The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 613 Qinglian Sword Immortal blows up the audience

The sound of ridicule was everywhere, filling the entire arena.

Mu Changying and the rest of Team ZK were not affected at all.

After the lineup is selected and loaded into the game, Li Bai leads Yao straight to the opponent's wild area.

The wild monsters were refreshed, and they easily took down the three wild boars. After zooming in on the map, it was a bit difficult for the mage in the middle to hit two with one.

Mu Changying quickly swipe his finger on the screen, playing Nakano-suke linkage with his assistant.

Yao took control, and the opponent was knocked into the air for just a second. Li Bai took the opportunity to attack, harvested the hero with residual blood, and took a blood!

"First blood!"

The announcement sounded in the system, and the other people were dumbfounded for a moment, and their hands froze for a second, looking at Li Bai's economy.

"Double kill!"

Double kill, once again amazed everyone.

In the auditorium, the young boy slapped his thigh fiercely and stood up in shock.

"Fuck, I remembered, the crescent moon is like a hook, this is the crescent moon god!"

The voice resounded all around, and some of those who understood quickly remembered that this is a great master among the kings, and Kai Dae played superbly with one hand.

"The big guy is the big guy, I don't know that Kay's father is cheating, and a cool hero like Li Bai can also play tricks."

"Boss? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all?"

Most of the people in the auditorium didn't know the character of Xuanyue Rugou, their faces were full of puzzlement, and their eyes were dazed.

Seeing this, several other people cleared their throats, and quickly gave them a great achievement in science popularization.

The big dragon in the dragon pit has been refreshed.

Mu Changying manipulated Li Bai into the wild area, and the fierce moves landed on Dalong's body, blood was falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Only one-third of Dalong's blood was left. Mu Changying's red lips parted slightly, and she said in the team's microphone, "Ambush is ready, wait for the little mouse to take the bait."

Seeing that her style of play is no worse than Li Zhiyi's, everyone's cooperation is also very tacit.

Qin Chuan and others obeyed her command and ambushed behind the dragon pit and in the grass near the river.

"what happened?"

"Do you want to go grab the dragon?"

"The economy on the opposite side is much ahead of us, and this dragon is a good opportunity to turn around."

The captain of the Yixin team looked serious, "Give it up!"

Only one person was left guarding the house to prevent ZK's people from attacking him. He led the other four people and ran towards the dragon pit cautiously.

Seeing that there was only Mu Changying in the dragon pit, he was overjoyed and jumped out to attack the dragon.

She sighed regretfully, "Tsk...Young man, you are still too impatient."

ZK hid in the bushes and several people jumped out and surrounded them tightly.

As one attack after another hit, the blood fell into the air in an instant, and the heroes of the characters were killed in battle, lying in the river one after another.

"Panta Kill!"

Mu Changying pressed the punishment, and took Dalong down steadily, and the economy grew wildly again, far ahead of the opposing Yixin team.

She led the line into the second tower in the middle, "Quick battle."

Four members of the Yixin team were killed, and only one mage stayed at home cowardly, trembling with fear.

"Okay, auntie." Qin Chuan said with a smile.

The second tower was shattered and attacked the high ground directly. The mages of the Yixin team couldn't sit still.

He leaned out hesitantly, trying to clear the line of troops.

Mu Changying didn't give him a chance at all, brought Yao into the arena forcefully, and killed him under the tower with a strong posture.

Press the skill and return to the outside of the tower. The fairy-like hero holds a long sword in his hand and a flagon on his waist, looking suave and suave.

All were killed.

The high ground was broken, and the super soldiers came quickly.

Seeing that the crystal was about to be pushed away, the leader of Team Yixin, who was only five seconds away from being revived, was filled with anger.

The crescent moon is like a hook: [Hey, this kind of technique, go back and practice more. 】

Mu Changying knocked out a string of mocking words, and the people leading ZK smashed the crystal in one fell swoop.

The moment the crystal was broken, the captain of Team Yixin happened to be resurrected.

He watched helplessly as the crystal was pushed away in front of him, but there was nothing he could do.

After winning the battle, Qin Chuan took off his earphones and threw them on the table.

He turned the chair, "The boss cheated!"

As expected of Brother Yi's younger sister, her talent for games is also abnormally shocking.

"Huh?" Mu Changying took off the earphones, and cast a sideways glance at him lazily, "What should you call me?"

Qin Chuan was spineless, "Auntie, Auntie is cheating, Auntie is mighty and domineering!"

He clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face, as bright as a golden chrysanthemum.

The teenager in the auditorium stood up, his face excited, and he roared, "The crescent moon is like a hook! The crescent moon is like a hook! The crescent moon is like a hook!"

Most of the people who came to watch the game were passionate young girls. This roar quickly ignited the atmosphere of the scene, and one after another followed.

"Who said that girls can't play wild? God Xuanyue's operations don't know how many blocks those men can throw away! Women are so handsome that there is no such thing as men."

"Oh my god, I was originally a fan of the Yixin team, but I feel... I have become a fan of the crescent moon now."

"The crescent moon is like a hook, Mu Changying's first batch, ZK's first batch!"


The atmosphere at the scene was high.

Everyone in the Yixin team was silent, their faces were gloomy and their hearts were complicated.

Having been tortured and killed by Mu Changying in the game, their mood at this moment was completely no longer the pride they had at the beginning, and they were depressed and confused.

Li Zhiyi looked at the shining girl on the stage, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

The wounds on his body have all been bandaged, and his smile cuts down the wild aggression.

"Yiyi... Brother is really proud."

Having such a younger sister is really the greatest luck in his life.

Li Zhiyi touched the pendant that was put back on his neck again, his brows and eyes softened.



In the VIP lounge, the cups on the coffee table were thrown to the ground, shattered, and the ground was covered with shards of glass, exuding a chilling gleam.

During the day, he pointed at several other people, "Is this what you said you can't make a big wave?"

The rest: "..."

Being pointed at their noses and scolded, they didn't dare to say a word, they all bowed their heads and pretended to be dead.

They didn't know that this yellow-haired girl would have such a great ability.

"Speak, are you dead?!"

During the day, he kicked the tea table with his feet, but when he saw that they still didn't speak, with anger on his face, he kicked the nearest person fiercely, "Don't talk, right? That's fine, it's ok, don't talk when you have the ability!"

He cast a displeased glance at the group, strode out of the lounge, and slammed the door behind him.


As soon as he left, the rest of them felt relieved and wiped the sweat from their foreheads with their hands.


The referee held the topic with a serious face, "I declare that the ZK and Yixin match, the ZK team wins!"

The commentator sitting on the side began to analyze the defeat of the Yixin team, and blew a wave of ZK's rainbow fart by the way, "Without DW, but with a brand new ZK, their strength is still as strong as ever."

"Especially the newly joined players, the crescent moon is like a hook, whether it is a strong style of play or a smart strategy, it is eye-catching.

I hope they will make persistent efforts and bring us more surprises in the next games.

Now, entering the intermission, the time is one hour, and the next game is ZK vs. Dandelion. "

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