"The gift of 300 million can be given away as long as it is given away. Mr. Si is too arrogant. Damn it!"

"I'm not greedy, just give me one of this rich and generous elder."

"If I had such a dragon pot, I could walk sideways."


Mr. Si stroked his beardless chin, with a smile on his face, "Girl Mu is my savior, you can afford this little gift."

Si Xian scanned around the people present, and found Hua Qiqi and Yu Linye in the corner, "Sister Ying, you can keep this little gift."

"Boss, sit inside."

Although Rong Liyuan has hostility in his body, it has been restrained much more than when facing other people.

When Si Lao saw his appearance, there was emotion in his eyes, and the only one who could ease the attitude of this evil spirit was Mu girl.

After Mr. Si entered, another car greeted the door of Shuhua's training class.

Different from the low-key just now, this is a cool red convertible sports car.

"Sister...Miss Mu, the business is booming."

Gu Xichen held a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a document in the other.


Mu Changying's face was as calm as water, and she raised her hand to let the service staff take the bouquet away.

Although the treatment of the guests in front was not very different from the treatment of him, the people present were all human beings, and the clues were immediately discovered after further observation.

The relationship between Mrs. Rong and the Gu family is a bit delicate.

Gu Xichen felt empty in his heart, and the soreness spread all over his limbs, and a forced smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

"...This is for you too, let's accept it together."

He couldn't call Sister Mu Changying openly, but he also wanted to do something for her.

He is eager to get the eyes of his sister, but he also understands that he is not a disqualified brother...

Suspicion flashed in Mu Changying's eyes.

After taking the document, he looked at ten lines at a glance, frowned slightly after scanning all of them, and said indifferently, "No, you should keep these things for yourself."

Rong Liyuan took the documents.

Seeing the big bold characters of the "Share Transfer Letter" on it, the cold eyes flickered with hostility, "The Rong family is not bankrupt."

If Yingbao wants shares, he can give her all the shares of Dingmao.

It was not her wife's turn to make such a gift from an unrelated outsider.

"……elder brother……"

The more he looked at it, the more something was wrong, Gu Qingyun couldn't stand still, and walked towards Mu Changying's position.

Seeing the words on the document, her face was full of panic and anger, and she suppressed her anger.

"Brother, Changying may not like this gift very much, why not change it."

Mu Changying's fingers moved slightly, watching Gu Qingyun's performance, she lacked interest.

"Changying, what kind of gift do you like? I'll ask my brother to pick another one for you later."

" can't afford the gift I want."

After failing to ease the atmosphere, Gu Qingyun's smile froze, and she stretched out her hand to wrap around Gu Xichen's wrist.

"The 10% of the shares are in my name, and I have the right to decide how to deal with it." He withdrew his hand, with a cold face and a firm attitude.

! ! ! ! !

Those who were still confused just now figured out what this document was, and stared at this rare farce with dumbfounded expressions.

Others gave big gifts more or less because of their close relationship with Mu Changying or the Rong family.

But Gu Xichen and the others tried their best but couldn't understand how someone who couldn't beat him would give such a crazy gift?


Gu Zhan, who was standing in the crowd, couldn't bear it anymore, rushed up and snatched the share transfer certificate from him.


Immediately afterwards, he slapped him backhand.

Accompanied by a clear sound, five fingerprints appeared on Jun Lang's face.

Gu Zhan tried his best to maintain his expression, "Mrs. Rong, Second Master, the dog made you laugh."

"Yeah." Mu Changying nodded honestly, it was indeed embarrassing.

Seeing her expression, Gu Zhan's face became even more stinky, and he pulled Gu Xichen hard.

With all his strength, he used his breastfeeding strength to drag the person out of the crowd.

"Ah Yuan, I look like someone who cares about Gu family's money?"

The guarded looks of Gu Zhan and Gu Qingyun really left her speechless.

"That share is not enough for Yingbao's pocket money, so why do you care about the property of the Gu family?"

Rong Liyuan held her little hand with his right hand, and gently patted the back of her hand with his left hand.

The movements are gentle and relaxed, as if they are dealing with a fragile object.

Li Nanxun and Li Nanfeng looked at Gu Xichen's back, and the eyes of the two of them coincided with a fierce look.

So... is this kid planning to use money to win Yiyi's favor?

"act recklessly."

Want to rob his sister?

Heh, it's impossible in this life and the next life.

Li Nanxun murmured in a low voice, narrowing his shiny eyes, dangerous and intoxicating.

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