The Second Master’s Little Ancestor’s Vest Fell To the Ground

Chapter 616 Don't touch dirty things in the future

Quanlin Casino.

"big big big!"

"Small, small! If you win, give me money!"

In the casino, the atmosphere was high. A group of gamblers were full of excitement, their faces flushed, and they howled at the top of their lungs.

Brother Dao was sitting on the sofa in the corner, with a cigarette in his mouth, counting a wad of money in his hand, and flicking the banknotes with his fingers from time to time.

A dozen men with bruises and bruises walked into the casino. They lowered their heads, "Brother... brother, brother, you messed up what we are doing..."

Brother Dao paused while counting the money, packed up the money and handed it to the man standing behind him.

He stood up, raised his foot, and kicked the leading man hard in the chest.


Even a brat couldn't solve it, instead he got bruises all over his body, which completely embarrassed him.


The big guy in the lead was beaten by Mu Changying with a whip, and his body was seriously injured. He was suddenly kicked, staggered, and let out a muffled groan.

Suddenly, a younger brother ran in in a panic. He looked back while running, "Brother... there is someone at the door..."

He was stumbling, not fluent at all, as if he had been greatly stimulated, Brother Dao frowned, "Damn, can you speak well? If you can't speak, stop it and shut your mouth!"

As soon as the words fell, a group of bodyguards in black walked into the entrance of the casino.

They have a strong evil spirit and bloody smell, and their aura is full, making people tremble.

Seeing the leading man, Brother Dao took down the cigarette in his mouth, "Second Master, why are you free to come to my casino?"

He took out a cigarette, and handed it to Rong Liyuan with both hands, with a respectful attitude, "It's... this battle... I don't know where I didn't do well?"

Rong Liyuan raised his hand, and the bodyguard standing aside took the cigarette from Brother Dao's hand and threw it on the ground.

The bodyguard wearing sunglasses glanced coldly at the furnishings in the casino, "Smash it on me!"

Without a word.

A group of people swiftly started bombarding people and smashing tables, which was extremely destructive.

"You..." Brother Dao frowned, with anger in his eyes, just as he was about to step forward to stop him, his hands were clasped tightly.

Li Nanxun, who had been silent all this time, narrowed his eyes and moved his wrist, "Did you let someone beat my second brother?"

Brother Dao, "What?"

He was in a daze, not understanding what was going on.

"Fuck you!"

When will it be the Li family's turn to bully these bastards?

Li Nanxun put his tongue against his tooth socket, and punched Brother Dao in the face.



The car stopped at the entrance of the casino.

Mu Changying and Li Zhiyi looked up at the casino's sign.

"Let's go, second brother."

There was a faint smile in her eyes, the smile was cold and did not reach the bottom of the eyes.




Walking into the casino, it was a mess.

The bodyguards who were still smashing things stopped their movements, bowed at 90 degrees in unison, and shouted at Mu Changying.


Rubbing between his brows, he looked around the casino, and landed on a slightly dark corner accurately.

"A Yuan."

Mu Changying walked in front of Rong Liyuan, his indifferent eyes were finally stained with a smile.

"Ying Bao..."

He reached out, grabbed her hand, and pulled it into his arms.

The other hand flexibly wraps around her slender waist like a water snake.

Li Zhiyi: "..."

Li Nanxun: "...!"

Witnessing the two people showing affection with their own eyes, the two people looked at each other, and their emotions were extremely complicated.

Li Nanxun didn't do anything anymore, Brother Dao escaped from his clutches, panting heavily, "Hoohoo...Second Master...I..."

Mu Changying stood up calmly from Rong Liyuan's arms, walked up to Brother Dao, "Well... since you don't understand, then I'll let you die clearly, you accepted the daytime order from Team QY."

Brother Dao's pupils shrank.

The body struggled violently, wanting to get rid of the restraints.

It's a pity that the two bodyguards behind him were not weak, and they held his hands instead, preventing him from escaping.

"Nuo, your subordinates beat my second brother." Mu Changying raised her eyebrows, muttered slightly with her red lips, and pointed her finger at Zhiyi, "Did you see that? My second brother has a lot of injuries. How do I pay the bill?"

Brother Dao's eyes fell on Li Zhiyi's body, his body trembled, and the panic in his eyes intensified, "I...I..."

Just now, he scolded his subordinates for not being up to date, and he couldn't handle such a trivial matter as a disabled person's arm.

Now he is glad that the people under his hands did not kill him.


Seeing that Mu Changying's attention was always on Brother Dao, Rong Liyuan frowned imperceptibly, "Bao Ying, don't talk nonsense to him."

Staring at Brother Dao with gloomy eyes, he suddenly felt chills all over his body.

Li Zhiyi and Li Nanxun rushed to open their mouths.

"Yiyi, I'll do this kind of thing."

"Little sister, beating this kind of person dirty your hands."

Mu Changying tilted her head and thought for a while, then blinked her slender eyelashes that were as long as feathers.

She said softly, "Well... okay, second brother, you can do it."

Move your body sideways and give Li Zhiyi the position.

Standing aside, watching with interest Li Zhiyi's ruthlessness when beating someone.

The people in the casino have been emptied, Brother Dao's subordinates were subdued by the people brought by Rong Liyuan, and lost the ability to resist.

Hearing the screams lingering in her ears, Mu Changying was in a happy mood, and the corners of her mouth twitched.


Walk into the casino during the day.

Seeing this scene in the casino, I was frightened and prepared to turn around and leave.

Mu Changying glanced at him from the corner of her eye, "Hey, Captain Bai, why are you in such a hurry?"

A soft, glutinous and sweet voice sounded.

The bodyguards in the casino had good eyesight and quickly blocked the daytime way.

"Is this... not giving up?"

Otherwise, why would it appear here at Brother Dao?

Mu Changying walked in front of Baitian, raised his hand and grabbed his chin fiercely.

Gathering strength in her hands, Brother Dao felt a pain in her jaw, and her nails seemed to be digging into her flesh.

"Ying Bao always likes to touch these dirty things..."

Rong Liyuan murmured for a while, stood up and walked in front of Tiantian.

His hand grasped Mu Changying's small hand, and his big hand led her, suddenly accumulating strength.


With a soft bang, Tiantian's jaw dislocated.


His face was twisted and wrinkled together, looking hideous.

"Yingbao, don't touch dirty things casually in the future."

Rong Liyuan held Mu Changying's small hand and slowly rubbed it, as if to wash away the remaining dirt on her hand.

Li Zhiyi and Li Nanxun did not refute his words, but agreed with them.

Mu Changying: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, he sighed helplessly, and his tone softened, "Okay, I got it~"

Although it is really unlikely that she will not touch these stolen goods in the future, it is definitely not wrong to express her position seriously now.

"Yingbao is so cute."

There is tenderness in Rong Liyuan's eyes, the tenderness makes one's heart soften all of a sudden.

Seeing the two people who hurt him show affection in front of no one else, hatred appeared in Bai Tian's eyes, "Bitch!"

He clenched his fists and rushed forward recklessly.

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