Rong Mansion.

As soon as Mu Changying returned home, she immediately received the housekeeper's eager care.

Walking into the hall, I saw the old lady sitting on the sofa with a meal book in her hand.

Hearing the movement, the old lady raised her head, put down the books in her hand, and took Mu Changying's hand to sit down with a friendly face.

Looking at her carefully, "Nannan, is it too stressful to take the college entrance examination? You have lost a lot of weight."

While speaking, he caressed Mu Changying's little hand distressedly.

The watery touch of the skin made the displeasure in the old lady's eyes dissipate a bit.

She let go of Mu Changying's little hand, with a slight look of anger in her eyes, "Housekeeper, Bai Mo, how do you take care of my daughter?"


Bai Mo: "..."

Conscience of heaven and earth, they serve Madam with 100% heart, and they dare not be negligent at all, otherwise the second master would have stripped their skins long ago.

From Mu Changying's throat came a clear and delicate laugh, with a coquettish tone, "Mom, I'm not skinny, they took good care of me."

The sweet and greasy voice is intoxicating, and the heart is numb.

When the old lady heard this, her heart softened instantly, and she nodded without principle, "Okay, okay, if you say you're not skinny, you're not skinny."

When Rong Liyuan walked into the house, seeing this happy scene, he quietly covered up the hostility in his eyes.

Handed the briefcase to Bai Mo, took off his coat and put it on the sofa.

"Mom, Ying Bao."

Sitting down, he grabbed Mu Changying with his big hands, and hugged Mu Changying into his arms forcefully and domineeringly.

He pinched her waist with both hands, and lifted her to sit on his lap.

Mu Changying: "..."

The old lady is still at the side, and Ah Yuan doesn't know how to restrain himself?

"Xiao Er, let go of your baby girl!" The old lady frowned tightly, stepping forward to separate the two of them.

She took Mu Changying's little hand and sat next to her, with dissatisfaction in her eyes, "Xiao Er, you are really too naive."

Everyone: ? ? ? ?

The old lady's sudden accusation made everyone dumbfounded. They didn't understand why, and their eyes were full of bewilderment.

What's the situation? Why did the old lady suddenly accuse the second master?

Mu Changying took the old lady's arm and shook it, "Mom, what's wrong?"

Her face is delicate and innocent, so innocent and cute that people want to reach out and rub it.

The old lady rubbed her head, "Good girl."

This amiable attitude is very different from the attitude towards Rong Liyuan, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one heaven and one earth.

The old lady sat down and took a sip from the water glass on the tea table.

Facing Rong Liyuan's hostile eyes, he was not afraid at all.

She said calmly, "Xiao Er, my daughter is about to take the college entrance examination, and she will sleep with me during this time."

Today's young people don't understand restraint at all, let alone the two are newly married.

A big day like the college entrance examination cannot be sloppy in the slightest. Girls must ensure that they get enough sleep.

After thinking for a few seconds, Wei Wei immediately figured out what the old lady meant.


Mu Changying's shoulders trembled, and she suppressed a smile, her small face turned red, which was really cute.

She leaned on the sofa, "I think this proposal is good."

"Ying Bao..."

The warmth in Rong Liyuan's eyes no longer existed, and Taotao's hostility swept over with a threatening force, "I really think this proposal is good? Huh?"

The ending of the man's voice rises, with a seductive taste, which makes people's hearts flutter.

Mu Changying held her chin with both hands, "Mmm, yes."

The smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be restrained, and she couldn't stop it.

"Is A Yuan dissatisfied?"

She pretended to be innocent, blinked her eyelashes, and stared at him suspiciously.

Rong Liyuan nodded, and said without hesitation, "Well, I'm not satisfied."

Looking straight at Mu Changying, the deep affection and tenderness in his eyes almost drowned him.

The old lady snorted coldly, "If you are not satisfied, you have to be satisfied."

She finished drinking the water in the cup, staring at Rong Liyuan closely.

"You can sleep with me if you don't want to. She sleeps in the master bedroom and you sleep in the study."

Rong Liyuan: "..."

He crossed his legs, his forehead was throbbing with anger, and he raised his hand to rub it.

In the eyes of his own mother, is he such a person who is not as good as a beast?

Mu Changying said empathetically, "The study is relatively quiet, and A Yuan can work with peace of mind in it. I think it's quite good."

A Yuan was deflated, angry and furious, such an appearance was rarely seen.

The old lady looked majestic, "Nannah is right."

The study is already the best place to go, if you are still not satisfied, then go to sleep on the street.

The hostility in Rong Liyuan's eyes suddenly disappeared, "Okay."

He stared quietly at Mu Changying, with an unknown light in his eyes, "As long as Yingbao doesn't regret it in the future, that's fine."

Mu Changying: "..."

For some reason, she felt uneasy, she pursed her lips, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to rub her waist.


Mid-level villa, the Gu family.

The first time Gu Qingyun returned home, she was called to Gu Xichen's room.

"Brother, what do you want from me?" Lu Qingyun closed the door casually, with a soft smile on her face.

Gu Xichen looked at her, raised his hand, and slapped her down without saying a word.


The slap was too fast and fierce, and Lu Qingyun was unprepared, so she received the slap.

"Brother...Brother?" The clear pain on her face reminded her of what just happened.

Gu Qingyun covered her cheeks, looked at Gu Xichen in disbelief, and sobbed softly, "Brother, I... did I do something wrong?"

She was obedient, with timid eyes, "If... If I really did something wrong, brother, feel free to beat me up, but... can you stop ignoring Yun'er?"

Gu Xichen's fingers trembled, then firmly clenched into fists.

He turned away, he didn't want to see Lu Qingyun like this.

Anger and disappointment were burning in his eyes, and complex emotions were intertwined.

"elder brother……"

"Don't call me brother!"

Gu Xichen's eyes were scarlet, and he let out a roar of rage, Gu Qingyun's ferocious expression was shocked, and Gu Qingyun froze slightly in fear.

He turned on the computer screen and pointed with his finger, "Say, what are you doing?"

On the screen, as soon as Mu Changying left with Huang Lian, this incident broke out on the Internet, and Yun'er happened to be hiding and eavesdropping.

He's not stupid, and it's obviously impossible to say that it has nothing to do with it.


"Speak, what are you?" Gu Xichen pinched Lu Qingyun's shoulders with both hands, shaking excitedly.

"Hmm..." Being pinched by the shoulders, and the fabric of the summer clothes was too thin, Lu Qingyun felt her shoulders were pinched red.

The pain was so painful that she shed physical tears, and Mu Changying's words echoed in her mind.

So... this is the gift that little bitch was talking about?

After shaking for a long time, Gu Xichen's furious temper gradually calmed down.

"Get out..." Released Gu Qingyun, pushed out of the room without hesitation, and closed the door tightly regardless of her cries.

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