He rushed up suddenly, his fist pierced the air, and the sound of the torrent burst.

His face was ferocious, so terrifying that people couldn't help but feel chills.

When the fist was more than ten centimeters away from Mu Changying, it was grasped in vain.

She pursed her lips, and there was a chill in her clear eyes, "Are you courting death?!"

Gathering strength in his hand, he squeezed and twisted hard, and with a bang, his arm dislocated.


Bursts of pain hit, and layers of sweat overflowed from his forehead during the day, and bean-sized beads of sweat slid down.


Rong Liyuan lifted his foot and kicked Tiantian's chest suddenly, the force on his foot was so heavy and ruthless that he staggered backwards and fell to the ground.

He glanced coldly at the people present, "His hand was crippled."

As soon as the words fell, bodyguards immediately stepped forward, two of them clasped Bai Tian's shoulders so that he couldn't move, and the other grabbed Bai Tian's arms.

"Bitch, bitch, you bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

There are layers of red blood in the eyes, and the bloodshot appearance looks like a hungry wolf in the dark night.

Mu Changying knelt down, "I think your voice is really annoying."

She rested her chin with one hand, her porcelain-white face did not wear any makeup, she was so elegant and refined, she seemed like a little fairy who was not stained with a trace of worldly dust.

She patted his head with her hand, "Well...how about just sewing your mouth up, what do you think?"

During the day, his face was wrinkled together, he was extremely ugly, and he screamed, "Are you crazy?"

Mu Changying blinked her eyelashes, thought for a while, and parted her red lips slightly, "Are you dissatisfied? This way, that makes you temporarily speechless, so you shouldn't have any objections, right?"

After finishing speaking, Mu Changying moved the fingernails of her right hand, and the white powder inside the nail caps fell silently.

The powder drifted into Bai Tian's eyes and nose, and was inhaled into his lungs.

The effect of the medicine took effect quickly, and my lips squirmed during the day, but no sound came out of my throat.

The crippled arm was hanging empty, and he opened his mouth vigorously, "Uh...uh...uh..."


Seeing her focus on Bai Tian again, Rong Liyuan's deep eyes glowed faintly and coldly.

His tone was low, "Yingbao..."

The group of bodyguards standing behind Rong Liyuan had long been familiar with it, and the second master was the king of the jealous king.

"Ah Yuan, I understand."

Mu Changying got up obediently, trotted to his side, put both hands on his arms, with a friendly tone and soft expression.


Rong Liyuan let out a sigh from his throat, and there was a trace of helplessness in his brows and eyes.

As long as Yingbao acted like a baby, he couldn't do anything to her.

Li Nanxun put one hand in his pocket, "The captain of Team QY?"

He stepped forward and kicked Tiantian hard, "I think...you should stop playing professional games."

Intentionally hurting the second brother's arm? This is clearly Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows it.

Li Zhiyi glanced at Bai Tian, ​​"I think this idea is okay."

He didn't particularly care about the arm injury, but these people dared to use the pendant Yiyi gave him to lure him into the bait.

This is really unforgivable!

Mu Changying shook her finger, "Hey, what would it feel like to be disqualified from the professional league? I'm really curious."

She looked at Brother Dao who was curled up in the corner and trembling, turned on the recording, and walked towards him, "Come on, who instructed you to hurt my second brother?"

He looked at the soft-faced girl in front of him, and his heart couldn't help trembling, "I... I was instructed by the captain of the QY team... Tiantian... I have evidence in my hand..."

He turned on his phone and found out the transfer records and call records given to him during the day.

Mu Changying got the recording and took a record of the transfer. She shook the mobile phone in her hand, and glanced at Bai Tian from the corner of her eye.

His pupils widened, "Mmmmm..."

Bitch, bitch, the bitch!

Thinking of being expelled from the competition, the hatred in Bai Tian's eyes was about to condense into substance, "Uuuuuuuuuu......"

Seeing that he had a lot of things to say but couldn't come out, Mu Changying's mouth twitched slightly, "You look like...a dog that has lost its voice and lost its teeth."

Is a dog a real dog if its teeth have been pulled out and it can no longer howl?

Mu Changying bowed her head, and anonymously sent the information in her hand to the first paparazzi.

She took back her phone, "Let's go."

A group of people retreated, and the extremely prosperous casino a few hours ago was smashed to pieces, and various items were severely damaged.


Go back to Rong Mansion.

Mu Changying took out the medicine box and treated Li Zhiyi's wound again. Seeing these scars on his body, his eyes narrowed slightly.


The phone kept vibrating, and the sound of Weibo push kept ringing.

Turning on the phone, all the hot searches on Weibo were dominated by Li Zhiyi and Mu Changying.

#Mu Changying and Witt's Mrs. Julian jointly held Shuhua training!

#My country’s first lady, Minghua, actually worships Mu Changying as her teacher!

#What kind of virtue and ability does Mu Changying have to make the first lady willing to be an apprentice?

# All bigwigs from all parties presented generous gifts, and a dragon pot worth 300 million yuan appeared on the scene.

#Madden, the captain of the QY team actually had people beat ZK's main member Li Zhiyi during the day.

#Mu Changying appeared on the scene of the competition in surprise, and tried to turn the tide on behalf of Li Zhiyi.


All kinds of news are ranked on the hot search list, and the click-through rate is steadily increasing.

In a short period of time, Mu Changying's name dominated the hot searches on all major platforms

The momentum was huge and unprecedented, and all netizens were shocked.

[Fuck, cheating, boss, please accept my knee. 】

【Master of the first lady, isn't Mu Changying's identity even more fraudulent? admire.jpg]

[Upstairs, even if she is not the master of the first lady, the identity of Mrs. Rong is enough to cheat, okay? 】

[Have you noticed that the captain of the QY team actually made someone beat ZK's main force, Li Zhiyi. 】

[I originally thought the entertainment industry was in chaos, but I didn't expect the e-sports industry to be so chaotic. afraid.jpg]

[Intentional injury? Damn, what is this kind of scum still doing? 】


Netizens Qiqi was furious, raised the keyboard in his hand and sprayed fiercely at the daytime.

The e-sports league has received countless comments from netizens, and the incident has become more and more troublesome. The chairman of the league couldn't sit still, and hurriedly stood up and made a stern statement.

E-sports Alliance V: [For what happened today, the alliance deeply apologizes for hurting such an outstanding professional player.

The perpetrator Ru Baitian has a bad attitude and bad character. In this regard, the league once again stated that it will remove the status of a professional player during the day, ban him for life, and never return to the professional arena for life. 】

The e-sports league's serious statement has attracted unanimous praise from countless netizens.

Everyone said one after another that it is a decent statement that there is no avoidance of the seriousness.

[The e-sports league has finally done a personnel matter. dog head.jpg]

[This kind of scum should be suspended for life, relieve yourself! 】

【Yi Shen is so pitiful, she was targeted for no reason. 】

[People who are too good will always be targeted, what a pity. 】


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