One word stirred up waves.

The referee was dumbfounded.

The people in the audience were dumbfounded.

ZK's team members were shocked in their hearts, but they could only maintain their composure on the outside, trying not to let themselves fail and be seen.

"Referee, contract."

Mu Changying handed over the document in his hand to the referee. He looked through it, confirmed that it was indeed a contract, and handed it back to her.

"Let's start the game. Please put the players on both sides and enter the state of preparation."

There was no problem with the contract, and the manager's heart that jumped into his throat slowly calmed down.

It's strange, when did the company sign a contract with Mu Changying, why didn't he know?

In the lounge.

Li Zhiyi saw Mu Changying through the big screen, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the wild aura on his body kept decreasing.

The contract is indeed genuine.

Although ZK is managed by a manager, the team's investor and big boss is Yiyi.

She just signed herself for the boss, and there is really no problem, she is the biggest boss herself.


VIP viewing room.

Seeing Mu Changying, the feminine man put the cup in his hand on the table forcefully, the water in the cup overflowed and spilled on the table.

"Boss, don't be angry, I'm just a little guy, I can't make any big waves."

Can a girl play e-sports well? It's embarrassing enough.


The man eased his emotions, responded, and stared at the big screen no longer focused.

Without the backbone of Luli Zhiyi, this team is like a mess, without a little bit of cohesion, it may be difficult to even win this game.

Not only the people in QY thought this way, but also those in the audience, and the Yixin team who were fighting against each other also did the same. They didn't take a girl seriously at all.

"Tsk... underestimating the opponent, the price you pay is huge~"

Mu Changying shook her head, put on her earphones, and skillfully logged in to the king.

The members of both sides took their positions, seeing an unfamiliar nickname, all eyes fell on it.

Qin Chuan clutched his mobile phone, his eyes filled with deep thought, "The crescent moon is like a hook..."

After thinking for a few seconds, the brain quickly matched this character.


Qin Chuan let out an unsteady exclamation in the microphone of the team, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

? ? ? ?

They all glanced at him.

Qin Chuan shook his head, "It's all right."

He stared at Mu Changying with fiery eyes as if looking at rare treasures.

Sensing his hot gaze, she smiled at him, her eyes were bright and confident, "Get ready, grandma will take you to lie down and win later."

Everyone in the auditorium could hear the voice of their microphone, they looked at each other, this person is really a bit crazy.

"The crescent moon is like a hook... a bit familiar..."

In the auditorium, a teenager scratched the back of his head, thinking hard.

Scratching his head, he couldn't think of anything, so he sighed and watched the game quietly.

The Forbidden Heroes session is over, and Team Yixin has chosen a female warrior, Hua Mulan.

A strong and cool hero.

It's easy to overwhelm your opponent when done right.

"Chuanzi, help me."

"Okay, aunt."

"whispering sound……"

Seeing that the hero chosen by ZK is to support Yaomei, there was a burst of sighs from the audience.

If this hero is used improperly and his teammates won't cooperate, then it is simply tasteless.

Mu Changying's slender fingers tapped lightly, and a man with a fairy air and a sword on his back appeared above the big screen.

Seeing this, the commentator was slightly surprised, "I didn't expect this substitute lady to choose such a difficult hero as Li Bai. What kind of surprises will she bring us? Let's wait and see."

Qinglian sword fairy Li Bai!

Not only the auditorium was boiling, but the Yixin team on the opposite side was also extremely shocked.

Is this girl crazy? Brain sick? Or the sick one?

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