Chapter 619 Send Mom to the Police Station


The camera falls to the ground.

The female reporter stared wide-eyed, not daring to stare at Mu Changying mentally, this man is so rude and has no manners at all!

She squatted down, ready to pick up the camera on the ground.

Mu Changying raised her foot and gently kicked the camera away, "I'd better stay aside obediently."

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, the bottom of his clear eyes was alienated, and the layers of chill made people feel fearful.

Huang Lian was so angry that she covered her heart with her hands, "Nice girl, you evil girl!"

She was leaning against the wall, her mended and patched clothes were out of place in the spacious and bright teaching building.

The sharp voice attracted the teachers in the office to look around.

There are two days left before the college entrance examination, isn't the quarrel here intentionally disturbing the students' review?

The head teacher of class one frowned, with a serious face, and said in a bad tone, "If you have anything to say, go out and say it, don't disturb others here, if there is a mistake in a life event like the college entrance examination, who of you can take responsibility? "

Huang Lian and the female reporter looked slightly stiff.

"Let's go."

Mu Changying glanced at Huang Lian, raised her feet and walked towards the corner of the corridor.

The female reporter picked up the video camera, and all the content recorded in it has been deleted.

At the corner of the corridor, Mu Changying took out her mobile phone and called the police, "Qingjin High School, please come here."

The female reporter and Huang Lian don't know why.

The police were very fast and arrived at the school soon.

Mu Changying leaned against the wall, crossed her legs casually, with a lazy attitude.

She rolled her eyelids, "She tried to blackmail me, you watch and deal with it."

! ! ! !

Around the corner, a figure stopped.

She pursed her lips tightly, quietly listening to the discussion of the few people.


Huang Lian swallowed wildly when she saw the tall and burly policeman in front of her, and rubbed her sleeves with her fingers unnaturally.

She has been a rural woman all her life, and the number of times she has seen the police can be counted on the fingers.

Seeing the male policeman looking at her sternly, Huang Lian folded her hands.

She explained in a panic, "You...comrade policeman, don't believe her words, I didn't blackmail her!"

The female reporter hugged the camera and said repeatedly, "Uncle policeman, I'm sure this Ms. Huang really didn't blackmail her."

The male policeman glanced suspiciously at the three of them, his eyes were impartial, upright and selfless, "Then what's going on?"

"She... She is my daughter, but she doesn't want to support me. I really have no choice, so I came to find her!"

The tears in Huang Lian's eyes ran across her cheeks, and she raised her callused hand to wipe the tears on her face.

Although the appearance was miserable and heart-wrenching, the male policeman did not believe this one-sided statement.

Mu Changying straightened her body and looked at the male policeman with admiration.

She shook her head slightly, and glanced at Huang Lian with a half-smile, "Hey, you really don't cry when you see the coffin."

The soft voice fell in the ears, and the female reporter and Huang Lian felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Don't worry, the evidence is still here."

Mu Changying raised the phone in his hand, tapped the screen with his slender fingers, and found the surveillance video of the last time they broke up.




Looking at the records on the phone screen, the male policeman looked at Huang Lian, his eyes were unconsciously stained with disgust, and his sympathy for Mu Changying increased steadily.

"Little girl, don't worry, our police will definitely deal with this matter seriously!" The male policeman stood up straight, with a majestic expression and fair eyes.

The female reporter stammered, and the palms of the hands holding the camera overflowed with dense sweat, "This... this..."

She never thought that the truth of the matter would be like this, she sensed Mu Changying's gaze, and felt the burning pain on her face.

"It's better for journalists to seek truth from facts. It's best to find out the truth of the matter before interviewing."

Mu Changying walked up to the female reporter, and took a look at the work card hanging on the other's chest.

He let go of his hand and brought the reporter to tidy up his clothes. His movements were gentle, with a smile on his mouth, and his attitude was like a spring breeze.

But the female reporter's heart was so cold, as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Naughty girl, you wicked girl, how could you let the police take your mother away? Aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Seeing that the male policeman wanted to take her away, Huang Lian couldn't hold back, and the panic in her eyes surged uncontrollably like a tidal wave breaking a bank.

Regardless of her struggle, the police firmly restrained her hand, "Madam, please come with us."

Huang Lian struggled violently, cursing and yelling, but she tried everything she could to get the police to let go.

"You two, please come back to the police station with me and assist in the investigation." The police's attitude towards Mu Changying was obviously better than that towards Huang Lian.

There was pity in his eyes, as if he was looking at his own cub.


Mu Changying stood up, holding the phone in his hand, and followed lazily.

Before leaving, he turned around, glanced at the corner of the corridor from the corner of his eye, and vaguely saw a section of fair thigh skin.

The complexion is fair, tender, and watery, which is obviously the skin that only girls can have.

After the female reporter also left, the person standing at the corner came out.

Gu Qingyun lowered her head, her pupils exuded a faint coldness, "Sending my biological mother to the police station, that's a very good title."

She pinched the hem of the skirt with both hands, allowing her nails to dig into her flesh without realizing it.

Gu Xichen already knew 100% of Mu Changying's identity, and she absolutely couldn't sit still.

If this little bitch's reputation is notorious, then even if the truth comes out in the end, the Gu family will never recognize her.


In the police station.

After recording the transcript, Huang Lian was identified as extortion.

However, due to the complicated relationship between the two, they were only briefly detained for a week for criticism and education.

"Unfilial daughter, why are you so cruel? I should have strangled you to death!"

"I brought you up, even if there is no credit, there is hard work. Do you still have a conscience when you send me into the prison?"

Shouts kept ringing.

Huang Lian was pulled up and dragged away by the police, her face was full of anger, and the anger in her eyes was strong enough to start a prairie fire.

Mu Changying sat on the chair.

She tapped the table casually with one hand, and held a disposable water cup in the other.

After taking a sip of plain water, he said lightly, "Sorry, I don't need a conscience to treat you."

Huang Lian's face was livid with anger, and she wanted to continue yelling, but the police didn't give her another chance, and dragged her out of the interrogation room.

"Why can't you learn to be content?"

Always so greedy, this is not a good habit.

Mu Changying turned the chair, stared at the direction Huang Lian left, and shook her head regretfully.

After drinking the boiled water in the cup, he stood up and left the police station calmly.

"...Finally they all left. Fortunately, nothing major happened, otherwise my reputation in the industry would be bad."

The female reporter who had watched the battle touched her heart and let out a breath of foul air, her intestines turned green with regret.

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