The glory of the king plugs the city center.

At the request of the manager, the game was suspended for twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes passed by, and soon disappeared.

The opposing team is full of players, except for the newly formed ZK team.

Former official player of DW, broke away from a self-built team.

They are not strong enough, each experienced many battles, and they are also popular candidates for the championship.

But at this moment, five players are missing and one is missing. A newly formed team has no substitutes.

The person on the opposite side was complacent and felt that it was a blessing from heaven.

Team ZK, Qin Chuan and others showed a slightly anxious look on their faces, their brows were slightly frowned, and their eyes kept fixed on the entrance.

It's been a long time since Li Zhiyi came, and someone couldn't hold back, "What's the matter, brother is such an important day..."

"Don't worry, brother Yi will definitely not let us down, he must be in a hurry and can't leave now."

"I know Brother Yi will definitely not abandon us, I'm just too worried and anxious."

The psychological quality of the team members has been affected in different ways. The team manager held his hands, and the palms overflowed with green and dense sweat.

This is their first battle as ZK, so don't make any mistakes.

The atmosphere on the arena was weird and dignified, and the audience in the auditorium also frequently complained.

"Why hasn't the game started yet? Could it be that ZK is cowardly?"

"What international joke are you making, ZK will be afraid of an unknown pawn?"

"When will the game be delayed? I'm still in a hurry to go back. It's really disappointing."

In the auditorium, several men with mischievous eyebrows looked around and looked at each other secretly.

"Get down, get down, get down, ZK get down!"

"Yes, yes, get off, come down if you don't have a game, don't waste time!"

"Hurry up, if I don't come down, I'm going to screw up!"


Several men yelled and cursed again and again, which quickly set off a part of the rhythm.

Fans who were not ZK stood up and unanimously demanded that ZK get down.

Countless yelling and cursing fell on them, but they ignored it completely, staring at the entrance tightly.

The organizers wiped off their sweat and sent a letter to the referee.

The referee understood, "I declare... this match..."

"Wait!" Mu Changying walked onto the stage alone, "Now the competition can begin."

The referee frowned, "Are you a member of ZK?"

Isn't the predecessor of this team DW?

When did DW have female players? Why doesn't he know?

Mu Changying glanced coldly at the referee, "No."

"It's just nonsense!"

The referee was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, squeezed the microphone harder, and said in a bad tone, "Hurry up and get down!"

If you're not a team member, what are you doing on stage? Deliberately making trouble?

In the auditorium, the angry crowd fell silent for a moment because of Mu Changying's appearance.

"What's the situation? Who is she?"

"This woman looks familiar, but I can't figure out who it is at once."

"Could it be that some Internet celebrity is deliberately trying to gain popularity?"


Everyone stopped boycotting the ZK team, and instead discussed enthusiastically about Mu Changying who suddenly appeared on the field.

Qin Chuan and others: "..."

Isn't this brother Yi's sister?

They looked at the manager and saw him shake his head slightly, obviously not sure why.

Mu Changying smiled as before, "Referee, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave."

The referee stared, and the microphone clearly transmitted his heavy breathing to every corner.

She raised her eyebrows, raised a document in her hand, and said softly, "Because, I am ZK's substitute player. I just signed the contract today. Now I will replace Li Zhiyi to participate in the game."

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