"elder brother……"

Gu Qingyun stood at the door, weeping like pear blossoms and rain, the resentment in her eyes was about to condense into a solid body and overflow.

Bitch, slut, what exactly did that little slut Mu Changying give Gu Xichen?


He stood at the door for a long time, but the door of the room was still not opened.

Gu Qingyun's heart seemed to be falling into an ice cellar, it was icy cold, she suppressed the resentment in her heart, and left the corridor angrily, "Bitch..."


Night enveloped the mansion.

The study room was still brightly lit.

Rong Liyuan was sitting on a chair, holding a document in his hand, the alarm clock hanging on the wall was ticking, the time kept passing, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.


Putting down the document in his hand, he raised his hand and rubbed his slightly swollen forehead, a low sigh of helplessness escaped from his throat.

Rubbing his fingers slightly, he stood up and left the study.

Mu Changying turned off the lights and lay on the bed, and there were slight footsteps in the room.

Her eyes were slightly cold, and her pupils were filled with coldness, and she accurately swept towards the place where the footsteps sounded.

Just when the other party was about to approach her, Mu Changying turned over from the bed.

She clasped the other man's neck with one hand, and held a silver needle in the other hand, pressing it against his heart, "Don't move."

The tiny silver needle was stuck in the mouth of the heart, and there was a numb pain in the heart.

Rong Liyuan grabbed her with a big hand, hugged her slender waist, turned over quickly, and the positions of the two changed instantly.

"Yingbao is so enthusiastic."

He stroked her cheek with the other hand, caressing it gently, even in the dark, his eyes were so hot that it was shocking.

"A Yuan?" Mu Changying was slightly surprised, and retracted the silver needle in her hand.

"En." Rong Liyuan buried his head in her neck and took a deep breath.

The faint fragrance from the girl's body calmed his heart down.

Mu Changying obediently let him hold her, without struggling at all, as obediently as a delicate doll.

Knock Knock——

There was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

"Ninny, are you asleep?" The old lady's voice rang in her ears.

Mu Changying's body stiffened for a moment, then she moved her body to suppress the unnaturalness in her heart, "Mom, I'm ready to rest."

Xia Ri's clothes were too thin, Rong Liyuan's breathing became a little short of breath when she moved slightly.

His breathing became hotter, and Mu Changying felt a numb itching on his neck.

Being born on the sidelines, Rong Liyuan who was staying above was not at all peaceful.

A low laugh escaped his throat, "Yingbao..."

There was a ripple in Mu Changying's heart, she cleared her throat, and warned in a low voice, "A Yuan, please stop making trouble."

She got out of bed and opened the door of the room, leaned against the door, looked at the old lady who was still standing at the door, "Mom, it's getting late, you should go to bed early."


The old lady nodded, and when she was about to turn around, her eyes fell on Mu Changying's neck, "Ninny, why is your neck a little red?"

She raised her hand and rubbed her neck, smiling naturally, "Maybe it's hot."

The old lady did not suspect him, her eyes were full of concern, "The weather is indeed a bit hot, girl, you must remember to turn on the air conditioner."

The girl's skin is too delicate, so she must take good care of it.

Mu Changying nodded, "Okay, I will remember."

The old lady glanced at the time, her daughter would have to get up early for school tomorrow, she couldn't delay her sleep time.

Seeing the old lady leave the corridor, Mu Changying turned back to the room.


Just turned around and bumped into a hard chest, the man's embrace was full of hormones.

His nose hurt slightly from being bumped.

She snorted softly, and rubbed her small head against his arms.


With pity in his eyes, Rong Liyuan picked her up by the waist and walked towards the house.

Put her on the big bed, and he went to bed next to her.

There was helplessness and pampering in his brows and eyes, "It's really delicate."

He rubbed her nose with a gentle, gentle, unbelievably light force.

Mu Changying pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "It doesn't really hurt."

Her eyes stared at him, her eyes were clear, her nose was red, and she was so delicate that he loved him so much.

"Good boy." Rong Liyuan rubbed her nose, and his cold face softened.

All the tenderness in her heart was given to her, and only the storm was left for others.

Mu Changying smiled softly, and suddenly the warm atmosphere was broken by the reminder of the text message on the phone.


Rong Liyuan's eyes were dark and gloomy, with a gloomy streamer shining in his eyes.

Picking up the phone, the latest unread is a text message from the team manager, [Grandma, there is another game tomorrow, watch...]

The manager was full of anxiety, anxiously waiting for Mu Changying's reply.

She raised her eyebrows and tapped her phone screen with her fingers, [Okay. 】

[Grandma, I will send you the itinerary of the game right now. 】

The team manager was afraid that Mu Changying would go back on his word, so he immediately sent the itinerary without saying a word.

The college entrance examination is about to begin. It is really too much for her to let go of her review time to participate in the competition at this time.

【Um. 】

After Mu Changying read the news, she chuckled lightly. How afraid was she that she would regret it?

"Yingbao, rest early." The coldness in Rong Liyuan's eyes became more and more intense.

He put his arms around her waist, and rubbed her waist with rough and callused hands.

When the itinerary was sent, Mu Changying shook the phone in her hand, "A Yuan, you go to bed first, I'll read the itinerary."


Rong Liyuan frowned, staring at the phone in her hand, feeling more and more unpleasant.

Perhaps it was because the gloom in his eyes was too heavy, Mu Changying could easily detect it.

She put down her phone, put her hands around his strong waist naturally, and buried her head on his chest, "Go to sleep."

"En." The corners of Rong Liyuan's mouth raised imperceptibly.

Holding the person in his arms, he was extremely satisfied, and the vacant part seemed to be filled.


the next day.

Bai Mo went upstairs and opened the study.

The study room was empty, and there was no sign of Rong Liyuan.


His eyelids twitched, and an ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Walking to the door of the master bedroom and squatting, when seeing Rong Liyuan coming out of the room, his heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously looked around.


After confirming that the old lady didn't see this scene, he let out a foul breath.

Rong Liyuan glanced at Bai Mo, "Bai Special Assistant."

There was a faint warning in his eyes, Bai Mo's body was stiff, and his white and tender face was earthy.

Second Lord, you don't need to warn me, how dare I sue the old lady.

"Second Master..."

"Yingbao is still sleeping, go down and talk."

Yingbao is so squeamish, he still gets up angry when he sleeps, and he will lose his temper when he is woken up, too much anger is not good for his health.

Bai Mo: "...Yes."

The second master and his wife must have done something unsuitable for children last night, right? Otherwise, why hasn't Madam woke up yet?

The old lady's piercing eyes are very powerful, I hope the two of them can escape the eyes of the law.

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