Li Nanfeng stretched out his skeletal index finger and pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, "Don't worry, this eye-obscuring guy won't stand a chance."

With a refined smile, he also carried the strength to win, and he was extremely confident, as if he was in control of the overall situation.

If Yiyi hates someone, she will always hate him, and she will never fall in love with him because of small favors.

What's more... these people in the Gu family are hated by Yiyi to the core.

Li Nanxun tugged on his tie, "Unfortunately, the second brother is not here."

Li Zhiyi has a bad temper, if he sees Gu Xichen trying to snatch his sister, he will definitely rush forward without saying a word and beat him to death.

"He played today."

Li Nanfeng stared down at his wrist, and glanced at the time. The first game of the Summer Cup of Wangwang E-sports should start soon.


The opening ceremony of the ribbon-cutting was about the same, and there were no valuable guests.

Mu Changying came to the stage with Mrs. Witt, holding a pair of small and delicate scissors in their hands.

"The ribbon-cutting begins!"

With the order of the host, the pollution-free firecrackers and fireworks were set off together.

The fireworks bloomed with the word "Shuhua", which is beautiful and unique, which is particularly eye-catching.

Except for the word Shuhua in the middle, there are pictures of hundreds of flowers blooming around.

A hundred flowers bloom and compete for beauty. I hope that the students trained by Shuhua can be like these flowers.

Seeing this fireworks, even some people who have been in the upper class all year round can't help but change their colors slightly.

"Damn it, it's cheating! It seems that only Mr. Shan, the best man in our country, can make this kind of fireworks?"

"The style is indeed very close, it should be Mr. Shan's work."

"The pollution-free art fireworks made by Mr. Shan are priceless and hard to find. I didn't expect such a big deal to be used in a betrothal ceremony."

"Mu Changying and Second Master Rong are not ordinary people, this is normal for them."


The fireworks ceremony is over.

Mu Changying and Mrs. Witt looked at each other, and they tightened their scissors, and cut off the red silk with a few big red flowers on it.


Just when the scissors were about to touch the silk, a voice interrupted the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Looking up, an elegant woman in a crescent-colored cheongsam came slowly.

"Mrs. Rong, the opening is booming." Ming Hua smiled gently and offered the gift.

The temperament of the whole body is clean and free of impurities, and the gestures make people feel extraordinarily comfortable.

Mu Changying accepted the gift, "Thank you, I'm really flattered that Madam can come."

Calmly looking at the woman in front of him, although he has only met twice, there is not much intersection.

But she could vaguely sense that there was a bit of restraint hidden under Minghua's gentle appearance.

Although she strives to be perfect in terms of etiquette, her innate identity makes it difficult for her to have the grandeur, dignity and majesty of the mother of a country all at once.

Ming Hua, "It's a small gift, I hope Mrs. Rong will like it."

The friendly attitude made most of the people around look at each other in blank dismay. Since when did the President's wife and Mu Changying have such a good relationship?

When everyone was in a daze, Minghua dropped even more shocking news.

"By the way, I heard that the training class is recruiting students. I wonder if I have the honor to be the first batch of adult students?"



After saying a word, there was silence all around, and the quietness seemed strange.

They subconsciously picked their ears, rubbed their eyes a little, and some pinched themselves hard.

All kinds of strange methods were used to confirm that it was not a dream, and they gasped in unison.

The president's wife came to the training class as a student, so wouldn't Mu Changying's status rise with the tide, and her reputation gradually increased.


Mrs. Witt didn't pay much attention to Minghua's body, but paid more attention to plasticity.

After watching for a while, the other party still remained unchanged, smiling as before, and Julian showed a smile, "Girl Mu, I think she is a malleable talent."

"Of course, it's our honor." Mu Changying nodded and extended her hand to Minghua.

Ming Hua did not shake her hand.

When the people around saw this, there was a lot of malice and curiosity in their eyes. Could there be any reversal?

Seeing the malice in these people's eyes, Si Xian squinted his eyes unhappily, and cursed softly, "Fuck..."

Those stares are disgusting, I really want to pluck their eyeballs out.

Yu Linye chuckled, "You are too irritable."

This temper can explode at the slightest touch, it is simply explosive.

"I've always been like this, I can't change it, and I don't plan to change it in the future."

Si Xian shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands helplessly, he just couldn't see anyone scolding Sister Ying badly.

"This temper is quite good. What's your dissatisfaction?"

Hua Qiqi glanced at Yu Linye coldly, and he immediately surrendered, "Of course I don't have any dissatisfaction."

The voice is gentle, the breath is deliberately softened, and the pampering appearance is simply suffocating.

"The teacher is here, please accept my apprentice's bow." Minghua held a cup of tea in his hand and bowed reverently to the two.

There was a deep smile in Mu Changying's eyes.

She took the tea that Ming Hua handed over and took a sip, the water didn't stick to her lips, and the lipstick didn't fade one iota.

Put the teacup on the table aside, "Teacher, please, you will be our disciple from now on, you should lead by example and continue Shuhua's fine character."

She helped Minghua up with her own hands, and clapped her hands with a smile, everyone knew the intimacy.



A reversal that comes too quickly is like a tornado.

Most people at the scene were seriously frightened, especially the timid ones.

The president's wife not only came to Shuhua's training class as a student, but also personally served Mu Changying tea to respect the teacher?

"Come on, you are the first official student trained by Shuhua, cut the ribbon with us."

Mu Changying took a pair of scissors from the tray beside him and handed them to Minghua.

Standing together, the three of them have completely different looks, and their styles are even more different.

But the youngest one stands firmly in the C position, and his temperament does not belong to anyone.

They cut the red silk and satin together, and the reporter squatting at the side raised it up, and the sound of clicking and shooting continued.

Big news, big news, this news will definitely shock everyone.

"Ying Bao..."

Rong Liyuan stood under the stage, looking at the shining girl on the stage, his gloomy eyes were full of affection.

This is his treasure, no matter where it is, in what field, it can shine brightly, making it hard to ignore.

After the ribbon cutting was over, the phone vibrated.

Mu Changying picked up the phone and looked through it.

Rong Liyuan in the audience saw that her face changed in vain, and the clean aura around her was swept away, full of coldness and chill.

She gripped the phone more tightly, smiled softly, and made a decisive decision.

"very good……"

Mu Changying licked his seductive red lips with his tongue, his brows and eyes were full of hostility.

She walked down the ribbon-cutting stage quickly under everyone's surprised and puzzled eyes.

"Mrs. Witt, I'm sorry to trouble you here." She took a sip of red wine, picked up the car keys, and left Shuhua training straight away.

Everyone: What's going on?

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