The whip pierced the sky, and the sound of the torrent was bursting, making people uneasy.

The big man hadn't hurt Li Zhiyi at all, and the iron rod in his hand was knocked off by the whip.

The tail of the whip scratched the back of his hand, and a scar immediately appeared on the back of his hand.

The wound ruptured, blood overflowed, and fell to the ground with a ticking sound.

The corner of Li Zhiyi's mouth curled up, the coldness in his eyes dissipated and he whispered, "Yiyi..."




There was no sound, the sudden attack caught everyone by surprise, and the seriously injured people lying on the ground raised their heads.

In the dark alley, the young girl was dressed delicately, obviously her status was not low, and she was out of place in this dark corner.

Mu Changying opened her lips lightly, "Those who do not change will be punished."

Ignoring everyone's surprise, he waved the bloody whip again.




The whip fell on the person, and the sound of flesh and blood and screams made her squint her eyes happily.

Within a minute, all the people who were still standing were lying on the ground, and the big man in the lead was also seriously injured.

"is it wrong?"

Mu Changying stroked the bloody whip, and looked at the person opposite him indifferently.

"Bitch girl, just wait, I'll send someone to clean you up right away!"

For this Chen Yaojin who jumped out halfway to destroy, the hatred in the big man's heart was like a surging river.

Mu Changying smiled, "Oh? You can do whatever you want."

Annoyed by this casual attitude, he gritted his teeth viciously and took out his phone.

Before the call was made, the whip struck.


The blood whip wrapped around his mobile phone and fell on the wall. The screen of the mobile phone was instantly shattered.

"I did let you do whatever you want. But I didn't say that you would be allowed to do so~" Mu Changying walked towards the leading man step by step, holding a whip.

The people lying on the ground saw her, endured the pain on their bodies, dragged their bodies, and avoided the evil goddess without backbone.

The big man panicked, "You...what do you want to do?"

Mu Changying stretched out her hand with a smile, and clasped his neck tightly, "Come on, tell me, who told you to do this?"

The girl's delicate appearance was magnified in front of him, but at this moment he had no intention of admiring it, and was shrouded in the shadow of suffocation and death.

"My patience is limited." Her smile deepened, and the movements of her hands became a little more serious.

"Cough cough cough..."

Locking his throat, the strong suffocation made people feel extremely uncomfortable, and the big man's face turned red.

He held Mu Changying's hands with bloody hands, trying to break free.

"You still don't give up?"

Her eyes froze slightly, and her hands tightened abruptly.

The big man couldn't bear it anymore and started to roll his eyes.

"I...I's...the captain of Team QY...he found Brother Dao...Brother Dao asked us to deal with deal with this trivial matter..."

After getting the answer she wanted, Mu Changying stretched out her pink tongue to lick her lips.

Letting go of his hand, the big man fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Just as he thought he was saved, Mu Changying's following words made people fall into the abyss.

"Second brother, come, give back ten times what he hit you just now."

"Okay." Li Zhiyi weighed the iron rod, and stepped forward with slightly messy steps.

Grabbing the collar of the big man, an iron rod weighing ten catties fell on his shoulders.


The screams like killing a pig echoed in the alley.

A group of people lying on the ground swallowed wildly and involuntarily opened up the distance.

Mu Changying watched all this indifferently.

He took out his mobile phone and inquired about the captain of Team QY.

The information quickly appeared on the screen, and she browsed through it at a glance.

He raised his head and kicked the big man who was so painful that he couldn't move.

"Second brother, let's go."

There is a wrong and a debtor, how can the master let people go?

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