Mu Changying had enough rest.

She turned on the computer again, inserted the USB flash drive, and copied a more important document.

Standing up from his seat, holding a white USB flash drive in his hand, he calmly left the classroom and walked towards the school's printing room.

In the corridor, Mu Changying and Gu Qingyun passed each other.

Surprise flashed across Lu Qingyun's eyes.

Taking this expression into her eyes, Mu Changying slightly bent her fingers, and casually played with the USB flash drive in her hand.

Mu Changying returned to the class again, holding a thick stack of review materials in his hand.

She casually dumped the materials on Si Xian's desk, "The exam is two days away, hurry up and study hard."

After receiving the information, I flipped through a few pages at a glance, and the more I read, the more shocked I became.

Si Xian swallowed, trying to suppress the shock in his heart, "This, this, this... this is the most important point!"

With ecstasy in his eyes, he carefully stroked the stack of documents.

Mu Changying was sitting on a chair, a pair of long legs lazily folded on the desk.

Put the USB flash drive back into the schoolbag, playing with a black ballpoint pen in his hand, "Si Xiaoxian, divide up the materials."

Si Xian stood up like a dog, his face was full of joy, "Good!"

Holding a stack of materials, he personally distributed them to every student in the class.

Hua Qiqi got the information, looked at it a bit, and looked at Yu Linye, "These key knowledge are too neat!"

Even the information given by the teacher is not so complete.

Yu Linye pinched the document in his hand, and there was a hint of joy in his deep eyes.

As long as you have these materials, and review them carefully, it will be quite easy for some people in the class to get into the second exam.

There was a lot of discussion in the class, and everyone carefully held the materials in their hands.

Looking at the girl who gave them hope, a group of people's hearts beat wildly.

His eyes were burning, and the faith in his eyes was burning.

"Sister Ying, don't worry, we will definitely do well in the college entrance examination!"

"Yes, we will never let you down, Sister Ying."

"Even if I don't eat or drink when I go back, I will remember this document firmly."


The class that had been quiet during this period broke out again, and the teacher passing by the corridor shook his head helplessly.

I used to think that this trash class was a good student, but it seems that the dog still can't change eating shit.

"Well, I see."

"You guys study hard."

Mu Changying was sitting lazily and somewhat domineering. She looked at the group of kids in the class, the corners of her mouth curled up, and the smile in her eyes was sincere and bright.

The noise in the class was not small, and the students in other classes could vaguely hear some of it.

When school was over, students in several other classes of senior three looked at Mu Changying and the others, looking at each other, with a strong gossip in their eyes.

Several students from class one walked together, looking at Mu Changying from time to time.

"I heard that the garbage class seems to be swearing that they will get good grades in the college entrance examination."

Hearing what the little sister said, Zhang Minyi snorted slightly, and said sarcastically, "Only in their class? I'm afraid I'm dreaming."

She admitted that Mu Changying and Yu Linye's grades were indeed very good, but even so, it was impossible to drive the entire class.

"Garbage will always be garbage. No matter how hard you try, you can't change the essence."

Lu Qingyun held a book in her hand and looked down at it seriously.

She raised her head and frowned slightly, "Ming Yi... isn't that too..."

Zhang Minyi felt a little wronged, and glared angrily at Si Xian and the others who were walking in front, and deliberately raised his voice, "I'm just telling the truth."

Si Xian: "Fuck!"

He has been patient since the conversation just now, but these people are really shameless.

Rubbing his forehead in displeasure, he stopped, turned around and walked towards Zhang Minyi in the opposite direction.

The big hand squeezed her jaw tightly, "If you don't want to hurt the college entrance examination, I advise you to keep this mouth shut."

Si Xian's strength was not small, Zhang Minyi's chin was pinched white, and his small face was pale and pale, looking pitiful.

Gu Qingyun, "Student Si Xian, can you please let go of your hand?"

Tears welled up in her eyes, her eyes were reddish, and her voice was soft and soft, "Ming Yi did not intend to target you."

Rong Shichu, who had been following behind, saw Gu Qingyun's pitiful appearance, stepped forward dissatisfied, and slapped Si Xian's hand away.

He stood in front of Gu Qingyun.

His cold gaze fell directly on the girl in front, "Mu Changying, isn't your follower too ignorant of the rules?"

Hearing this, Mu Changying stopped in her tracks.

Turning around, he glanced lightly at Rong Shichu, "Si Xian is not my follower."

Walking back, he raised his foot abruptly, and kicked Rong Shichu's thigh and knee suddenly.


With a heavy and fierce kick on his body, his face was ugly, tiny sweat dripped from his forehead, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Mu Changying glanced at the back of Si Xian's red hand, and stared at Rong Shichu coldly, "Don't touch my people."

She took out a small bottle of ointment from her schoolbag and threw it to Si Xian.

He took the ointment, squeezed out a little and rubbed it on the back of his hand.

The faint fragrance and the icy cool touch made his eyes slightly happy.

Holy crap, the medicine Sister Ying gave is really bad, after applying it, my whole body feels very comfortable.

Seeing Si Xian administer the medicine with her own eyes, Mu Changying felt relieved.

Her eyes were covered with frost, "Next time, I will not just kick you."


It was obviously just a simple kick, but Rong Shichu felt that the meridians in his feet seemed to be all intertwined and entangled, and it was painful.

"Changying, you..."

Tears in Gu Qingyun's eyes ran across her face.

"Shut up." Mu Changying frowned impatiently.

Walking in front of Lu Qingyun, she raised her hand and gently wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

The movements were gentle, so soft that no trace of malice could be detected.

After wiping away the tears, she put her hand on Lu Qingyun's shoulder and patted it.

"Chunhua, don't worry."

"I have a present for you, I think you will like it."

Ignoring her surprised and puzzled gaze, Mu Changying wiped her hands clean, and left the school with Si Xian and Hua Qiqi.

Bai Mo stood responsibly at the school gate, saw her coming out, opened the car door, and respectfully invited her to get in, "Ma'am."

Mu Changying got into the car, and the car sped away.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Rong Shichu endured the pain, and his concerned eyes fell on the girl beside him, "Yun'er, are you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

Gu Qingyun forced a smile, thinking of Mu Changying's words, there was doubt in her eyes, and the uneasiness in her heart was spreading wantonly.

There was suspicion in Rong Shichu's eyes, and he obviously didn't believe Lu Qingyun's words.

After thinking about it, I still didn't ask, "It's fine."

If you ask too many questions, Yun'er will definitely hate him.


Don't be too arrogant, I will definitely let you experience what it's like to fall from a high altitude.

Zhang Minyi spat, and his collagen-filled face twisted together, making it too ugly to look at.

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