# Send my mother to the police station

#First Lady Master’s Conscience Lost

#Mu Changying does not recognize her mother, her conscience is lost


Back at school, there was another bloodbath on the Internet.

The articles published by the marketing accounts made things clear and clear, and Mu Changying suddenly became an unfilial girl with no conscience.

The class was quiet, and everyone didn't dare to take a breath, for fear of offending a few people who were furious.

"Fuck, these netizens are really busy every day! Their mouths are so dirty and their mouths are so strong, they are not afraid of being smoked to death!"

Seeing the trending searches on the Internet, Si Xian got angry and angry, stood up and kicked the stool next to him unhappily.

Mu Changying lay down on the table, "I'm not even angry, why are you angry?"

Plug in the earphones, stuff them in your ears, close your eyes and sleep calmly, as if the ups and downs on the Internet have nothing to do with her.

Si Xian, who was in a rage, was discouraged all of a sudden, and sat limply on the chair, with a trace of grievance showing on his handsome face, "I... I am wronged for you..."

! ! ! !

Seeing Si Xian's aggrieved look, the people in the class clicked their tongues in surprise.

Tsk, if Xiaobawang's aggrieved look is seen by other classes, his jaws will drop in surprise.

Hua Qiqi rolled her eyes, "If you want to vent your anger on Sister Ying, what's the use of being wronged?"

She put down the ballpoint pen in her hand, her beautiful eyes were filled with suspicion.

Huang Lian came to look for Sister Ying, why did the incident spread to the Internet? There must be ghosts in the school!

Yu Linye pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, "You don't need to worry about this matter."

Seeing the girl's angry and unhappy look, helplessness appeared in the pupils under the lens, but it was more pampering.

He lightly tapped Hua Qiqi's head, "You study hard and get a good score in the exam, Sister Ying will be very happy."

She curled her lips and gave him a dissatisfied look, but under the attack of his eyes, she quickly surrendered spinelessly and obediently picked up the pen to write the test paper.

The hot searches on the Internet continued to ferment, and those who followed Mu Changying knew about it immediately.

Ming Hua V: 【Master, I believe in you. love.jpg]

There is no ambiguity or confusion.

This blatant maintenance made countless people suspect that it was a fake name.

But when they went to dig up the information and saw that the Weibo certification was true and there was no fraud, everyone felt like a fucked up dog.

[Is it not good to protect people like this? 】

[An unfilial girl like Mu Changying would be defended by someone, I think Minghua is simply blind]

[The Rong family is rich, and Minghua has the power. The two of them shouldn't have hooked up long ago, right? Doubt.jpg]

[Upstairs, can your thoughts not be so dark? Also, is this what hooking up is used for? 】


Li Zhiyi V: [Sister, I believe in you. love.jpg]

Li Nanxun V: [Little sister, third brother will always believe in you. love.jpg]

Hanzhou Law Firm V: [Yiyi, brother believes in you. 】

Dingmao Group V: [Madam, we believe in you. love.jpg]

Canghui V: [Mu girl, I believe in you. love.jog]


The big shots from all sides came out one after another, and once again stood behind Mu Changying with a strong posture.

Bright maintenance, unwavering, without the slightest hesitation.

With so many big shots on the scene, the netizens' teeth were sore.

[It's sour, this group of relatives and friends is too cheating, I can't afford to offend, I can't afford to offend. 】

[This is only half of the mobilization, and if all of them are mobilized, it will probably scare people to death. 】

[Mu Changying's looks, and the looks of a few older brothers don't look like Huang Lian's. How could such a person cultivate so many outstanding bosses? Puzzled.jpg]

【Upstairs, we're thinking about getting together. Do you think Mu Changying isn't her own, and that's why he's so heartless? 】

【Heh, even if it’s not your own, but you’ve been brought up, isn’t it right to provide for the elderly? 】


Netizens started a new round of discussion around Mu Changying, and the battle was fierce.


In classrooms.

Mu Changying lay down on the table and slept for a while. After regaining his energy, he took out his laptop and hacked the school's surveillance again with ease.

Resting his chin with one hand, he stared at the girl on the screen with relish.

She took everything about Gu Qingyun into her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth, and copied the video.

The pink tongue licked the corner of her lips, "Dog bites dog, it should be a very good show."

Tapping the keyboard, the video was anonymously sent to Gu Xichen's mailbox.

"Hmm... I'm still a little curious~"

How will Gu Xichen react this time?

After sending successfully, I turned off the computer and found that the phone kept vibrating.

Mu Changying logged into Weibo, and the private message column kept ringing out, and the countless messages caused almost a freeze.

Randomly click on private messages, most of them are unsightly and scolding.

She calmly ignored it.

Seeing the Weibo posted by Ming Hua and others, I felt warm in my heart.

Mu Changying V: [Good @明华. touch the head.jpg]

The doting tone and interesting interaction instantly caused a large number of netizens to scream, and some even raised the banner of the cult CP.

This pair of masters and apprentices is so loving, and it's really riding on the top of the horse.

Ignore the article on the marketing account, and quit Weibo after the interaction.

Mu Changying put the phone aside, and continued to lie on the table with his eyes closed.

She didn't know it when she turned off her phone, but a piece of news instantly reversed the situation, causing all netizens to vomit blood.

Qingyun Police Station V: [Ms. Huang Lian is suspected of extortion, and is now temporarily detained by this bureau for discipline. 】

The official website of the police department explained it in person.

Netizens: "..."

His face was swollen high, and he was already out of shape. Can this wave of face slaps not be so fast?

Si Xian held the mobile phone in his hand, watching intently, his eyes were extremely excited, "Ah ha ha ha, I laughed so hard. Telling this group of people to spray Sister Ying regardless of right and wrong, you will be slapped in the face now!"

As he watched, he pounded on the table with his other free hand.

The bang bang made Hua Qiqi, who was already unable to solve the problem, even more irritable.

She bit the ballpoint pen and stared at the test paper, feeling sleepy for a while.

"Do the questions obediently."

"Okay...but why is this question so difficult?"

"Do it a few times and you'll be fine."

Hua Qiqi: "..."

Seeing that she was weak, Yu Linye rubbed her head, and cast a cold glance at Si Xian next to her.

"..." The cold gaze sent chills down his back.

Facing Yu Linye's gaze, Si Xian's smile froze.

He twitched the corners of his mouth in embarrassment and made a motion to sew his mouth shut.

Holding the phone in his hand, he didn't dare to laugh anymore, and even less dared to make any movement.

The classroom finally quieted down, Yu Linye's eyes filled with satisfaction.

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