Get in the car, put on your seat belt, and start the car.

A series of movements are like flowing water, smooth and natural.

The high-heeled shoes slammed on the accelerator, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more cold.

"court death."

She held the phone in the other hand, watched the video sent, her strength increased, her bones were clearly defined, and the veins on the back of her hand bulged.

In the video, the man is lying on the ground covered with bruises, his right hand clenched tightly, holding the objects inside tightly.

His hands were covered with mottled blood and scarred, which looked extremely terrifying.

The tassels of the object in her hand fell outside, Mu Changying's lips were tightly pressed, and the hostility lingering around her became more and more intense.

She recognized that this tassel was the one on the pendant around Li Zhiyi's neck.


In the dark and damp alley, the man who should have appeared on the field was lying on the ground.

Ragged and embarrassed.

A dozen or so men surrounded her tightly, and each of them held an iron rod in their hands.


Li Zhiyi sneered, stood up, and wiped the blood from the corner of his lips.

"It's really annoying." He licked the corner of his lips with his tongue, with a stern look on his rough and wild face.

Looking at the pendant in his hand, his hostile eyes narrowed slightly, and he carefully put the pendant into his pocket.

"Using my most important thing to calculate me, you are so bold."

The man in the lead held the iron rod, completely ignoring Li Zhiyi.

This person's hand was seriously injured, and it is impossible to appear on the field today. Their mission has been completed.

The big man had a cigarette in his mouth, "Hey, you bastard, who are you scaring? Do you think you can escape?"

Although they picked up Li Zhiyi's pendant to lure him into the trap, but now he has no power to resist, like a fish on a chopping board at the mercy of others.


Li Zhiyi remained silent, his stern eyes swept towards the big man opposite.

The body rushed out quickly, raised his foot, and kicked the opponent's knee with all his strength.

"Fuck, you little bastard!"

Seeing this, the rest of the people rushed forward, holding iron rods in their hands, and beat Li Zhiyi's body.

He held an iron bar in his backhand, and clasped the little bastard's shoulder with the other.

With a bang, the wrist was dislocated, and the iron rod fell to the ground.

Li Zhiyi bent down, picked up the iron rod, and was suddenly hit hard on the back.


With a muffled groan in his throat, he endured the pain and stood up.

"Come on, let me tell you what it means to beat someone."

"Hey, it's already this time, this kid still has the energy to scare people."

"Ahahaha, it's okay, I'll beat him up and lie on the ground in a while."

"It's really ignorant, no wonder someone sees him unhappy and wants to teach him."

A group of people standing in the alley laughed non-stop.


Li Zhiyi looked ruthless.

He rushed up and smashed the opponent's body with the iron rod.

The movements of his hands were fast and fierce, his moves were fatal, and he showed no mercy.

There were many people on the opposite side, and he was alone. Li Zhiyi almost killed a thousand enemies and killed eight hundred to kill a bloody path.

People fell down one after another, Li Zhiyi was dripping with sweat, his clothes were stained with blood, his hair was disheveled, he looked like a tramp.


Mu Changying stopped the car.

Holding the blood whip in his hand, he hurried to the alley.

The alley was dark, and the tall man turned his back to her, and his moves to deal with the enemy didn't break away from him.

"Grass mud horse!"

The brothers around him kept falling, and the big man in the lead spat out the cigarette in his mouth on the ground.

Holding the iron rod, weighing the weight, he strode towards the exhausted Li Zhiyi.

Mu Changying's expression was gloomy and cold, and he quickly threw out the long red whip, "You hurt my brother in front of me, you are so daring!"

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